You'd be a fool

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After that very embarrassing and awkward talk to her father about safe sex they pulled up to the schools parking lot in the third period minutes before the bell sounded for lunch. Bella sighed and shook her head at her father who seemed just as embarrassed as her maybe even more.

"we're never speaking about that again. "She said firmly, her father gave her a nod

"fine by me kiddo, I never thought it would so awkward especially because my dad just gave me a pamphlet and said read it and then left my room" groaned Charlie

"Should've gone with the flyer huh" he said after a second

"yeah dad ... for both our sanity you should've gone with the flyer "She deadpanned, making a motion to exit the car , she turned back and popped her head through the door before she walked away.

"wait here for me I wont be long kay?"

"Sure thing bells''

Bella closed the door to the cruiser softly and proceeded to make her way to the parking lot , she saw the broken glass near her car and nearly cried when she saw the condition of her car. The back window was broken and some of the pieces of glass laid in the backseat. The back on the car had a dent in that could be hammered out and her taillights broken too. She surveyed for further damage and saw the paint of the car was nearly off at the point where Tyler's van impacted hers.

"Fucking bitch" she cursed , she ran her fingers through her hair pulling out her phone from her pocket, she needed to get the car to into a shop, the problem was where? she quickly dialed Mathews number. While waiting for an answer she felt a tap to her shoulder. Bella was already pissed off , first the unneeded trip to the emergency room and now her car needed to go to the shop plus how was she going to explain to her father that another car would be here by tomorrow if she had a mustang come out of storage.

"What?!t" she snapped irately at the person who tapped her shoulder, she turned to face the offender when she came face to face with the most beautiful creature to ever walk face of the earth. She was about to apologize when Matthew answered the phone.

"I'll call you back Matt "She said into the phone then looked at Rosalie who raised an eyebrow, her arms folded across her chest as she waited for Bella.

"I'm sorry about that, today's just been awful and I didn't mean to snap at you" she said honestly, she saw some emotions flicker through Rosalie's eyes , but they went so quick that she wasn't able to identify them. She saw the blonde release some tension in her shoulders and stood now in a more relaxed stance.

"I understand" came the blondes voice, Bella nearly melted at how smooth it sounded, silk perhaps? while Alice sounded like wind chimes... Rosalie sounded like a breath of fresh air, the allure of a siren that could lure sailors out to the middle of the sea and devour them and just maybe she would be a willing participant if that were the case 'No bad thoughts Bella' she mused. She shook away her thoughts that quickly took a more hormonal turn and concentrated on the woman before her.

"That's quite a lot of damage" said Rose as she surveyed the car , None of her family knew but as soon as she saw that van head towards Bella she was about to run and save her, secrets be damned but Edward was always the fastest in their family and so he got the glory 'ever prince the prince charming' she thought.

That's why she laid into him at the hospital , not because he nearly revealed their true nature but because he got to save her.... her what? friend no.. her feelings were much more than friendly. Throughout the weeks whenever Edward would hunt more so that he could control himself around the human , around Bella's scent she would sift through everything she felt the only one who knew exactly what she felt was Jasper her 'twin' brother. His gift allowed him to feel the emotions of others around him vampire and human it was both a gift and a curse . She often wondered how he kept himself sane, because if she was the one who felt everyone's emotions she wouldn't know what to do , her own was already a handful and then piling on 6 vampires on top of that would surely drive her up the wall.

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