Dont hide...

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Previously on Can we start over?

"You're on time"


"You call me 'darling' and well none of the nicknames I had lined up sticks so I'm trying out pet names"
Meeting the Cullens once more wasn't something that should've surprised her, in all honesty when she came back to forks to chase her mate she had fully been prepared to integrate herself with the vampiric family once more, that's not to say how utterly ridiculous she found it that they wore matching colors though.

This very scene played out before her once already, though instead of having Rosalie stand at Emmets side she stood by Bella's and Edward was nowhere to be seen something she thanked every god for—everything else was the same.

Her eyes rove over the family, she almost laughed at how very idealistic this whole scene was. Emmet stood off on the side with a large grin covering his face, his dimples showing proudly as he gave her a quick once over—Esme stood almost like every 1950's housewife ever—her smile was bright, heartwarming and welcoming—very cookie cutter of her—like she was going to invite you in for lemonade on a hot day, she was dressed in a white form fitting dress next to her husband , who wore the same colors but a much more reserved smile on his face—if she didn't know any better she would say he was happy to see her but she knew Carlisle — even though the doctor was as polite as they came, she could see the smile was strained. ' probably because he voted for team Edward' she thought dryly.

Continuing her silent surveying of the room her eyes rove over Jasper, the southern gentlemen looked tired, the dark circles around his eyes eyes were much more pronounced— since her own vision had been slightly enhanced she could faintly make out white colored bite marks on his skin—she felt wave of sympathy for the wounded soldier, which he picked up in no more than a second his brows furrowed confusedly not willing to explain why she felt that way, she skipped over and gazed at her second favorite vampire. Alice even though the pixie had interrupted her from what would've been a very steamy kiss she couldn't be angry at the vampire for too long.

After concluding her surveil, her eyes went back to Esme —much safer option that her counterpart.

"Esme" she spoke politely, her smile remained on her face "lovely to see you again, and you Dr Cullen much better than the last time we met after all there's no imminent threat to my life this time" she tried joking.

She felt Rose stiffen beside her, 'hmm probably should've chosen a better opening line'

Emmet guffawed while Alice gave her admonishing look though jasper had a small smile playing on his lips at the joke.

"Yes you're right and please call me Carlisle you are part of the family now after all" polite too a fault she thought.

Her hand slipped into Rosalie's rubbing calming circles around her knuckles trying to ease her sudden tension.

Bella chuckled softly " what ? That easy No initiation? " she scoffed playfully.. Emmet once more barked out loud laughter at her joke where as the women or rather Rosalie found her joke in poor taste and squeezed her hand in warning. She heard her hiss under her breath.

Alice seemed affronted " Bella ! We're not a cult!" She spluttered. Bella quirked a eyebrow at the girls words. Of course they're not a cult —though a coven of vampires in some circles would argue was the same thing.

"I didn't say you were Alice" she answered easily " I was referring to whether or not I'll be receiving a shovel talk so to speak"

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