Are we okay?

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A/N hehe Ooh these comments though 🙃 to be honest with you I'm completely unbiased and I'm just writing based on the natural flow of things so I don't specifically have an opinion whether Bella is right or wrong .. the only character I clearly don't like is Edward 🤣

Now onto peoples thoughts to answer one of your comments I think you're right Bella has gotten used to the amount of control she has over her life for the past few months and even giving up a tiny bit of that is quite scary too her.

Rosalie on the other hand has also gone through a terrible ordeal but the vampire has had years to deal with the trauma, and not let it interfere in her personal life hence the reason she can be intimate with Bella without getting a panic attack. Most of Bella's life past and present her freedom of choice has been stripped away from her and to be honest I don't blame her for acting like she's acting.

I have a few ideas as to the James and Bella confrontation but to be honest with you I'm not going to let James run Bella out of forks. In the movie the only reason she did was because she wanted someplace familiar and she liked her mother or whatever. But in my book? Bella's relationship with her mother is bad , so her running away to Phoenix doesn't make sense that place holds bad memories so why would you go back to a place that's caused you so much grief?

So yeah Bella-bear will be remaining in Forks because you know I'm the author 🤣😂🤣 jokes but all your comments and insights are truly appreciated it just shows that y'all are into the story which makes me very happy.❤️

Now onto the next chapter my lovelies
Previously on Can we start over?

"His mind was vile—and to be completely honest with you? I don't even think I've scratched the surface—the things he's planning Bella are unspeakable. What you've done was that you just made this the most interesting game his ever played"

"Tell Derek to be discreet—his lack of tact leaves room for improvement"

"Once you decide to take your head out your ass and stop acting like you own me then we can talk."
Rosalie stared at the empty spot, where the mustang stood not only a few minutes ago. Her own emotions felt like a torrential downpour. She hates feeling it —she know it's a integral part of being human —or vampire but since she became a vampire everything has been heightened.

People often forget that it's not just speed, hearing or any other their senses that gets heightened. But your feelings —Damn emotions; anger heightened so much so that it feels like rage —sadness so much so that it the more apt description would be despair. Now her mate was making her feel all these confusing things and too be honest for someone who hadn't felt much in the past 80 years ? It was a lot.

Running her fingers through her hair she stared up absently to the darkening sky trying to make sense of everything she felt.

She thought about Bella's words, her tears , her frustration at not being allowed a choice or opinion in her safety. Usually she would disregard that —her vampire side demanded she protect her mate even if it was from herself. Her logical more rational side that wasn't a slave to her instincts or emotions waged and told her she was wrong but so was Bella. Her mate willingly kept things from her— she probably knew this was going to happen since she already lived one timeline and that in itself is confusing why the hell wouldn't Bella tell her? Why wouldn't Bella open up about this situation when she was forthcoming about her powers and being from a future that might not happen ?

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