- Chapter Twenty -

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"You stayed." I hear her say quietly when I pulled away. I bite my lip in thought. "Love, don't do that."

I scoff, "it's a coping mechanism." Stop making a joke out of this, Eden.

She smiled at me. "You didn't leave. You stayed." She repeated and to be honest I was surprised myself. I guess I just wanted to see how this played out.

I sigh out and look up at her. "I want you." I say with a sigh. There was a weird look in her eyes. "Don't look at me like that."

She sighed out, "How can I not? You chose to stay. You chose me." Julia smiled and looked me in the eyes before grabbing my face and kissing me again.

I pause thinking over what was happening. I don't want her to be a rebound. She isn't a rebound. She will never be a rebound. Maybe she will be. How can Julia Manuel be a rebound.

I kiss back.

It was intense. I smiled into the kiss as I felt a buzzing flow through me. I like her. She is the one I want. She's caring in her own way and I am willingly going to explore us.

Us sounds nice. I can let myself do this.

I hooked my arms behind her neck, pushing our bodies together. I tilt my head, deepening the kiss, our tongues colliding. Confidence flew through me as she turned us around and made our way to her desk, not breaking the kiss.

I scramble onto the desk and she pushes my thighs apart, placing herself between me I groan into her lips as my injured leg connected with the desk.

She broke the kiss so I could catch my breath and she made her way to my neck as I let out a content sigh.

I think I'm in a trance. She's a witch. Yep. She uses her magical witchy powers to seduce me.

"Julia, what if someone comes in?" I sigh out as I wrap my legs around her waist. I guess I don't really care if someone comes in. It's like my body will do the exact opposite of what I think I want it to- which is impossible but I don't want to admit that I really want everything to go exactly how it is.

"I love how you say my name." She mumbles into my skin, making it tickle and making me burn all over. She connects our lips again. "If. They. Do. I'll. Fire. Them." She said between kisses and I chuckled into the kiss.

As much as I hate to admit but I have wanted to do this ever since I met her. My hands travel to her shirt as I start pulling on it, our lips separating to pull it over her head. I help her do the same to me.

Now it was just two women in their bras making out really messily.

I hadn't waited so long for this to happen but I had waited for longer than I would have liked. A whirlwind relationship made this so much more difficult than it had to be.

She pulled away and scanned my body. She brought her lips to my neck again, I felt her nip at the skin and then place her tongue over the area.

"Julia, if you give me hickeys I will kill you," I say breathily thinking it would have some affect but she just chuckled into my skin and kept on keeping on.

"Well I want people to know that you're unavailable." She growled lowly as she continued sucking and biting, holding onto my waist to keep herself grounded.

I feel impatient. I wanted her lips on mine again so I held her jaw, "oh really?" I say smugly and guided her lips to mine again, sighing in content.

What happened to me thinking this was unprofessional? Who fucking cares? What is she going to do? Fire me? Well yeah maybe she might. She might get fired to be fair. It's fine.

She placed a hand on my stomach. A shiver ran down my spine. Her hand is really cold wow. I sigh into her mouth as her hand made its way under my bra. I pull her closer and suddenly I feel really dizzy.

I'm overwhelmed.

Like an idiot, I don't listen to my body and I reach behind my back to unclip my bra. I felt her smile into my lips and she pulls away, I immediately move forward to connect our lips together and she chuckles at me.

My face grows warm and I avoid her gaze.

She gently took my bra off of me and placed a hand onto my stomach, slightly pushing on it so I lay on my back. A strange sense of deja vu smacked me in my face. I've had a dream like this. She kissed down my stomach.

"Wait," I gasp out and she stops.

"What's wrong?" She questions and I bit my lip as I sat up.

"I- This is risky." I try and stall. I was just nervous and she knew. I hate how she knew how I was feeling.

"We can stop if you want." I hate how nice she's being.

"No, it's not that... I'm not mind blowing- I don't have the body of a goddess. What if I disappoint you?" Damn it vulnerability. "I don't want to disappoint you."

"Love, your body is perfect no matter what. You're not going to disappoint me," she whispers to me and she runs her hands over my body. I slump into her, my head fitting into the nook of her neck, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Let's stop for now but I want to do this with you again." She pauses, "when you're ready."

She's being so gentle with me.

"Okay..." I sigh out and she cups my face placing a quick kiss on my lips.

I watch as she grabs my bra from the table and gave me it. I put it back on and clasp it together before she pulled my sweater over my head. We had finished putting our clothes back on. My face burned as I glanced over to her.

She was still between my legs and she placed another kiss on my lips before we jumped away from each other when the door opens.

"Oh wow." Sara looks between us, her eyes moving to my neck and she raised her eyebrows and her jaw drops, "SHE'S PARTY GIRL?!"

"Oh my god." I sink into the abyss hoping it will eat me whole.

"This is the girl you've been gushing over AND I'VE BEEN INTERACTING WITH HER WITHOUT KNOWING?!" I look over to Julia and I see she had a hand over her face in embarrassment.


"Seriously, Sara?"

"She has not shut up about you since she's been aware of you." She is revelling in this and I'm not sure how to take it.

"Okay... I'm going home. Night." I say small and hop off the desk. I move past Sara.


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