Goodnight my love

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A/N this chapter will have explicit content.... so you know if you don't like it don't read it.

Also I'm not really well versed at smut you know using words like loins and all that😂

So enjoy and happy reading...
Previously Can we start over?


"No one will love you as much as I love you Rosalie Hale"

"I'm .... fine Alice's just a small scratch"

"I killed them, I saved Royce for last... he hid himself in his bank vault surrounded by security. I wore my wedding dress paid off the guards to turn the other way. I found him sniveling in a corner like a coward —begging for forgiveness , pleading me not to kill him. I mocked him with the same words he used on me that night. "Don't you love me?"


You don't know how long I have waited for you.....I'd rather die, then stay away from you..

Bella holds Rosalie , she doesn't know how long they've stayed in that position, it might've been a few minutes but honestly to her it felt like a few seconds, she doesn't want to let go but she knows it late... she needs sleep or a few hours at least . The day was filled was angst and drama , confessions and explanations. All she wanted to do was curl up to Rosalie and hold her cold body against her own heated one.

She breaths out a small sigh of contentment, holding Rosalie was something she never wants to stop doing but she needs to clean her face, maybe a shower.

"You need to take a shower" whispers Rosalie unknowingly reading Bella's mind. Bella chuckled softly into the blonde hair.

"Hmm... are you sure Edward is the mind reader? Because you clearly read my thoughts" she teases with a smile inflecting in her voice.

Rosalie returns the laugh with one of her own "maybe" she teases.

Bella reluctantly lets go of the tight hold she holds her lover in.

"Okay... but I don't have anything to wear" Rosalie waves off the concern, and tells her she has a few loose joggers Bella can wear..she sees the dried blood and frowns. Bella catches the frown and smooths the creases in Rosalie's brow with her finger.

"Don't apologize ... I'm okay" she says softly. Rosalie hesitates before she nods, she leaves Bella's arms and goes over to her closet to grab a few things.

Bella watched in silence as the vampire sped through the closet. She looks to the door leading to the bathroom. She decides to get a start on that shower. She pads over opening the door that lead to the en-suite bathroom. The shower itself is big... bigger that her own bathroom at home. It's surrounded by glass with a broad shower head. The design was sleek and modern. The shower was big enough for two people, she smiles at the thought that hopefully one day soon rose will join her.

Shaking her thoughts away, she strips herself, removing her jacket and the long sleeved shirt that was covered in splotches if dried blood. She turns to face the mirror biting back a grimace at her face, she can see why the Cullens made such a fuss about her. She looked terrible, like a bad horror b movie character.

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