The date part 1

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Previously on Can We start over:

"Awww come on bells it's sounds so bad ass"

"That's not what astounds me Isabella"

"One date"
Bella practically ran out of school as soon as the last bell rung, ending the school day. She had a date to prepare for, her insides were doing weird flops since lunch period 'yup definitely the entire zoo' grinning at her thoughts. She hopped into her car zooming out of the car park as soon as possible.

She only had a few hours to prepare, having a slight idea of what she wanted to do— initially she wanted to wine and dine her date at some fancy restaurant with some ridiculous name that she could barely pronounce —she was sure Rosalie would've loved that if she were able to eat but going to a restaurant meant that Bella had to eat while Rosalie watched, probably scrunching her nose in disgust the entire time didn't seem like much fun. So that idea was scrapped immediately besides watching someone eat is all kinds of weird—and it reminded her too much of Edward— besides she was pretty much sure Rose wouldn't agree to a second date mate or not.

'A picnic?' Maybe but then she needed to get the girl a meal too plus it'd give them time to talk freely without being worried about anyone listening in, she wondered if hunting a deer then draining it of its blood would raise too many questions.

Yeah the answer was simple she could easily say that her father taught her how to hunt gives them meat for a week and satisfies her mates thirst as well two birds one stone and all that .A picnic it is! under the moonlight simple yet romantic and intimate— she already found the perfect place when she was out practicing her magic. It even had a tiny stream that glittered in the moonlight she wasn't sure whether it was natural or not or maybe it just reacted to her innate magic it didn't really matter either way.

She decided be as honest as possible tonight, she needed Rosalie's trust and she needed to know whether she could trust the blonde vampire as well. Exposing her nature too soon wouldn't bode well if they failed to trust each other, she knew most of the Cullen family was paranoid, they barely trusted the wolves even though they had a treaty for years — Rosalie's hesitance when the subject was brought up before spoke volumes she was sure it wasn't just because she was afraid that their secret could possibly be exposed— which it had been but that's beside the point —it could've also be the fact that wolves are very temperamental creatures , their anger triggered their shift like her great grandmother told her, they were a watered down version of their ancestors the 'children of the moon' or actual werewolves.

She shook away her rampant thoughts, she sat on her bed gazing at her cellphone beside her , she hoped Alice wouldn't spoil the surprise , since she already made the decision. The little pixie needed to keep her vision to herself if she had one.

The time read 4pm so 3 hours to get ready, catch a deer which wouldn't be hard but draining it may be —using the meat for supper . She could only hope Charlie didn't ask too many questions about that either.
Rosalie sat in her room finishing her make up, she could hear her sister fidgeting outside her bedroom door.

"What is it Alice?"she sighed, she listened as the door opened.

"You have a date" she stated, Rosalie rolled her eyes at her sister trying to be casual, she was sure Alice already knew she had a date , even probably knowing where they would go on this date.

"Was that a question or were you just stating the obvious?"she raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, watching her sisters reaction in the mirror.

Alice was practically bursting, she had a vision earlier of where Bella would take her sister but nothing else, she wanted to be supportive of course but she also didn't want to spoil anything. Emmet and jasper had been pretty quiet, both equally surprised at their sisters decision to pursue anything with the human. She knew beside Edward, Rosalie was the most against interacting with humans more than necessary , even though Bella was her mate meaning was he wasn't just any human —she was well aware of her sisters hesitance if the confusing visions were any indication. Frankly it was starting to give her a migraine .. or perhaps something she thought was a migraine she wasn't quite sure but regardless it was a major pain in the ass.

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