If only

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For the purpose of this story Jacob will not see Bella as a potential love interest, his billy blacks son, who is Charlie's best friend ofcourse he knows of Bella's condition and loves her like nothing more than a sister.

We meet the wolves or at least the only thee who had phased since the Cullens return. I hope it comes across as I pictured it.

There's some hints in here to some trauma that will be explained in the next chapter.I don't want to give to much away.

Anyways onto the story
Bella POV

After I spoke to Rose in the parking lot, the day went by quickly, I irritated Edward a bit more but hey since I wasn't able to directly harm him without bringing suspicion to myself I thought it was worth it.

After the third bell rung, it was lunch and I walked next Angela heading to the cafeteria, we made small talk throughout our short walk from class to the lunch room. Grabbing a salad and pizza because everything else looked inedible.

I stood off to the side and waited for Angela to grab her food.

"I should really start packing a lunch or something" I said distastefully staring at the lunch that was served.

"Sure .. when you do be sure to bring me some too" mumbled Angela, her expression mirrored mine . I chuckled and continued to walk to our table where Mike stood on the bench, opening his arms wide in my direction.

"La push" he said I raised a brow at the sentence.

"La push?" I questioned prompting him to continue.

"La push baby La push" he echoed loudly, I groaned and turned to the rest of the table who wore amused expressions with Angela snickering beside me.

"Mike, not that I enjoy our conversations, because I really do it's random and fun and don't take this the wrong way" I paused putting down my tray onto the table and slid onto the bench.

" but what the hell are you on about?"

Mike rolled his eyes and huffed, pouting like a little golden retriever that didn't get their treat, I chuckled at his expression.

"What Mike was trying to say is that we' re planning on heading to La push tomorrow, it's going to be a sunny day and perfect for beaching.. and surfing" said Eric flexing his non- existent muscles

"I see" I murmured

"Well?" Huffed Mike

"Well what?"I questioned with brow raised

"Ugh Bella I'm saying or asking if you're joining?" He said pouting even more trying to persuade me" and you can bring along a certain blonde" he stage whispered near my ear, except I'm sure the entire table heard him, especially with the look Lauren was giving me.

"hmm... sure I'll go I've been meaning to visit my friend on Res anyway" I said, I glanced over my shoulder knowing Rosalie heard what Mike said but she looked away when I looked to their table. I knew they weren't allowed on La push.So even if I asked the answer would be no.

"Are we getting any alcohol?" I asked after a while.

Mike mock gasped, holding his hand to his chest "is the chiefs daughter suggesting that minors partake in Illegal activities? Well I never"

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