Chapter 2: I trust you?

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Fuck you very much Kambe
I opened up the window beside me, then stick my hands outside, and also my head to get a better aim, I hit the trigger not minding who it'll hit, or whatever it'll hit.

"Mrs. Kambe, you better not die on me" He exclaimed, as he drove faster "Oh fuck, I'm Ms. Kim" I replied rolling my eyes, I don't have time for this shit when our life is on the line. while shooting up the driver seat of the cars whose following us, aside from motorcycles there were also cars.

I saw one of the cars, losing it's speed slowly, the driver died, there was no one controlling the stirring wheel, so the car crashed to other car, and vehicles, some cars flipped, thrown into the bridge, the riders of motors falling off completely on their motor.

A bullet broke our backseat window, fuck.

"Go faster" I screamed, as I unleashed more bullets to the cars and motors.

Reloading, Shooting, Covering.

"Do you want to die? Go faster!" I pressured him

"I have no plans letting you die as well" He replied. I rolled my eyes once again, and continued to shoot, there's no use to fight when you're on the edge of dying.

I looked in front, a far you saw the bridge dividing, I forgot, this is Tokyo. I stopped shooting and prepared myself, I know what he's going to do. He's going to make a jump out of that bridge.

He looked at me with a glare. I looked at him with my brows who looked liked it was questioning him.

"Trust me, like how you used to trust me before," He said, I brushed it off, I just held on tight. We were nearing. Every second, my heartbeat goes faster, Is it because I'm scared? I'm not sure anymore.

It only took a second, for everything to feel like a jump to the other bridge was 2 minutes. As soon as the car touched the ground once again, my body swayed. I pushed my head out of the window, and started shooting.

Most cars got into the other side of the bridge, and some didn't make it in time. A black car appeared infront of us, It was different from the other cars, I looked at Daisuke, He was already looking at me.

We both know that car.

I tried shooting the car knowing it's hopeless, he wouldn't barge into a war without securing himself. I ran out of bullets, I went inside again, and closed the window, "What now are we finally dying?" I looked at him and questioned him.

I didn't get any answer aside from the wind. His side profile. His completely composed self, unbothered.

The Black car bumped our car, Daisuke shifted the gear and went faster, "Fuck you, Eijishima" He muttered, I looked at our surrounding, shattered windows, yet still intact, so many magazines on the ground and of course, pistols. I looked at the side mirror, the vehicles of Daisuke's personnel were crashing with Kalix's.

It's too late to feel the rush and fear of him appearing infront of me, All I can do for now is trust this man beside me.

I know he will never let Kalix get me.

"Here" Haru handed me a glass of water, everything sunk into me just now, I'm here sitting with the man I've ran away from and hid to for years, while we were chased by some psychopath whose after me as well.

"Thank you," I took a sip and placed it down on the coffee table, "Have you handled them?" Daisuke questioned Haru, and He just nodded while opening a can of beer.

"He is pesky, If we didn't handle most his men, We all wouldn't be here, We'd still be on the road on our cars racing with time." Haru he took a sip of his beer, "I think this is a threat" He added, Daisuke just scoffed with his arms crossed, "I'm not letting him go near" He looked at me after his sentence.

"Then you better keep Y/N safe" Haru said, I listened to their pep talk, I don't know what to say, nor have the energy to speak, "Take me home" after 30 minutes of being around them, that's what I said, "I know you know where I live now," How stupid of me, to think I completely got rid of him, I forgot his connections.

"Our home misses you," He replied, Haru slowly left his seat as someone ringed him, "You know that's not the home I'm talking about" My eyes flashed at him, "I'm not risking you" He argued

"What is it to you If he gets me?" I stood up from my seat, "You are my wife," I was reminded by him again

"I divorced you," I looked at him, His eyes looked so tired, but he remained composed, "I never signed"

"What do you want from me?" I asked, "I want you home" He said. I shook my head, "I'm not going back to your house" I started to breathe rapidly.

"I'm not giving you a choice, If it's the only way to keep you home and safe I'd remove your rights to choose" He challenged.

"It'd be best If you go with him Y/N" Haru, who we didn't notice getting back said, "We don't know when Kalix will get back at you, It was only a matter of seconds before he got to you,"

I sighed in defeat, I don't have a choice, It's funny how I always accept defeat so fast, "Promise me once this ends, you're never appearing in front of me, and sign it finally" I looked at him with bloodshot eyes, "I don't do those promises"

He pulled me by the wrist and dragged me on the room and made me sit on the bed, "Go sleep, We'll go home tomorrow" That's all he said, I laid down and fell asleep fast.

I woke up randomly, I looked at the clock near me, 2:14am. The door was slightly open, I could hear Haru talking, "You really love her huh?" I heard Haru's voice.

"To death" his cold reply made me shiver, "Hahahaha what a fool," Haru laughed I heard a can being open, They are drunk.

I went out to check, they are on the floor drinking, Haru looked at me and smiled, his hair was a mess, then there's him, admiring me, drunk as well, "Why.. are you awake?" He pointed at me, he barely kept his hand stable, I sighed and just went back inside the room to sleep once more.

I heard the door creaked, and saw a tall figure, "Don't sleep next to me you drunk-ass" I closed my eyes after that, I heard his footsteps nearing, and sitting beside me, he leaned in and kissed my forehead, "Goodnight, Y/N" I opened my eyes slowly to see him going to the couch near the bed and to sleep there.

Would everything be different If that didn't happen?

Would he still be my husband whom I loved dearly?

Mrs. Kambe • Daisuke Kambe (REVISAL)Where stories live. Discover now