Should I bring my own garlic ?

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Previously on can we start over :

"You saw me drowning in a pool of my own blood, I was so cold , colder than what it felt like touching you.. you tried to reassure me but it was too late I was already gone—on my last breath literally. The pain in your eyes showed me something else, a look I've never seen you wear before—"

"My family will want to meet you"

Bella got home, she emptied the trunk of her car with a smile on her face she felt lighter, much lighter than she has since she cane back to forks. Now that Rosalie knew everything even if it was just the cliff notes it gave her a sense of calmness. Plus the girl agreed to be her girlfriend. She fist bumped the air " yay me" she laughed while trying to be as quiet as possible when entering her quiet home.

She didn't notice the absence of her fathers cruisers in the drive way. creeping up the stairs quietly. Only to face a small note taped to her door.

"Out on a call another animal attack , be back later tonight lock the doors kiddo

Love dad"

"Well I officially feel like an idiot" she said shaking her head at her earlier actions. Oh well she opened her bedroom door and went through her evening routine quickly. This evening had taken a lot of her mentally , it was tiring but pleasant ' much more than pleasant' her mind added thoughtfully. She played back her memories of the earlier make out session

"yup much more pleasant indeed"she hummed with a satisfied smile.

Waking up to a loud ringing of her phone was not the perfect way to wake up, leaving the little enchantress less amused.Bella groaned tiredly as she searched for her phone, eyes still closed, without looking at the  caller ID she answered, her voice slightly groggy, filled with sleep.

"Hello" eyes closed as she spoke, she didn't know what the time was but to her it definitely felt way too early, especially on a Saturday morning.

"Isabella" purred the voice on the other end, Bella could hear the smooth velvety voice belonging to her new girlfriend. A subconscious smile slid onto her lips at the sound of the voice.

"Rosalie, just because you're a vampire and don't require sleep doesn't mean your partner doesn't."

"It's 11 am Bella" deadpanned Rosalie " most normal people have already started their day"

Bella grunted acknowledging her point yet she still was not happy with the wake up call, she turned to her bedside table only to see the distinct absence of her alarm clock. 'Oh right I destroyed it'

"Hmm I'm not normal" she retorted, a weak rebuttal but hell! she was tired especially because she used her magic in training and searching for the deer, being being witty was not high on her priority list at the moment.

"On that we have to agree" Quipped Rose, the vampire sat in her room watching the sun play hide and seek through the cloudy skies. 'What I wouldn't give to walk in the sun without worrying about my damn skin' this was not for the first had she hoped to walk in the sun, without worrying about sparkling like a disco ball.

"Not that I don't appreciate the lovely voice of my girlfriend at 11am on a Saturday morning because I really do" she stressed the last part with as much enthusiasm as she could "I must point out that you don't strike me as a person who would call their girlfriend just because you've missed them" she said slightly more awake.

Rosalie was wonderful however, after spending such a long time alone she knew the woman wasn't the typical kind of girlfriend, that she could find in Jess or Lauren and she thanked the gods for that especially for the latter.

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