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Previously on Can we start over:

"You can drink wine right?"

"Truth is I already knew you were vampires from the moment I met you"

"An Enchantress"
Bella waited with baited breath, she was afraid of Rosalie's reaction, she didn't know how Rosalie became a vampire whenever she would ask in the previous time line —Edward would skirt around the question. It was if they walked on egg shells around it— Carlisle , Esme, Alice and evening Jasper was pretty open with how they became vampires. Edward was sad about his death and subsequent rebirth at his maker hands. But Rosalie, Rosalie was the mystery , it had to be violent if she was so hesitant in telling her. The fact that the vampire clung to humanity or the benefits of it gave her some clue but like a rational person she didn't care to make any assumptions.

Now telling your vampire mate that your family or ancestor was the reason for her frozen nature was nerve wracking to say the least. Even more than telling Rosalie she wasn't a human per say.

The lack of response was grating even more on Bella's already frayed nerves. " rose" she whispered reaching out her hand to touch the vampires, but Rosalie pulled her own away as if Bella's touch burned her. She wasn't going to lie the reaction hurt Bella more than she cared to admit.

"I need ... I need a minute" stammered the normally composed vampire. She blurred up to her feet dropping the half glass on wine on the ground in her haste. The wine spilled on the blanket.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" Bella waved off the apology already grabbing some tissues to clean up spill.

"You don't have to apologize , I'm sure with everything I've told you must be confusing to say the least" she attempted to placate the vampire. Rosalie paced up and down running her hands through her blonde locks.

"Yes confusing" she agreed shortly. Bella grimaced internally at the anger in the vampires voice. The evening had been great up until this part. For some reason she wished to redo it maybe ? Tell the vampire sooner but again the more logical part of her told her it would've been a mistake, and even her gut agreed with that statement.

"Will you stop pacing? You're making my eyes hurt" she tried to joke to lighten the mood. Rosalie stopped moving , piercing Bella with a glare. Bella lighten up her hands in surrender.

"Or not I mean my eyes need the exercise anyway"

Rosalie huffed in frustration " this is not a joke Isabella so forgive me if I don't find the humor in your words" Bella sighed and fell down staring at the sky, feeling like a scolded child.

"You're right it's not a joke , it's serious I've told you something that would confuse you , but I would've thought you would be happy that your mate was not a human Rosalie"

Rosalie stopped pacing now staring at the girl who wasn't looking at her but at the sky instead, clearly avoiding her glare. " so you know that as well?"

She scoffed at her own question " of course you do anything else you'd like to share while we're at it? How many more lies have you told me" She asked angrily, Bella got up to her feet, she knew what she lied about, she stood up to her feet facing the vampire.Her eyes never left the golden ones, deciding to take the plunge—she promised herself she would be honest tonight, if Rosalie did choose to stay away from her after the revelation then she would accept it in stride —even though she was sure it was break her apart.

She heaved in a deep breath"This is the second time I've lived this life, the second time I moved back to my father, the second time I've met your family."

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