- Chapter Forty One -

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"We should go," I mirrored her. My eyes stuck on her lips. They were soft and shaped perfectly. We weren't planning on going.

She moved closer to me, our noses touched and lips brushed together.

"We should go," she repeated.

This moment was intoxicating. The rush of it.

"We still have time," I said, which could mean more than one thing. Hoping she would back away and the relationship wouldn't change.

"We do."

I felt my breathing grow shallow as I tried moving closer to her. She took a deep breath before she pressed her lips against mine. My hand cupped the back of her neck and her hands against my cheeks, trying to pull us closer. We pulled back when we were about to lose our breath.

"Can they hear us?" I asked, words nearly muffled.

"No." She rested her hands against my waist. "They don't need to know." She lifted me onto the counter and I connected our lips again. My legs wrapped around her waist as her lips moved from my mouth to my neck, leaving hickeys along the way, almost desperate.

I let my head fall back as I tangled my hands through her hair.

"Fuck." I said breathily as she pulled away.

"I- we should stop before they catch us." She helped me get down, by holding me at my waist and she kissed me once more before she left me on my own in the dark room.

My hands flew to my lips and I felt tears prick at my eyes. I can't make another mistake. I can't do this to another person. 

I went over to Sierra's desk and grabbed my new phone from the drawer. I frantically punched in Diego's number and messaged him. Hopefully his numbers the same after so long. It was the least I could do. I shoved it back into the drawer and met Sierra outside.

We stayed silent as we made our way to the place. She stared out the window and I kept my gaze focused right in front of me. We stayed completely silent for the whole ride and we finally got to a big glass building, reminding me of the old place I worked.

"Wait." I murmured as we got out and I saw Diego and Barney. They saw me and Diego's mouth opened slightly. He rushed over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Little one," he held me tight. "I saw your message. Coincidence, right?"

"Why are you here?" I asked and Sierra stood next to me, her presence clouding me.

"Julia's opening new buildings and expanding the business. Kira is in charge of it." He looked at me sadly. "Julia isn't here- I'm sorry."

I frown slightly, covering my neck from him. "Kira?"

"She's not as hostile as she used to be. Julia's new PA will be there too. They made her get a new one." Diego laughed slightly. "He's a mess."

I nodded and took a deep breath as I moved towards the building. Sierra placed a hand on the small of my back, comforting me.

I glanced back and saw Diego staring at Sierra's hand with a frown.

She was the first to speak since what happened.

"That's Diego?" She asked and I nodded. "Daddio." She chuckled.

"Yeah." I couldn't bring myself to meet her gaze.

"C'mon, don't be shy now." She teased and guided me to the toilets. She made sure the stalls were all empty and turned to me. "Speak."


"Talk to me. You have something on your mind. I haven't been talking cause you haven't."

"Earlier on... what was it?" I asked sheepishly.

"Whatever you want it to be."

"What do you want it to be?" I asked and she pushed me against the sinks. Kissing me again.

"I want it to be that you want us to be something." She said between kisses. "Yeah you're annoying sometimes, but I can't get you off my mind." She smiled as she kissed me again.

"Oh really? I just thought you enjoyed the no strings attached with us." I smirked. There were indeed strings attached. My mind said something completely different as my body kept going. I kissed back, moaned when she touched the right place. "I just don't want a repeat of Julia and Sam."

"Ok." She said and pulled away. "Let's do this." She was encouraging even though she just got rejected. "Boss will be upset if he finds out we never did what he asked." She held her hand out and I took it.

"I'm sorry." I say sincerely.

"It's fine, Eden," she kissed my cheek and we left the bathroom and made our way to the conference room. "We can give it time."

I saw Olivia at the desk and she waved at me with a big smile on her face. I waved back. If she's staying here we can hang out more.

No Julia. She was a distraction. I neglected the people around me because of her.

Not again.

Audrey's been coming over almost every night.

"Alright, my names Levin-" the familiar boy walked into the room announcing himself and pausing when he saw me.

"Baskey!" I grinned and we both laughed at each other. "You got the job after all."

"Thought I'd give it another go. You are a tough act to follow."

"What because I dated my boss?"

"Because when you weren't having sex in the office, or dealing with drama you kept Julia sensible."

I glanced over to Diego who nodded in agreement.

"Well I'm pleased to hear."

"Yes. Now back to business. We are here to help your company in any legal battles that you have to endure." He paused and looked at me. "I have just found out that Julia has made the last minute decision to make and appearance later on in the conference."

I grew anxious as the time passed, every sound making me want to cry. I felt a hand intertwine with mine and I look down to see Sierra's hand in mine.

It grounded me and her gaze was soft as I met her eyes. Finally I looked back to the door at the end of the conference.

She never showed up.

Next chapter will be a year ahead just warning you guys now.

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