Im a billionare?

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Previously on: Can we start over?

"You're up early"

"Well aren't you going to open it?"

"At the end of the letter there is a number that you can contact to get in touch."

Bella strolled down the streets of her home town with ease, her hands stuffed into her pockets as she watched the cars drive past her. She wasn't popular, nor did she really interact with many people in her neighborhood, a side effect of being Renee's daughter. Her time wasn't her own , she had chores, even more than a normal teenager would have. She cooked, cleaned and paid the bills.Her time was Renee's .. she finished her homework at school to ensure she had enough time to do everything that was needed.

To be honest she considered unsavory work before but threw that thought out because her body was different and surely there wouldn't be clientele that would appreciate it.

Sure it was 2005 but not everyone was progressive. The lgbtq community in Phoenix wasn't as big as it could be. The major cities had no problem with embracing change, and adapting but she wondered whether her father would hide or shy way that his daughter different even though Phoenix was not as progressive as the rest of the USA but forks was a smaller town.. much smaller.. and she wondered what he would even say if she told him that she was interested in women or actually one women in particular but she didn't dare think about it.

Her condition so to speak would make it slim pickings for her. Well it wasn't like she was going to seduce Jessica or god forbid Lauren.. just even thinking about it made her gag. She never had a problem with women expressing the sexuality freely but there's a fine line between having a healthy sexual appetite and being the school bicycle. Lauren Mallory was definitely the school bicycle and she didn't need or want a ride on that particular ride.

Her thoughts strayed from her actual issue, how she was going to tell her father she was gay. She clearly couldn't ride into such a small town with a big ass rainbow flag declaring her sexuality for all to see. Although it would be a joyous view watching their faces she mused.

Before she realized it she made it to a convenience store, who had a pay phone not to far from the entrance.

She checked her pockets for change, and found some she popped the coin in and dialed the number on the letter and listened to the phone give off two rings. As she waited she watched her surroundings .. it was nearly 10am but the streets were still pretty empty.. the convenience store hadn't had that much foot traffic either. She wondered whether she could get a job here meanwhile, not that she needed it but it would mean she could spend more time out of the house. She needed to try and get a gym membership too, remembering the words of her great-grandmother was clear that even though she had some enhancements .. she needed to make sure her body could take the strain too.

A gruff but polite voice shook her out of her thoughts " Hello, Matthew Johnson speaking" said the voice on the phone which she now identified as the same person who wrote her the letter.

She cleared her throat before speaking " Hello Mr Johnson, you're speaking to Isabella" she paused she heard some ruffling on the other end and clarified before the man could ask " Isabella Swan, I received your letter earlier today" she added and waited for a response. She heard the man let out a deep breath and a chuckle.

"Hi I'm sorry.. yes Miss Swan" he cleared his own throat, Bella listened to the man mess with some papers on his end before he continued so she waited patiently.

"The letter I sent was a notification so to speak, according to your great grandmothers wishes. I would like us to meet face to face so that we could discuss the details better than over a phone .?" He left the question hanging and she couldn't help but agree with the man , perhaps it was her witchy instincts but she felt like she could trust the man.

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