I like that

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Previously on Can we start over?

"Hmm I am, my magic has been wilder than it has been for a while."

"Now, imagine my surprise when my version of meeting the girlfriend meant finding her in bed with my 17 year old daughter holding her like koala bear"

"Just a bit, these killings has been happening for the past week and it's getting closer to forks."

"End of discussion!"
Watching—Listening —waiting was all Bella was doing for the past few hours. Now at 2:30 pm the clock read she sat quietly on the brown worn leather couch. She knew how many cracks there was in the couch — how the wall paper in the far left corner of the living room was slowly peeling off —how many water marks was left on the small brown table in the living room evidence of her fathers cold beers completely disregarding the use of coasters.

So basically that was all she did since Rosalie left. She counted the marks —watching as the clock ticked.

Her magic had calmed down after she forced herself into a meditative state. The time was nigh.. the moment she would meet her tormentor someone who still invaded her sleep when the night was filled with too much noises.

When she was younger she wasn't able to make Tommy pay.....she wasn't able to deal with the man that made her past self feel like a mistake but she was able to deal with someone who reminded her of him—Ethan the former running back. His own crimes was just the icing on top.

Edward hadn't plagued her as much ..—don't get her wrong she didn't like him—her death at his hands was unintentional,  he didn't want to hurt her physically (other than occasionally thinking of ripping her throat out for her blood) but no it wasn't premeditated.

Ethan stalked his prey similar to Tommy they held prizes of their exploits—Edward was and still is a tortured soul —broody, filled with despair and angst —ranting about his eternal damnation to whoever was willing to listen, perhaps in the past he preyed on the scum of society by reading their thoughts as he once told her but now the eternal golden eyed teenager lived in a perpetual state of despair one she didn't care to enter or be around as much as she could help it.

James was another one of those abhorrent creatures —while the previous two were human , and showcased the worst of humanity this one was a vampire, she was sure he was one of the lowest forms of a vampire—her only examples of vampires being the Cullens showed her how heinous he was. He preyed on the insecurities, weaknesses of his victims —used their love for their family or friends to lure them out. Lulling them into a false sense of security before destroying whatever glimpse of hope they managed to conjure up.

To Bella he deserved to die there was no doubt about it and now she was only a few short hours away from granting him that fate.
Cullens manor

Her drive to the Cullens home was silent, the radio was off and she was stuck in her own thoughts, she knew Rosalie might've been angry at the lack of information she provided about the current attacks but she also knew it was for their own good. She needed James to show up .. puff his chest like he was the apex predator —smell her delicious blood and start his little game with her being the main character. She could deal with  Rosalie's anger later. Or maybe she could placate the vampire a bit with a steamy type curling kiss ? ' nah she won't be that easy' she thought with a stiff laugh.

Pulling up to the glass mansion she shut her car off and exited the car quickly. Wearing a black jeans , grey long sleeved shirt and her leather jacket. Her shoes were good enough for walking through the muddied woods—combat boots— her hair tied up in a loose bun with thin strands hanging loose—not exactly screaming baseball but it wasn't like they would allow her to play either way.

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