Chapter 42: We'll see

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"And you really chose to flirt instead of resting?" Haru crossed his arm, and I just let out a small chuckle. Finally, we are home, "I don't get couples." Haru exclaimed, "You're married," Suzue from behind said.

Haru just drew a small smile from his face, It's dinner now, Suzue and Haru decided to stop by, Since Haru said Suzue wouldn't stop bugging him about visiting Daisuke, He just didn't want something bad to happen to Suzue since she's pregnant Apparently.

Sitting in a large dinning table, In front of me was Suzue, sitting next to Haru, while Daisuke was on my right, "When's your due date?" I asked Suzue, she smiled, "This Week, We'll finally have a family to call" She said, I saw Haru smiling while he was cutting a Piece of Ham for Suzue

"Whipped." Daisuke stated, and drank his wine, "Speaking of, When do you plan to start your family?" Haru asked, everyone around us asked that, my answer will remain the same, "When were married again!" I placed my hand above Daisuke, which he quickly intertwined my fingers with his.

"Again?" Suzue questioned, I just let out a small chuckle, "How many weddings would It take you both to get a child," Suzue sighed, and ate the piece of ham that Haru sliced for her.

"Hmm, but this time no more running away." He spoke, "When will the wedding occur? We have to get ready for it" Suzue sounding so bashful. I guess she really likes weddings.

"5 months from now," I answered with an ease smile, Suzue's mouth agape, "Too long!!" She complained, her face frowned While Haru just laughed, "don't tell me, it's for closure?" Haru stated, I simply shook my head, "We are just going to do things that she wanted." He said, I wanted? I don't remember this. He took something out from his pocket, It revealed a very familiar piece of paper.

It was my Bucket List, Years ago.

"You still kept that?" I was in awe, he handed me the paper, and I, myself, hardly remember these things I wrote, yet he still wanted us to experience everything I wanted.

"It bugged me for too long, I wanted to do this for so long." Daisuke scoffed, and I simply just hugged him and mouthed 'Thank you'

"I cannot wait for your Wedding!!" Suzue said she really looked so cheerful with us. I'm happy. Eveyone was happy.

"Take care!" Me and Daisuke sent off Haru and Suzue, We suggested that they stay until Suzue finally goes in labor, but they said they want to spend more alone time, could I blame them? They'll be busy when the baby arrives.

"Can we leave now for Our Vacation?" Daisuke asked, I nudged him slightly, "No, We have to wait 'till Suzue goes in labor." I chuckled, he's been bugging me about it, He's more excited than me, He doesn't show it, But it's so obvious.

He just sighed in defeat, "Days left, don't worry." I hushed him, "Sure," He answered, We walked inside with our hands Intertwined.

In the night, Laying in the bed. We just talked about what we will be doing in that 5 months. We went to different topics to the point We jumped from Our Wedding, "Where do you plan to get married?" He asked me, I've been so excited in everything, I forgot about that part. I shifted to him, "I don't know.."

"You still haven't decided?" He asked, I shook my head, "How about you?" I asked him, "Isla de Alegre." He said with finality. I never thought about that.

"Then, that's where we'll get married" I held his hand, "Is that what you want?"

"Marrying you is already enough."


It's been 3 days since we decided where we'll get married, We lived with imaginations of Our marriage, No interruptions.

Daisuke haven't visited his office yet, He was still resting, or so on Leave.  Everyday was Wonderful, for me perhaps. It's like I've forgot all the problems I've had.

Now, I'm laying in his lap, in the garden where we watched the sky that's emitting the darkness, he brushed my hair with his fingers, Our Peaceful Scenery was erupted with a single phone call.

I answered, "Hello?"

[Suzue..] The caller's panting can be heard.

[Suzue's in labor!] The panic of the caller can be heard, Haru was surely a mess.

"What?!" I panicked as well, making Daisuke shovked with the sudden raise of my voice.

[Yes, Please come now I want someone to catch me before I faint.] He ended the call.

I dropped my phone off my ear, "Your sister's in labor!" I said with mixed suprised, and panic. His lips slightly parted, but before he could speak, I grabbed his wrist and ran inside to get my keys.

I went inside the driver's seat, while Daisuke Enters the passenger seat beside me, "Are you sure about driving?" He assured me, I nodded, "Yes, you drive too slow." I started the engine, "We better make it to Our Wedding Date, Mrs. Kambe" He said,

I stepped on the gas, luckily there was no traffic in Tokyo. Which was surprising. It's busy city. I wasn't driving too slow, nor fast. That's because Daisuke kept nagging me everytime We reach 120km/h. Always bringing up Our Wedding Day.

We arrived. Safely. Daisuke opened the door for me extending his hand I gladly took it, he placed his hand behind my waist for support. We chased down on the hallways, 'Till we saw Haru peaking on a certain door

"And why are you not inside?" I asked, he was startled I guess he was too busy peaking, "I might faint." He reasoned, "watch your wife beat the shit out of you later" I joked, I felt him get tensed. He's really terrified isn't he?

"I called you for support not for mocking me." He joked, and I just laughed, "Everythings going to be fine don't worry!" I patted his back

After many hours of comforting Haru, one of the doctors got out of the room, Me and Haru quickly stood up and greeted the doctor.

"Congratulations Mr. Kato, It's a boy and a girl." The Doctor said, Haru grabbed my arm. I looked at Haru, he fainted.

"I'm not going to be like him," Daisuke said while he helped me carry Haru into the chair.

We'll see.


We entered the Room seeing Haru's hair getting pulled by Suzue, "I thought we condemn violence?" Haru said while whininh in pain, "This is really an exception." I said, Haru whined more, "Aren't you a Lawyer?!"

"I am, but you are married." I chuckled, Finally, Suzue let go of Haru's hair. Haru sighed in relief, I quickly placed the flower I bought, "Congratulations!" I said, and reached out for a hug.

"Thank you so much!" Suzue said, I pulled away from the hug, "have you decided their names?" I asked, and Suzue just nodded.

Shortly after a discussion about being parents, some doctors arrived carrying two precious babies, Everyone was in awe. So was I

I gladly took the opportunity to take pictures of Haru, and Suzue holding their children. They looked so happy, I just gladly watched them. While Daisuke was resting his head into my Shoulder.

"You're going to be a great mom," He whispered into my ear.

We'll see.

Uh, I think i found my s/o. Please, genshin really said play and find s/o.

I said i cant okay genshin anymore right? Well he's the one whose using my acc more like TAKING CARE OF IT, hes pretty much everything, he understands me. But he doesnt know I like him. Hehe

Anyways 8 chaps left and an Daisuke POV 😗

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