Crazy mother

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Previously on: Can we start over?

"Walk with me?"

"Okay I just need to talk to Charlie-"

"I had to watch her being lied to because you felt that Edward deserved having someone to love more than me.."

"Well it's time little one, I will miss you but I'll continue watching you from the other side... remember love is strength"

After waking up from that blinding light, my consciousness faded and melded into my body somehow I wasn't sure. Opening my eyes slowly, I blinked once, twice and found myself staring at the off white ceiling of my old bedroom in Phoenix.

"What the fuck" I whispered softly, the room was bare, in my window there was a small cactus. Was I this drab? Or was this a result of my changes. 'Well maybe stand up and see for yourself' my mind quipped , seriously I wondered whether I had a split personality or something... I rolled my eyes at the thought.

No, you don't. Bella though you've generally become a different person since you left Phoenix the first time. I nodded once to myself and groaned a bit.. my thoughts were right.. I fundamentally became someone else.. someone I never wanted to be. Sure I've never been the most outgoing person.. but submissive I was not. Sarcastic? Definitely, clumsy sure but docile and weak was never something I excelled at... having to rear your mother from the age of eleven would do that to you.

Finally cracking some of my creaky bones I felt like I slept for a century .. stretching my tense muscles .. my mind started playing back my memories from the previous time line. My meeting with my long lost relative.. Edward accidentally killing me ... Edward claiming me when he had no right.. I was not his mate. I was not his property and I was sure as hell would not fall for those lopsided smiles he would give me .. maybe he dazzled me because since I found out that Rose was my mate.. I could feel something tether me to her.. perhaps it's always been there? And I was just so enamored with Edward that I passed it off as wanting his family to like me. 'Sigh Bella' nothing will help if you keep lamenting.

I made my way over to the small bathroom attached to my bedroom, I surveyed the room once more .. it really looked dull I suppose Renee doesn't like her daughter being so different that she only provides the bare minimum? I shrugged .. it didn't matter anyway within five months I would be out of her and back on my way to forks.

Undressing quickly , I stepped into the shower, the warm spray hit my tired bones, and let out a deep groan of content. There was many things I needed to do, first thing was to test out my new speed, I could hear the birds , cars and definitely heard my mother sneaking Phil out of the house,no doubt doing the walk of shame. I gathered the courage to look down at my new appendage.. it hung down my legs and I couldn't help the soft unbelievable laugh that bubbled in my throat. " my god" I shook my head clear of the thoughts ... I didn't find it weird.. nor disgusting it felt right?

I guess this was always going to happen well maybe not my death per se but my awakening so to speak. I stumbled back into my bedroom and dressed I saw the boxer shorts in the draws and a compression shorts. Well I guess Renee goes to great lengths for certain things. I lazily dressed me and checked the time it was nearly about 8am on a Saturday morning.

Third person POV
Bella walked down to the kitchen to see Renee holding a cup of coffee probably nursing a hangover, she went through multiple of her memories and seeing her mother like this wasn't something new.

"You're up early" mused Bella as she walked passed her half drunk mother who wore nothing much to cover up herself or hide what she had been doing the evening before.

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