Anything else Miss Swan?

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Previously on Can We Start over ?

"Well... hello to you too Ally"

"A petite thing like you? Please, All I'm saying is if I didn't gym you might've broken my arms tiny"

"The moment you're completely honest"

"You've got spunk" "I like that"
If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge

"What the hell were you thinking?" Bella sat on the couch sighing slightly, there were many different answers to that question, the easiest Being 'he would've come anyway'

But then that would lead to multiple other questions like how do you? —what do you know ? — why do you know? So yes there were many different answers to the question her mate asked but she knew she wanted one particular one and that particular one wasn't one that she would be answering with.

They were back at the Cullens home for twenty minutes after the entire face-off in the clearing. Well not really a face off since Carlisle thought he could solve everything with a speech that basically meant 'let's play nice yeah?' She rolled her eyes mentally.

The man was too much of an optimist, even knowing that his kind wouldn't take lightly to vampires being so comfortable around a human;their natural food source, even more so if said human(food source) knows their secret especially since they're supposed to be hidden away from humanity or whatever their laws were.

Now surrounded by seven heavily worried vampires she was forced to endure their inane questioning about what she was thinking when she didn't cower before James like a good human should.

Scoffing internally she faced her mate who was now talking to her or saying more than two words—but it didn't count since the situation kind of forced her too.

Relaxing back into the arm chair she was sitting in, tilting her head mentally preparing to evade any attempts of prying that she could.

"When? Rosalie you have to be more specific. I have lots of thoughts, that's what anyone with a half a brain would do naturally after all"  her joke did nothing but aggravate the blonde vampire even more.

"This is not a joke! this is your life Isabella, I would appreciate you taking it a bit more seriously!" Her anger was palpable.... jasper barely managed to send a wave of calm before she needed another.

Alice had been going through various outcomes of any version of confrontation had been sitting quietly with her mate supporting her by squeezing her hand. Emmet had a much more serious expression on his face that Bella could barely if ever remember him wearing. Carlisle and Esme stood side by side conversing softly. Edward on the other hand gave Bella a pointed look, his normal angst driven features looked different.

"I am serious Rosalie ... what the hell did you expect me to do? Roll over and cower ?" She snorted derisively, the very idea of her cowering before James disgusted her.

Edward decided to voice his thoughts, he had read the trackers mind—he knew exactly what Bella did —how her attitude towards him enticed him, fascinated him. He couldn't believe that the human was so reckless.. his family was clearly ready to protect the human like family—her being Rosalie's mate and all but he couldn't help but think that this human girl had no regard for her life, if she so carelessly entangled her life with predators, albeit it vegetarian predators but now her carelessness came at a cost—she attracted the attention of someone who would like nothing more than hunt her down.

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