Like a dog chasing a bone?

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Previously on Can we start over:

"Tolkien huh?"

"Guess we gotta finish with the appetizer then boys and enjoy the main meal"

"That's just it Rosalie .. I only feel that with you .. Alice .. Edward , jasper and emmet doesn't give me the same allure that you do.. you're special and the sooner you allow me to show you how much the sooner you'll see that I'm always right"

"Much more than my mind could ever hope to imagine"

Inside the swan residence , stood a girl, still covered in blood, a bright smile on her face if anyone entered at that moment they would mistake her for a psychopath .

She moved over to the reclining leather arm chair , in which she fell into with a happy sigh. She couldn't believe it , her afternoon started off relatively good , shopping with Jess and Angie, the innocent flirting was fun but friendly and each girl knew that which made it even more pleasant.

Then she just had to go to a bookstore .. where everything had taken a turn for the worst— she didn't stop to think that even if she hadn't encountered those men that someone else would — the thought sickened her. She hoped she wasn't too late .. she knew the guys was a few seconds away from penetrating the girl. The girl Hayley she reminded herself mentally , Hayley fought back as much as she could but against three men .. it would've been a Herculean task in itself. The moment she saw the girl lying there , clothes ripped , bruises and bloody she knew she had to do something.

Technically it was her fault and she'd be damned if she let someone else take the fall, she wished she lacked control over her magic in that moment, perhaps she could've burnt those fuckers to a crisp? Drain them of all the liquid in their body, literally suffocating them from the inside? Those were her thoughts when she beat up those poor excuses of men— no they weren't men in her eyes no — they wear vile creatures .. monsters that preyed on the weakness of others. A frown etched itself onto her face overtaking the smile that had been there previously, her evening had started off good then bad to worse and then ended amazingly. A complete cluster fuck of emotions she mused dryly.

She remembered her conversation with her blonde beauty no not hers well atleast not yet , a voice in her head added ..

" I'm a monster" those words now echoed in her mind, she didn't believe Rosalie was a monster in fact she didn't believe any of the Cullens were well maybe with the exception of Edward but even then he wasn't a complete monster .. maybe a little bit off but not a monster. A vampire that went against their own nature to stray from their natural food source in an attempt to live more humanely or as close to humanity as possible couldn't be monsters.

A monster in her mind was James .. the tracker... he reveled in the chase— the hunt —the screams and pleas of his victims she was sure it gave him some major boner or something — something only a psychopath would enjoy. So yeah the Cullens weren't monsters .. she would prove that to Rosalie even if it was the last thing she did. Her thoughts disturbed when she heard the front door open ,followed by a heavy sigh and keys clattering into a bowl.

"Bells what are you still doing up?" Asked Charlie " and why are you sitting in the dark?" He asked then flicking on the lights , as he did he saw the dark red stains on his daughters top.

"You told me you were fine" he said as he rushed over to check on her poking and prodding

She huffed in annoyance and amusement " I am I didn't lie dad" she sighed and lifted her fists , still bruised and would probably be swollen by tomorrow if she didn't perform a healing spell. Though she didn't need to get any more suspicion from her quick healing from her dad or the Cullens. So she decided to ride it out and just wrap her bruised hands again.

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