We need to talk huh?

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Previously on Can we start over?

"Why are you hiding things Bella"

"I'll ask again Rose what the hell is Bella ? Is she even human?"

"Are we okay?...us I mean"

The drive to the reservation was a short one, her father talked about how truly tired he was , how sad he was that he wasn't able to provide closure to the families who lost their loved ones.

Bella felt a pang in her chest, her gut coiled with the familiar feeling of guilt. Here she was convincing or manipulating her father to get him safe while others died at the hands of the very thing she was trying to get him away from.

"I'm sorry dad" she murmured softly, biting the inside of he cheek in an attempt to stop her from telling him more. She didn't need to drag her father into their crazy world just yet or if ever —Charlie Swan was a simple man, he never cared much for money, even though he had plenty of it, he stayed in forks. His home town to care for his dying parents then he had a kid and wife. But his wife left him taking his kid too. He dedicated his life to his job, the sheriff of the sleepy town, where crime was low other than the occasional hiker going missing, random break in at the corner bodega. Yes Charlie Swan —her father , her very simple, gruff policeman father was simple he believed in facts and evidence. Supernatural creatures never even crossed his mind.

They say ignorance is bliss and in her fathers case it truly was—he was much happier with his simple life , he didn't need it to be uprooted more than he was when he estranged teenager daughter came to live with him after years of being separated.

She couldn't do that to him but she couldn't stop herself from feeling guilty either.

"It's fine Bells, these things happen I'm just sorry for those families you know?" He said quietly. They decided to leave the cruiser at the station and use her car , billy had a truck so if they needed to leave the reservation there would be a vehicle.

Bella nodded her head, she saw two blurs running side by side until they came to a stop abruptly.

'The border' she thought.

Passing quickly she could see the signs leading them into the reservation.

"You did your best dad" she said honestly.

Charlie let out a depreciating laugh "my best? then why wasn't it enough?" He questioned, she was sure the question was rhetorical but she answered anyway.

Turning down the path leading to Billy's home she shrugged, putting the car in neutral she patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Sometimes even our best isn't good enough... but that's okay"

"As long as you don't give up faith that doing your best will hopefully be enough someday" Her tone was serious, she stared deeply into her fathers eyes as she spoke trying to convey as much comfort as she could.

After a few seconds of silence Charlie gave her a smile.

"I'm supposed to be the parent here kiddo" he chuckled "making me feel like a chump" he joked successfully lightening the mood. Laughing along with her dad she glanced to Billy's door and saw Sam standing beside him.

"Nah it just proves you're a great dad"

"Well I must be if your spitting out profound wisdom like a fortune cookie"

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