-Chapter Five-

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I walk out of the office and ignore the curious gazes from people waiting for their turn.

Is my face red? That's all I need.

The elevator opens and I hurry in. As I turn around I catch a glimpse of her staring at me from the door that was open.

Am I now in fifty shades of grey?

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." A girl chuckled next to me and I jumped. She appeared out of nowhere.

"Uh, yeah it felt like it." I look at her. She had a pale green hijab on. Her skin was fair and she had a few beauty marks dotted on her face. She had makeup on that made her face seem soft and dewy.

"Hi, I'm Sara. I'm Julia's friend." I nod and take the hand she held out to shake. "She was supposed to have wrapped up with you about ten minutes ago, but you guys spent a while in there."

"Oh... god." Time escaped from me. "Uhm, I'm Eden. I am hopefully going to be her personal assistant. I really need the money." I joked and watched as she smiled softly at me.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm as ecstatic about the job now. I guess it's up to her to decide now. Part of me hoped she will deny me. There was a strange comfort to the thought of rejection in this situation.

We reached the main floor and I leapt out of the elevator and thanked the kind woman at the desk. She wished me luck and I left the building. If only she knew.

I pulled out my phone to check if Audrey had texted me.

Rey: sorry babes i left. i'll stay tomorrow and get lunch with you <3

"Alright." I sigh and make my way to a small cafe not that far away to pick up lunch for myself. I burrow my hands into my jacket pockets and cross the road.

The cafe enters my sight and I quickly grow excited to eat warm food. I push the door open and sit at a table.

"Eden?" I hear a deep voice chuckle in front of me and I freeze up looking up to be met with the guy from the party. His charming smile forced my heart to skip a beat as his freckles framed his face perfectly.

What was his name again? Oh yeah- "Sam... hi." I smile. Now that I'm seeing him outside of a dimly lit party, I had a lot more interest.

He smiles sheepishly. "Hey, are you doing anything? Meeting up with anyone?"

"Uh, no actually." I smile at him. "Just finished a job interview so I'm very free."

"Do you maybe wanna maybe go out on a date with me once we pick up food? I was going to go have a picnic on my own so..." he scratches the back of his neck. "I brought some books
and a basket with a blanket. The stuff's in my car outside." Fucking kill me right now that's so hot.

I think about it and nod. Why not? What about Julia? Why do I care about her? Pshh, I don't care about Julia. Why would I care about Julia. 

"Ma'am?" A gravelly voice pulls me out of my internal battle and I order sheepishly as a waitress stood there with a notebook to write down my order.

Sam orders some food to go and we wait together for it to be made and served. We thank the staff and grab the bags.

Leaving the cafe, we begin to walk to his car getting in before he drives us to the park. "So, how old are you?" Sam asks me and I look up at him curiously.

"Twenty-one, how about you?"


I scoff. "Wow, you're old."

He chuckled and nudges my shoulder. "How's adulthood for you?"

"It's better than when I was younger, I think I fantasized too much so it was slightly... disappointing." I frown absentmindedly. "Oh, there's a nice spot." I gesture towards a tree that was perfectly in the shade but had rays of sun peeking through the leaves.

"Good spot." I look up at him with a small smile after he said it.

We ate and talked, finding out more about each other while we enjoyed the sun. He hates ASMR videos, loves taco bell and his guilty pleasure is watching shows he watched as a teen. We people-watched and made up stories that fit them.

I pause as I see Julia walk past us. Of course. She notices me and my eyes focus on a small frown on her face. Sam notices me looking at her.

"Woah, was that Julia Manuel? She's literally so cool." He gushed and I nodded trying not to look like I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. He kept going on and I found an interest in the design of the blanket he brought, my finger playing with a frayed corner on the fabric.

Wow, shapes are nice.

But really, I was too busy thinking about that frown plastered on her face. She had disappeared by now but it was still like a clear photograph in my mind.

He finally finished and changed the topic as he tore into his book.

We sat talking until it got dark. It was nice, he was cool.

I thought about if he was a good kisser. I glanced at his lips. Soft, check. Plump, check. Not chapped, check. Julia's, not check.

Push her away, Eden. It's not healthy.

"Uhm, you know what, I should probably head. But I'd love to go out some other time." I smile at him. It's been a while since I've actually seen someone, he might be my savior.


He looks slightly startled that I said that I had to go but he flashed his best smile. I smile back. This feels like high school all over again. "Cool, it was really good to see you today. Thank you for letting me take you out."

He leans towards me and my eyes flutter shut as his lips connected with my cheek. There was a fluttering in my stomach and when he pulled away, I caressed the area. We stay still for a few seconds before I pull him closer to kiss him. There was a hint of mint lingering on them.

I feel a vibration against my lips as he chuckled and pulls away slightly.

"You taste like cherry." He whispers and I feel my soul leave my body. I enjoyed that. 

"And that was great." I sigh and bite my bottom lip. "Maybe I'll let you try again next time." We laugh and start packing up.

We finish packing everything away and stand there.

"Uh, so... I did alright?" He smiled.

"Yeah, you did." I smile and grab his shirt to pull him down. I place a kiss on his cheek and let go. "I'll see you soon Sam."

I left him in the park and I got a cab home.

I sat on my couch, exasperated after I had finished doing the dishes. As I thought about my day, I think back to the interview. It's way too early to have an email right? I mean it wouldn't hurt to check.

Grabbing my laptop, I go into the mail app and my jaw dropped. "Holy shit."

"I am pleased," I read out, skimming over the text and stopping, "I got the job. I got the job? Oh my god, I GOT THE JOB!" I pick up a pillow and slam it into my face, screaming into it. "I need to tell Audrey."

Me: you'll never believe it
Rey: you got it?
Me: yeah i got it I start in two weeks. 

"Wait no."


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