- Chapter Twenty One -

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That was mortifying.

I will never recover.

"Audrey I feel like a horrible person."

"Well, I mean, he did cheat on you and you did begin to think he was the one after what like not even four weeks of introducing yourselves." She's such a smartass.

"I guess-" I start but I'm cut off by my friend shouting at me.

"No! Eden, it's your life, you're allowed to move on quickly."

"But what if it happens again?" I start doubting myself. Why would Julia even want to be faithful to me when she's essentially a multimillionaire playboy. I'm just her assistant.

"Who cares? We can just hide from them, my dad will kindly have you help with work.

"Fine, I guess." I sigh out and hear some shuffling on the other line.

"Tomorrow you are going to saunter your flat ass up to her and you are going to assert your dominance and make a move-" I feel bad for not telling her about our past interactions. "-you'll talk to her say about your feelings for her." She says and the thought makes my heart swell and a small smile showed on my lips. 

"Ok-" I start but pause as I hear a knocking at my door. "Audrey, I'll call you back later."

She did say something but I didn't hear as I ended the call.

The door knocked again and I peered through the peep hole and freeze. Why is Julia at my front door at three in the morning? Talking to Audrey at three in the morning was normal, but this was not.

"Eden, I can hear you, please open the door." I roll my eyes and unlock the door, It swings open and I welcome her inside.

"How do you know where I live?" I question.

"I found out where you live when you began working for me." She smiles and I just sigh out.

She walked in and I started to walk away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her as she crashed her lips on mine.

I furrow my eyebrows but kiss back. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach. I sigh out as she pulls away. I look into her eyes and ignore the overwhelming feeling in my chest.

"Thank you for the confirmation." She said and I looked at her confused. "I wasn't sure if you really meant earlier on."

"I did." I sigh out as I move onto my couch. She followed me and slumped next to me. She tucked hair from my face behind my ear and she held onto my jaw, guiding me to face her.

"Kiss me." She whispered and I felt my stomach explode. I bit my lip for a second before I held onto her waist and connected our lips.

I smile into the kiss and I feel confidence flow through me. I mean it's more of adrenaline but who cares? It's the same thing.

I move myself so I was straddling her. My hands move up her body, her shirt getting caught on my hand and I felt her cold stomach was against mine. My arms hooked behind her neck.

She gripped onto my hips and brought a hand to cup the back of my neck, pulling me closer. She groaned out as I rolled my hips against hers.

Time to jump off of the deep end. "I want this. I'm ready." I whisper to her and something in her eyes set off as I pulled the shirt back over my head, I kept picturing moments from earlier.

Julia unclipped my bra. That was an understatement, she basically ripped it off as she attacked my chest. I held my breath trying not to freak out and let my logical side take hold.

It felt good to let go for once. I liked this feeling. This rush of energy.

I sigh out as we kiss again and I feel myself growing needier. I move her hand to cup my front and as our breathing grew heavier.

I let out moans as I rolled my hips against hers and she slipped a hand into my underwear as our kisses grew sloppier. We never noticed my front door opening until we heard something clanging. "Oh holy shit!" Audrey shouts at us and drops the bat she was holding. "I thought you were- bitch put a bra on, my god." I glance to Julia who is looking at me and we shared the same expression that we were caught. "Okay I'm gonna lock my self in your room while you two finish what ever this is."

I feel my face heat up and I immediately want to cry until Julia dropped her head into my neck. Sighing into my skin. "We're always interrupted."

"Yeah it's almost like the universe is telling us something," I say sarcastically and grab my bra and shirt.

I put my clothes back on and stand up, she does the same towering over me before looking into my eyes.

I sigh out and connect our lips again. It was needy and held a lot of unspoken words. We hear my door unlock and Audrey sheepishly moves out of my room taking in us.

"Well this is awkward," she chuckles and I bite my lip.

"I'm just going to go-"

"No you're staying Julien."

"It's Julia."

"Alright Julien."

I chuckle and watch as she defeatedly put her hands up. "Sure okay." She slung an arm around my shoulder and Audrey looked at us as if she was going to chop off her arm.

"Audrey it's fine."

"Was she like this with Sam?" Julia asked me and I covered my face with my hand. Good lord.

"Yes I was and I will be with you."

"She was not." I say sheepishly and slump down onto my couch.

"He wasn't a threat to my position as her favourite person." Audrey huffed. "Now will you two explain if you're dating? And why wasn't I informed."

We're not dating.

We are not dating.

We aren't dating.

We won't date.

What's up home skillet biscuit

I imagine Audrey's "my god" to be like the way Daveed digs says it in Hamilton when Jefferson finds out about Reynolds.

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