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I'm on a roll today I blame those Easter chocolates, anyways I hope everyone's enjoying the Easter weekend.Though instead of eggs my dad made me hunt for my cigarettes.. cruel I tell you..

Anyways enough about that this chapter will have a flashback or something that will be triggering to some so I apologize in advance. We get more insight into the reason Bella hates her mother ..

So yah happy reading
Bella stared at her ceiling vacantly, it was 5 am yet she hadn't been able to sleep anymore. It was Monday morning, she helped her father yesterday with cutting down the huge tree that stood by her window. It was nothing more than just a little stump, she hoped it would be enough to keep Edward away. She was well aware that the boy was a vampire and could enter through any window of her home but she only hoped , he had a modicum of decency to not attempt it.

She sat up, and positioned herself in the full lotus position to start her daily meditation, usually she would do this at night but since she was up two hours before she usually woke up.

She slowed her breathing.. inhaling and exhaling in five second intervals, she felt the flickers of her magic rise in the pit of her stomach, as she allowed it to flow throughout her entire body.

She lost track of time and was taken out of her meditative state by a knock to her bedroom door.

"Bells you up?" She heard from the door.

She inhaled a deep breath before opening her eyes " Yeah dad .. thanks" she said loud enough for the man to hear she heard him grunt in response and went to finish his own morning routine.

Bella went through her own, she looked at the weather it was getting colder and it was nearly Christmas too .. she groaned when she remembered that there was a winter formal on Saturday. She vaguely remembered talking to Jessica about it. Rather her making excuses and Jessica pleading her to go but she was adamant in refusing but couldn't refuse to their shopping trip it was a compromise and this way she could get her some clothing as well. So it was a win- win.

Bella wore black skinny which was ripped at the thighs, a black band 1975 t-shirt coupled with her tan hooded leather jacket. She pulled on her black combat boots and headed downstairs to get some coffee before heading to school. It was 7:10 so she could pick up a breakfast burrito from the diner.

The first few classes flew by and it was lunch time, Bella sat with her group who all looked like they had seen better days, the only ones who looked fresh was Angela and Ben. Mike, Jessica, Eric, Tyler and Lauren looked worse for wear, she chuckled when she saw the sunglasses on Lauren's face.

She stabbed her salad with her spork, and grinned at her friends condition.

"I see everyone looks bright and shiny" she exaggerated in cheery tone, Jessica gave her the finger whilst the others just grunted and groaned.

"Not so loud Bella" murmured Eric from his seat.

"Sure thing joker" she chuckled, Mike laughed and punched her arm.

"Jeez Bella Don't make me laugh.. how are you not worn Bella? You drank twice as much as me?" He whined.

Bella patted his shoulder condescendingly "young one you have much to learn.. but do not fear I will show you the way" she said in a sagely tone and finished with a nod.

"What ? You're going to take me clubbing?" He asked " or maybe a strip club" he whispered regaining some of his usual exuberance.

"Strip club?" She questioned with brow raised " why would you think I would take you to one .. follow up question does forks even have one?" She asked and looked to the group who shrugged but Eric shook his head as a response.

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