- Chapter Thirty Seven -

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"Oh my god Diego cover your eyes!" Julia hid my body from his view as he turned around and covered his eyes with his hand.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He gagged. "What are you doing with her."

"I'm so sorry. I did do what you said but then Julia brought me up here." I looked up at the ceiling. "Sorry Diego."

She looked at me confused, "What is happening right now?"

"What's going on is that I busted the two of you." Kira chuckled. "Got the whole gang here."

Sara appeared from behind her and her eyes widened before she slapped a hand over her eyes, mimicking Diego.

"Sara you've saw her naked before don't act dumb." Julia snorted.

"I told her." I ran a hand over my face, embarrassed. My legs are wrapped around her waist.

"Sara did she moan your name?" Julia asked and Sara looked at her confused.

"Uhm...?" She looked between us.

"Aha! She moans my name as if she's a swearing sailor!" Julia grinned triumphantly.

"Oh my god I'm leaving." Diego walks out leaving four of us still in the room.

"Okay detangle yourself because your parents are about to show up." Kira folded her arms with a wicked grin.

"What?!" We both yell as Julia's parents walk in.

I've never wanted to kill myself more than I do at this moment.

"Oh good lord." Her mother says and walks over. "How dare you cheat on your fiancée!"

"I'm not cheating. I'm having perfectly normal sex with my girlfriend to prove I'm better in bed than my best friend." Julia explains and I just stare off into the distance. I can't move because then they will see everything and I mean everything. The only thing stopping them from seeing everything was Julia on top of me.

"What?" Sara steps forward. "She can't even remember it."

"As she has told me many times. You strengthened our relationship thanks." Julia chuckles and I feel the need to cry from how ludicrous this was.

There is way too much happening so I just hide my face into the crook of Julia's neck. And I let the tears flow.

"Love, what's wrong?" Julia sat us up so I was straddling her.

"I am straddling you naked while you're parents are right fucking next to us." I avoid eye contact with everyone. "I'm the mistress in their eyes. AND DID I MENTION IM NAKED IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS!" Julia made a 'fair enough' face and held me against her.

"Everyone leave. Right now." She commanded. Through protest everyone left. "I'll make this work. I wanted to take you out today but my parents wouldn't let me."

"Can we make this work?" It's very hard to be emotional when our nipples are touching fingertips. They are waving hello at each other.

"Of course. I'm the one who has to make up for having a surprise fiancée and then ghosting you." I leaned back, against the arm of the couch. "And I need that more often. It was hot."

I chuckled. "Happy three months."

Her eyes widened. "You remembered." She pulled me into her lips as she kissed me aggressively. "No one remembers anniversaries."

"You were better."

"I'm literally gonna fuck you senseless they can walk in I will not stop." I laughed at her answer. I didn't think she was real until she trailed her lips down my stomach. My hand moved to her head as she rested at my front.

Oh damn we're back on our bullshit.

She blew on the area and my head flew back when she connected her lips onto my clit. "Stay quiet." Julia said when she pulled away and I nodded. My eyes shut and I bit at the skin on my shoulder when my hips bucked against her face.

"Oh my god they're doing it again." Sara's voice echoed through the room and I watched as Julia made eye contact with me.

"We're not," I smile at her trying to hold my moan.

"Oh yeah?" Sara said with her arms crossed, "what's Julia doing?"

"She fell asleep." I cover my moan with a cough as she added fingers. "Fuck... she's cute." I hide the moan. I am doing amazing at this.

"Just finish and then come out."

"Alright bye." I say and when I thought she left I moaned Julia's name.

"Oh my god Eden!" Sara groaned and slammed the door.

Julia moved away from my front and kissed me again.

"I want to do something for you." I said. "You always do it to me but I want to repay you."

"You repay me by letting me eat you out and by moaning every time I touch you."

"How did I find you?" I say. She's honestly ridiculous- mental, even.

"At a party." She quipped.

"Alright I guess you don't want sex then." I say and get up from the couch but stumble.

Julia helps me stand up properly. "I can't wait to use the strap if this is what you're like normally."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't stop staring at her dumb face. I initiated the kiss this time. It was soft, slow and needy.

"Alright I'm horny now so can we get this done so I can go home?" I ask and Julia shakes her head.

"I have a plan." She grins. "Get your dress on. We're going home." She held my hand and guided us over to the discarded clothing once I could walk again.

We got our clothes back and run out of the penthouse and into the elevator. My blood rushed and we couldn't stop laughing as Kira ran after us. Diego was already in the car and we jump in telling Barney to drive.

Barney picked me up in a pretty old car not to draw attention which was very convenient.

"We're so sorry you had to see that Diego," Julia softly punched his shoulder as he grunts.

"I don't like this. You hurt her." He grumbled at Julia who looked at me confused.

"He sees me like a daughter." I grin at her and she just looks off blankly. Her hand slipping into mine, caressing the back of my hand with her thumb.

"I guess I missed a lot."

I let my head rest on her shoulder until we parked outside of my house.

"Thank you guys. Love you goodnight!" I wave them off after Diego pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

Julia led me into my house with her key. I paused. "I gave Sara my key for your place."

"What?" Julia huffed as she got in immediately starting to tug off her clothing. "Guess you'll have to make up for a lot today." She frowned slightly trying to smile it off and walked into my room, starting music on her phone.

I scoff but join her.

I love her. Often times I forget about the overwhelming adoration I have for her. Every time I see her face my heart skips a beat. It's not just the sex it's everything. Even when she's taking a shit she's gorgeous.

I love her through all of her shittyness.


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