My heart will beat for the both of us

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Previously on Can we start over?

"lovely to see you again, and you Dr Cullen much better than the last time we met after all there's no imminent threat to my life this time"

"I didn't say you were Alice"

"I'm just happy that we're here"

"Edward has made some claims"

Bella POV

Watching Rosalie, I could literally see the tension rolling off her in waves, the silence was thick , and her ominous sentence didn't do much to create a more relaxing atmosphere. Knowing Edward he would've assumed I was his mate which honestly was ridiculous but it happened before so I wouldn't be surprised that it might of happened again.

Just because I managed to change the timeline or at least some of events of the timeline didn't mean there wasn't constant points that would be fixed , and watching back-to-the-future didn't really give me in depth insight on time travel. Even some of the books I had read online was purely theoretical it wasn't possible— the technology hadn't been created yet and I'm sure as hell sure that my body didn't time travel just my conscious. The reason I felt all groggy waking up months ago was because my mind of the future had melded with the mind from the past. There wasn't two of me physically that shared the same space so yeah magical time traveling aside there had to be fixed points that remained and Edward being a dick in the past as well as the present wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Heaving out a heavy sigh , I folded my arms across my chest and spoke factually. "He claimed me as his mate didn't he?"

Rosalie looked up surprised before she remembered that I'd already lived a reality where Edward had some the exact same thing. That reality eventually leading to my death, but that wasn't the point here.

"Yes" she breathed out her fists clenched at her sides. Moving across the room, I sat next to my high strung mate, taking her hand in mine trying to ease some of her tension.

"Rosalie he's done this before it's not news to me" I whispered "though I don't know why you look like you ready to kick him into space though"

Rosalie scoffed and rolled her eyes " it's against the law to claim another's mate as your own Isabella" I nodded along, yup I knew that since in my death I kind of witnessed that already.

"You are his singer" she continued " his attracted to your blood, he has convinced himself that he can love you and your blood at the same time. He's attempted to to keep me away from you .. my mate away from me how dare he?!"

I kept quiet not really interjecting since I was sure the question didn't need an answer though if I did answer it would've been along the lines of ' oh I don't know maybe because he's a self righteous dick?'

No that wouldn't have been helpful so instead I watched Rosalie vent her frustrations. " then he has the gall to watch you while you sleep! He knows he's dangerous to you yet he put you in danger all because he wanted to practice with your scent.. I nearly ripped his head off when Alice mentioned that." Now I know that he had been in my room once from what I could remember, that was the reason I made my dad cut down the tree and the construction workers put up some bars by the window to stop that kind of thing from happening.

"How many times?" I asked interrupting my fuming mate.


"How many times has he been in my room to watch me sleep Rosalie?" I asked clenching my jaw.

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