Every rose has thorns..

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Previously on Can we start over?

"This is your last warning Edward do not think me a fool to be lenient another .. I will rip your head from your shoulders if you even entertain entering My MATES bedroom once more"

"Yes it's true Bella is Rosalie's true mate , and Edward's singer."

"Yeah your dad is pretty lax with the security even if it's forks doesn't mean there's no crime"


Monday Bella was suspended from school, Tuesday her father employed her as 'punishment' though she knew he was secretly proud of her for knocking out the disgusting jock but had to keep appearances as a dutiful father, though she was sure he'd offer her a beer later that evening.

Wednesday she managed to see one of her oldest best friends, a brother , his big brown expressive eyes and big cheery smile was a welcoming change to dreary forks, his hugs seemed to do the trick, he told her he was proud of what she did and needed to teach him some moves which she readily agreed to.

She decided to make the best out of the break she had, she practiced her magic, small spells mostly . The biggest one she used was pushing out her magical presence allowing her to feel the presence of any other supernatural creature it sounded simple but it took an immense amount of concentration to keep the veil thin enough to ensure others from noticing, especially the little pixie vampire .

This spell came in handy when she wanted to know whether Edward was being his love struck self by trying to claw himself into her life without her invitation, by lurking in the shadows, since Old man Gary made sure to put some bars on her window.

The entire thing gave her a new perspective on the timeline before, before she was enamored with the sparkling vampire , hung on to every word that came out of his mouth , his voice was soothing , Velvety and filled with love... but she knew better now .. that wasn't love it was his lust for her blood. He disillusioned himself to believe that he could live her entire being and not just the red blood flowing through her veins, she hadn't seen it .. she should've of course even before she became an enchantress .. if her life of being a wall flower taught her anything? Was that she was observant, she could pick up the faintest of clues , read between the lines — hell thats how she found out the Cullens weren't as human as they portrayed themselves to be in the first place.

'God Bella' she thought in frustration, her mind became numb , she became the cliche she hated , the girl she despised , the damsel always in need of a dashing noble knight to her rescue. 'Repulsive' shakes her head in admonishment. Now —yes she knows the truth, the truth that was hidden , she has a true mate .. a beautiful ice queen that managed to freeze the devils veins with a single glare . Yet she was the one who managed to bring a smile to her face even in the darkest despair, her voice cut through many .. it was proved when she nearly lost herself in nearly killing the poor human who thought it prudent to manhandle her as if she was his property. The days she was a victim was over , never again would she cower in fear of another be it vampire or human.. or whatever else is out there.. she didn't want to be the weak girl , she never was .. weak wasn't something she ever saw herself as and she made damn sure Ethan and any other male who deemed it appropriate to touch a girl without their consent was appreciated knew.


"Bells you up kiddo?" She heard through the door, she was about to shoot a sarcastic reply but decided against it.

"Yeah. yeah dad" she mumbled loud enough for the older man to hear. She heard him grumble as she shuffled away from her door.
Climbing out of the mess of sheets, was difficult she nearly face planted if now for her newfound agility, she righted herself up. " klutz much bells" she murmured quietly.

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