Chapter 1: Hello, Mrs. Kambe

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After all the dancing, drinking, I may have made a mistake for letting my guard down too much.

"Hello, Mrs. Kambe" a cold baritone voice near my ears spoke. His breathing can be heard, it's him.


I turned around, and looked up at him, "Oh Daisuke..." I'm shocked, after years of hiding, he found me, It feels like I've wasted those years for him to only find me.

He grabbed my wrist and walked me out to the VIP The guards already knew him. It was much more quiet here, "What do you want?" I asked him, not showing any fear, even though fear was already spreading fast into my body.

Please leave me alone.

His voice.. It makes me shiver.

"You know what I want" He said, his poker expression is still scary for me after all these years. "You" He said, my eyes widened, "We are already done, Kambe!" I yelled at him, for him to hear loud and clear, my tears were falling, my knees were shaking along with my hand,  "We are done, I'm not your toy, but you played me and tossed me aside once you had your fun," I hissed at him.

"I never said you were a toy to me" Daisuke Exclaimed, as he now held my arm, pulled me into his chest, "We are leaving this place" Daisuke pulled me out of the club.

I tried to pull my hands off his grip, but his grip was too strong "Kambe, get your hands off me, Leave me alone please" I pleaded, I saw his eyes narrowed and he just scoffed, "I don't want to let you go, We are not done, for you we are, but to me we aren't" He said, "I want a divorce, Kambe, this is just an arranged marriage Anyway, we both don't want this," I said,

I kept trying to pull my arm off his grip, "I filed for It and sent it to you years ago, just please.." I pleaded and pleaded, I knew my pleases won't be heard by him, but it's good enough for him to know I don't want him anymore

"You do want a Divorce, But do I want a Divorce? No" He replied, My eyes widened.

He pulled me around the club to the exit I tried pulling off, but It's no work, besides, there's 3 men with him. Even If I get out of his grasp, these men will hold me.

He made me go inside his car "Well your opinion doesn't matter! I want a divorce!" I yelled at him.

"In a Divorce, Both parties, agrees on the Divorce, However, you could divorce your partner if, they are physically abusing you which I never did" He said with so much certainty, He then closed the passenger's door, and talked to his men. I couldn't fully hear what they are talking about.

"They are almost here Sir," One of the Men said, He just walked into the car starting the Engine. His hand was on the steering wheel, but his eyes were onto me.

I "Kambe, Let me go, Let me live alone, I don't want to be with you," I said, looking at him, He didn't mutter a word, He just looked into my eyes, watching me. I tried opening the door, but no luck. It's locked.

I looked through the window, I saw cars of his men around us leading the way, He stepped onto the gas.

He did not reply to my words as he drives, for some minutes, It was silence, I'm slowly losing my hope he'll let me go.

We heard gun shots in the back of our car, windows of the car were broken, but not shattered on the back seat, I panicked, my heart raced. "What's going on?" I was cut off when Daisuke grabbed his phone and dialed a number, which the receiver Immediately answered.

"What do you want?" The Receiver spoke, "Celeste, Usual, We will barge into your apartment afterwards." Daisuke answered completely calm, as If there's no vehicles shooting guns at us, "Got it." The call ended.

The gunshots never stopped, Looking back at the back seat I see lots of vehicles, ranging from cars to motors, chasing us. I didn't need an explanation of what's happening, I already know what is it.

One of the reasons I ran away, was this.

The cold sweat rushed through me, the worry of not being able to survive starts. I panicked silently, looking at Daisuke, Who isn't shocked by anything and continues to drive fast.

I heard cars crashing left and right. Gunshots being fired every second.

Two motorcycles came up on us, pointing guns on us, ready to fire. Daisuke threw a gun at me no words were needed to be said, I was almost familiar with these.

The windows of our car was slowly lowered, and Our car sped up gradually. Which the motorcycles catched up on us fast, I pointed my gun as Daisuke did to on the other side and started shooting.

A scene of life and death.

You don't win without fighting for it right?

More motorcycles started coming up on us
I reloaded fast and continued to shoot. 

We are outnumbered. I ran out of bullets, "Fuck" I muttered, and opened the Glove Compartment, and just like I expected, there's more guns of course, I took the opportunity to pick out the pistol with not much time to choose and started shooting once more.

Some motorcycles crash onto us once the rider die, and some just fall onto the bridge, to the water itself. A bullet went past me, completely making my heart race more.

I peaked and shot once again before I reloaded, and unluckily, I got shot in the arm, I hissed in pain, and I saw Daisuke looking at my arm, Blood were falling, the pain cannot be Ignored.

I saw the windows going up once again, and heard more gunshots being fired, new cars over running the motorcycles, 20 minutes felt like an hour.

From being in a club, dancing, having fun, to being in a car involved with gunfires and my life being compromised.

"You're safe now." Daisuke said, "We'll talk later" He stated. I just nodded, I couldn't mutter a word because of the pain. He started to drive faster once again and turning in the road on his way somewhere away from the gunshots.

My hand were covering the gunshot preventing more blood to come out. Daisuke's phone started to ring, he answered, "It's done, See you" The Caller said and hanged up, we arrived at a hospital with a doctor waiting in front, when he saw the car approached immediately.

Daisuke got out of the car in rush, and carried me, "Mr. Kambe," The doctor greeted and all I remember is being rushed inside.

Lights. The first thing I saw.

I immediately stood up onto my bed, I'm inside a hospital, I looked around to see Daisuke beside my bed sitting and looking at me, I touched my arm where there was an  gunshot. It's now completely wrapped in gauze, "You're awake," He said and stood up.

He grabbed a cup of water to lend it to me. I took it and drank, I got out of the bed and faced him, "Let's leave" I said. He just nodded, my clothes weren't changed, all my belongings are still with me. I assumed Daisuke already paid.

I got into his car and he drove off, "Where are we going?" I asked calmly I'm tired, "Haru's"

It wasn't that far from the hospital, We got in there within minutes. Welcomed by a guy with Taupe colored messy hair.

"Hi, you must be Y/N, Nice to finally see and meet you."

"Can we discuss what happened earlier Daisuke?" Haru said, and Daisuke Nodded, and fixed his suit. Daisuke looked at me and pointed at me

"Those people have been chasing you for 2 years now, this is the only time they have managed to get to you that near" I was shocked with what Kambe said to me,

Chasing me for 2 years.

"If they were chasing me, why didn't they got a chance to get me for the past 2 years, then?" I asked, I kept my fear away from me for now.

"Do you actually think I would let you run around? Without me watching or being with you?"

With that answered, I was lost for words. Questions with no definite answers popped out.

I thought on the day I ran away, I'd be free from everyones sight, turns out. I was just in some arena, and there above, they are watching me.

Mrs. Kambe • Daisuke Kambe (REVISAL)Where stories live. Discover now