- Chapter Nineteen -

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"Eden, you don't have to-" Julia turns around to me. She's nervous.

"I have a confession," I start and she looks at me, a hint of hope in her eyes, "I am your stalker, I need to know every tiny thing about you." I joke and am met with her unamused face. Although, she had relaxed so I took that as a win.

I heard her exhale loudly as we entered the building.

I take in the sterile area, the strong smell of hand sanitizer met my nose, causing me to scrunch it. It made my head slightly dizzy.

We sit in the reception area and wait until Julia's name was called out. She stood up and paused before looking down at me.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" I smiled and she shook her head, mustering up the courage to enter the room.

Part of me had wished she asked me to go in but I was only going to go this far if she wanted me to.

She was in there for half an hour and when she walked out she looked nervous. I jump up and move over to her.

"Are you Julia's partner?" the doctor politely asks me and my eyes shoot open. I look over to Julia to see she's smirking- I guess she's okay now.

"Uhm no. I'm just a... friend." I smile and try to ignore the girl next to me who was thoroughly enjoying the interaction. Why did I say friend? I should've said I was her assistant.

I playfully smack her arm when we left the building and we move back to the office.

We move into her office and I look at the desk already outside of the door. I glance over at her confused and she smiles softly at me. These guys are fast.

"Eden, I want to talk to you, seriously after work." Julia looked up at me and I visibly gulped.

"Well that's never good to hear." She rolled her eyes at me and pulled something from the cabinet from her desk. She held it out to me. "Here, these are lists that Elsa made."

I nod and take the files from her hands, I tuck them between my arm and chest as we stand awkwardly for a few minutes. Why is she only giving me this now?

"Please see me before you go." She smiled and I nodded again before strutting out of the room. Her tone made me nervous. Why was she not being her charming self? She's being... professional.

I was plagued with her words for the rest of the day until the end of my shift. I had to help around during the day, grabbing coffee for her and such, sorting her schedule for the coming weeks.

Although I minimized contact with her as much as I could because my nerves were consuming me.

I walked into her office and glanced outside at the pitch black sky. The stars were barely visible from the city lights.

Julia spun around to face me and her expression softened. "You stopped by." The words came out as a whisper.

"Yeah?" Panic crawled up my throat when she walks towards me.

"I- you can stop me at any time and put your boundaries in but I want to know about... us." The last word was almost in another language.

"Oh, well. I'm not good with getting my feelings across but I did just break up with a guy I met the same time as you so..."

I stared up at her trying to fight off the fluttering in my stomach. She had brought herself closer so our noses were just touching.

Our breathing intertwined. "I really can't stop myself anymore. I've been overthinking everything between us," she whispered, searching my expression.

There's an us? Did the kiss make us an us?

"I'm scared to take that step, Julia." I whispered back. Our faces grew closer and she smiled as I kept my eyes on her lips.

"I keep telling myself that I'm not childish and that I don't have these feelings for you." She intertwined our hands and I felt our lips brush against each other sending goosebumps through my body.

"And I don't have feelings for you." I squeaked out hoping she would know what I meant.

She smiled and let out a shaky breath as she lifted my face to meet hers, her soft lips capturing mine in a slow kiss. It was almost painful, everything in me screaming to rip her clothes off.

Her hand moved to the back of my neck and I needingly grabbed onto her shirt. She finally pulled away and pressed her forehead against mine. I panted slightly and our eyes connected.

"You can leave right now and I'll have no hard feelings but I will try harder for you or you can stay and we can sort this out." She whispered again and pulled away from me.

I take a deep breath and bite my lip glancing to the door. Everything screamed at me to stay, to not move as I sheepishly turn around and head for the door. My cowardice winning the internal battle.

If I leave what opportunities would I have missed out on? What if she never shows interest in me again because I was too closed off and conflicted? Not ready for a relationship when really I was just waiting for that spark? What if that spark was just my imagination? It's silly really? Only a thing from fairytales where the princesses leg popped up indicating that this was her true love

My hand grazes the doorknob and I pause when I open it, taking a shaky breath and stood there for a few minutes.

I closed the door as quickly as i had opened it and turned around. I was finally convinced and on a mission. As I reach her I pause and look up at her.

"Don't make me regret this." I sigh as I pull her down by her shirt to meet our lips that had been calling on me ever since I laid eyes on them.

And there was that spark I had been waiting for. The rush of electricity that flowed through my body, confirming that my choice was right. The need for her grew as a knot in my stomach when our lips connected in that moment. Intensifying the moment. I let the strangled sounds leave my mouth as she held me closer and we scrambled to get closer.


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