La tua cantante

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Previously on Can we start Over?

" come on guys we'll be late"

"It's going to be a long year"

"Ooh yes you sound so good baby"

"I'm extremely gay"

After they made their way through the cafeteria grabbing the inedible food, they were forced to parade around with. Her siblings and her sat at their usual table, listening to the various conversations happening in the cafeteria.

Alice chuckled and directed her siblings to one particular table who now had the new student added to their group. Jessica has been introducing the Cullens and Rosalie fought back a laugh at the comment the girl made about Edward. Said boy gave her a disapproving look and turned back to his meal he'd been poking around in, sulking at the description Isabella gave him.

She heard her being decribed and smirked at the Ice Queen Moniker these students granted her. She was about to turn her back when she caught Isabella's eye who looked directly at her with a sincere smile curled up on her lips.

"Wow looks like you've got a new admirer Rosie" chuckled Emmet softly from his spot beside her. She barely hid her flicker of surprise at the compliment but scoffed at Emmet

"We'll see" she hid her thoughts from Edward and tried masking her emotions but she felt the same uncomfortable ache she felt when she heard Isabella's name for the first time. She didn't know what it was about the girl that elicited  that kind of reaction from her, but it was clear that she didn't need Edward probing around her mind before she could figure it out. She saw Jasper raise an eyebrow but she shook her head slightly indicating that he keep it to himself.

"The cold doesn't bother me anyway" she heard from the table, and fought back a shiver at the words. 'What's wrong with me' she thought. Edward was too busy in his own world, being blasted with the various thoughts  from the students to notice her sudden lapse in the defensive barrier she surrounded her mind with.

"Did she just quote Elsa from frozen?" Asked Emmet grinning like a Cheshire Cat, at what the quote implied Rosalie rolled her eyes at her brothers juvenile taunting, she knew better than to respond because that would just give him more ammunition.

"Shut up Em" she said quietly and tried to tune the girl out, but was unsuccessful when she heard the final comment about her being gay. She groaned inwardly, luckily the bell rang indicating that lunch was over.

" you've got Bella in your next class Edward" said Alice  effectively rousing Rose out of her thoughts and Edward, Rose ignored her sister and the rest of her siblings and made a motion to stand up, she gathered her uneaten lunch and threw it in the trash before exiting the cafeteria heading to her own class. The further she walked the more the ache intensified, she needed to speak to Jasper alone or Carlisle to find out what was  happening to her.

Bella looked at the surprised faces at her table , Eric recovered quickly, Angela seemed to accept it in stride. Jessica spluttered before gathering her wits.

"anyways later guys.. I have biology next" she said as she heard the bell ring ending lunch, she glanced at the Cullens table before swiftly standing up to her feet with her empty tray in hand. She was halfway out of the cafeteria when she heard Mike call her.

"Yeah Mike?" She asked with a bit of apprehension, she hoped he wouldn't make some stupid comment about needing a real man or something similar.

" uhm I'm originally from California so you know.. I don't have a problem with you being gay and all.. I guess I'm just bummed I won't be able to ask you out so I kinda took longer to respond than I normally would " he spoke quickly, rubbing the back of his neck slightly embarrassed by his delayed reaction.It was true though he was originally from California, besides he had a gay cousin who was pretty chill so he never had a problem with it, but Forks was a small town and a small town had small minded people in it. He just hoped Bella wouldn't get any problems from the other inhabitants.

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