- Chapter Forty Seven • im good im gone -

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Goosebumps raised along my skin as a hand ran down my stomach. I let out a shaky breath as Sierra kissed me.

"You know you are allowed to want her back." Sierra pulled away. I shut my eyes as a pang of guilt rushes through me and kept her hand in place. Is now really a good time?

"I know." I said with shallow breaths. Keeping myself calm so I could engage in the conversation.

"I don't mind."

"Liar." I smiled. "You do mind, cause the sex has been a lot rougher since she showed up." She chuckled into my skin at my comment.

She kept a steady rhythm. "As long as you don't have sex with her I don't care about you wanting to get back with her. As much as I'm scared that you'll choose her." She paused as I moaned satisfied with my reaction. "I know that I tried my best to make you happy. I wouldn't want to be marrying anyone else." She's lying. She's lying and I'm torturing her.

"You don't have to make excuses for me, you're allowed to be angry." I sigh and she chuckles against my skin.

"Of course I will, that's love. I love you and I know we will work through this and come out stronger than ever."

"I've kept things from you before, how can you trust me?" I sit up and move her hand away.

"Like what?" She looks confused as she pulls away.

"I slept with her best friend when her engagement was announced." I had never told her about Sara. She was a thing I dealt with alone. I don't know why I was telling her now. I have a guilty conscience "We were drunk, I couldn't reciprocate the feelings."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Worry clouds her expression.

"I have no idea. I think it was because I thought it made me look worse." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're flawed. We all are." She smiled. "You're still talking to her today right?" I nod reluctantly. I can't stand that she's being so nice. I don't deserve her.

"Kind of. We stopped talking after I left for Paris."

"Julia, I will accept your offer. I'll be you P.A again." I stood in front of her new desk in the new building. My arms folded and I puffed my chest out being brave. I'm stronger than this, I'm better than this.

"What?" She stood up, facing me. She slithered towards me, her hands rested on my waist and a sly smile on her lips.

I push her hands away, "on one condition!"

"Uh huh?"

"No sex, no relationship." My voice was stern. "Just work."

"Really?" She smirked, holding me by my waist. I nodded and my eyebrows furrowed as I glanced down to her lips. "One last time? I just got you back."

As long as you don't have sex.

Her words repeated in my mind as our faces grew closer. "I will work..." I pause "as long as we don't have sex." I mumble and she pressed her lips against mine. I pulled away as soon as I felt the contact, "That's not what I meant."

Guilt began to consume me. As well as almost dissatisfaction. I wish a black hole would swallow me.

"One day, I will have you back." she whispered as her lips pressed against my neck.

This will be the worst decision of my life.

Next thing I knew, my back was against a wall and my shirt was being pulled over my head. I didn't stop her. I should have, but I didn't want to stop. I'm conflicted. I'm a horrible person. A terrible person. An awful person.

"Hey Julia, I brought you some..." Diego pushed into the room and I pushed Julia off of me in a panic. "Eden."

"Diego!" I frantically pulled my shirt back over my head. "This isn't anything."

"I will unpack whatever I just saw in a minute. But, it's fine little one. I'm sorry for your loss." He looked between us with a frown on his face. "As much as I care about you, I don't approve of this. What are you thinking Eden?!"

"It wasn't me- all Julia!" I shift the blame onto the girl buttoning up her blouse. "Well I did get a bit carried away."

"She has a fiancée, I have a wife. It was for old time's sake. Nothing more, Diego." I never noticed the wrinkles around her mouth and forehead, she had her hair in braids, no longer straightening her hair. She looked better, sexier, older.

"It wasn't even for old time's sake! I wasn't going to go through with it."

I forgot how beautiful she was. I missed her. I missed her body, her taste, her scent. I was upset that I wasn't there to stop her from getting married; I wish I didn't leave Diego.

My mind is going one way my heart another.

I didn't have that time with Julia that I did with Sierra. I loved them both but Sierra was with me for longer. I'm back right where I started.

If one fails and I fall I have another to catch me.

I'm a terrible person

If I never left I would never have met Sierra and got that healthy relationship with her instead of Julia. It's now no longer healthy. I have to fix this.

Later on I returned home, seeing Sierra on my couch.

She smiled when she noticed me, but the smile slipped when she noticed my expression.

"I love you." my voice was weak and I slumped down on the couch next to her, resting my head in her shoulder.

"One last fling. A goodbye, right?" She held her hand out for me to take. It was hesitant, her voice forced.

"We didn't do anything." I took her hand, "I'm happy with us- I'm happy to be Eden Abreo." I smile softly at her, confusion clouds in her eyes.

She doesn't deserve this.

"You're taking my last name?" She questioned.

"I want to be yours. I want to be a part of you. To make up for my past mistakes." I sit next to her. "I love you Sierra Abreo." I whispered before kissing her.

"I love you too soon to be Eden Abreo." She smiled. A bitter taste filled my mouth when I pulled apart.

Maybe in another universe Julia and I would've worked out. Maybe I would've stayed and the cure would've worked.

"Love, what's wrong?" Julia taps the pen she was using against the desk as I stared off towards the door of her new office.

One last thing - Julia Manuel... she was never mine and I was never hers. She may believe we'll get back together, but we probably won't.

Only time will tell.

"Nothing. Just peachy."

Thank you for reading Just peachy.

I hope you join me in any new stories I release!

Thank you I promise to keep improving with my stories and give you the most enjoyable experience.

This story will have a second book, so please keep reading <3

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