And wear a Condom

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Previously on Can we start over ?

"Okay Bella that's the fourth time you sighed"

Okay, I'll go through the documents when I get back from school. I'll send you my findings with enough evidence to sue and pull all his assets"

"She kissed my hand"

"What the fuck"
Bella sat on the couch while her dad sat with a beer in hand watching a rerun of some baseball game. She watched the screen, but her mind was elsewhere perhaps her dad noticed the distant look in her eye.

"You okay bells?" Asked Charlie glancing at his daughter who seemed to be in her own world. He wondered whether she was happy here, it's been a few weeks since she arrived and he wasn't the type of guy that was in touch with his feelings but he loved his daughter, regardless of any differences she might have.

So when she was born, at the doctor told them that Bella would be different than most girls, he didn't bat an eyelash but decided he would love her unconditionally because if even if the world rejected her, he would not. When Renee took his daughter away from him it broke his heart but he couldn't follow, and genuinely thought she might be happy with her mother.

"Sorry dad" sighed Bella softly " I've just got a lot on my mind with school and stuff" she said softly, and gave her dad a small smile.

Charlie grabbed the remote and shut off the television, turning fully to face his daughter "are you happy ..." he grunted " are you truly happy here Bella?"

Bella was taken aback by her fathers seriousness, his tone was serious but his eyes held sadness and hopefulness.

Bella choked back a sob at her fathers expression, he hurt much more than he let on, and it was clear that he wanted to make sure she was happier than what she was in Phoenix

"Dad...Trust me when I say that I've never been happier I promise" she promised with a real smile

He cleared his throat and nodded in acceptance at the sincerity in Bella's voice

" good uh I'm glad" then he was back to being awkward, Bella chuckled softly.

" I'm going to head to bed, night dad" she said standing up and dropping a kiss on her fathers cheek, who flushed

"sure sure night Bells"

Bella went through her evening routine and dropped onto her bed with a thump. She played back various memories of the weeks before.


Edward has returned after his week away, they were sitting in biology class.

"Hello I'm Edward Cullen" he spoke softly, to Bella who had been waiting on Mr. Banner to start the lesson.

Bella glanced at the boy who now held in his hand out. She sighed and shook it quickly, not flinching at his cold skin.

"Bella swan" she responded and turned back to face the class

"I'm sorry about last week, I wasn't feeling too well" Bella hummed in acknowledgement.

"So how are you liking the weather?" He asked, the girl didn't seem interested in him, he focused on her thoughts to try and see what she was thinking, even though she didn't seem affected like most of the women in Forks, he was sure her mind would give him some clues. Her mind was silent, like she wasn't thinking anything . He focused on the rest of the class and caught a glimpse inside Mikes mind who glared at him. He turned back to face Bella.

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