The date part 2

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Previously On Can We Start over:

"You have a date"

"Pink orchids .. they symbolize femininity, grace which you have plenty of and joy mostly because you make me feel like I've gone and won the damn lottery every time I lay my eyes on you"

"somewhere I hope you'll enjoy"
Bella parked her car off onto the side of the gravel road and rushed over to open Rosalie's door.

"My lady" Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"You are aware I could've gotten my own door" she stated though still accepting the outstretched hand.

"Of course I know that , but that doesn't stop me from trying to be a good date" replied Bella giving Rose a half shrug.

"Give me a second I need to get something from the trunk" she quickly opened the trunk, picking up the basket and blanket she brought for their date. Bella closed the trunk and motioned for Rosalie to follow her.

"Now this won't be the part of the date where you take the helpless girl into the woods and plan to kill her right?" Rosalie joked, which was surprising to Bella. Even more so the type of joke especially since the vampire was pretty set on proving to Bella how dangerous she was.

Bella snorted out a laugh, as they continued to walk down the path.

"Helpless?" She questioned with a brow raised, glancing at her companion.

"You're anything but helpless but kudo's for the joke though never thought I'd see the day Rosalie Hale made one"

"I'll have you know I have many layers Isabella, a sense of humor is merely the tip of the ice berg" quipped Rosalie.

"And I look forward to peeling back those layers one by one" she said somewhat seriously " uhm with your permission of course"

Rose looked around them, instead of at her mate .. she had a small smile playing on her lips at the reply the girl gave. "Hmm we'll see" she hummed.. the sky was darkening quick, they continued their small hike in companionable silence. The sort of silence that didn't need to be filled with inane chatter, it wasn't suffocating but comfortable.

Bella walked a bit in front of vampire to ensure they were moving in the right direction, she finally saw the clearing ahead.She could hear the running water in the distance, being in the woods felt natural, much better than being cooped up in some stuffy restaurant.

She held her hand out to Rose who hesitated for a split second before taking it. She lead the girl into clearing —it wasn't anything too grand, it wasn't filled with flowers like the meadow Edward took her too but the trees hadn't grown in the spot for whatever reason giving them a clear view of the night sky.

"Here we are" said Bella softly, Rosalie looked at her surroundings she felt the evening air, it wasn't too cold, the grass was even in growth—it even had a running stream.She glanced up to the evening sky, much more clearer than before, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, she could see the little starts glittering the blackened sky.

"It's beautiful Isabella"she breathed out honestly, it was beautiful it gave her a sense of calm.

"I know, I really do love this place and I thought I'd share it with you" Bella let go of Rosalie's hand and went at preparing their picnic, she laid the large checkered blanket on the forest floor. She started unpacking the basket, she left the wine inside with the two glasses. She reached for the thermos she got for Rose and her own venison cutlet sandwich.

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