Epoch 🎐 16

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Titania: “…….”

_‘What are you doing still squatting on the ground! Quickly get up and come forward.’ The head elder’s voice inside her head grunted.

_‘And watch your expression. Don’t you dare make a mistake here or else, you’re dead on spot. Now, look up at him amorously and smile.’ The head elder reminded her sternly once more.

Titania had the sudden urge to curse out loud. ‘Look at him amorously? You look at him amorously if you have the balls!’ She cursed a thousand times in her heart, but what else could she do? She was cursed and she could only follow the head elder’s words to the T to be able to keep her little life.

With much difficulty, she managed a to bring a stiff smile to her face and looked up at Eganius Cline as she walked a few steps towards him. And at that very moment, she happened to meet Eganius Cline eye-to-eye.

His eye… they were the most beautiful shimmering obsidian Tania had ever seen. His eyes didn’t look like eyes at all, they looked more like two shiny jewels embedded to his sockets. They were deep and the tail-end of his eyes with a few strands of dark hair hanging around were the most seductive she had ever seen in a man. But those eyes were also like a bottomless vortex, cold and kind of creepy, which would suck you in whole and you will lose yourself once you’re not careful enough.

More so, when he looked directly at her, his dark eyes held the callous indifference of a monarch. Not the kind of indifference one held for a stranger, but the kind of indifference a superior being held for a being much lesser than itself, as if to say, ‘How-dare-this-humble-ant-look-directly-at-me?’ kind of contempt.

He had the temperament of a wild animal, ready to pouch the moment his enemy dares to make a move, majestic but extremely dangerous.

Titania had the sudden intuition that the moment she dared to move a single step forward, her fragile head would definitely be severed off her body as he shouted, ‘Off with your head.’

She was already sweaty all over and could only gulp hard to sooth her now dry throat as she seriously contemplated: ‘Try to seduce this guy and you will definitely die; but if you don’t try to seduce, you will die as well; Expose yourself as Nia, then there is a dead end as well.’

Titania let out a long sad sigh in her heart as she felt, wasn’t she born as a mere cannon fodder in this world? Then why, at this moment, she felt like she had become the lead female lead of an abusive romance novel?

This is like the very twisted beginning of a series of sadomasochistic events that normally takes place at the beginning of such novels. Your beloved is in front of you but he doesn’t recognize you, and thus, he wants to torture you to death. Whereas you, you became dumb and can’t let him recognize you.

What the hell!? Why did she feel so abused?

Titania didn’t dare to make any more moves. She just quietly stared back at Eganius Cline without a peep for a long while. And, after that while had passed, she heard the head elder’s impatient anxious tone inside her head once more, urging her to go to him again. But she still didn’t move. Her internal organs started hurting like hell, and she could literally feel them corroding from the inside. But she still was reluctant to take that one step. So, she stuck frozen at where she stood, her eyes red with agony as they stared back at her little lover who looked back at her indifferently. It was as if she was in a daze, her head was completely blank as she continued to stand frozen to her spot, ignoring everyone ant everything around her, even the way she looked at the moment.

From an outsider’s point of view, she looked like an affectionate beauty in a gorgeous dress with eyes of longing and love, her red lips watery and glowing while her face moving as she quietly stared at the unrequited love of her life.

She kept staring at Eganius Cline as if she was bewitched. Like a sailor being bewitched by a siren amidst the sea. Her eyelashes shook as she looked like an immortal fairy silently hooking people’s hearts and souls.

Everyone’s hearts were hanging in the air, anxious and anticipating. Tania was able to hook them with her beautiful longing eyes, but the question of being able to hook Eganius Cline’s heart still remained to be seen. If she did not succeed, then they couldn’t even begin to imagine the consequences.

After staring at each other for what felt like an epoch, Eganius Cline suddenly broke eye contact and sat back onto his seat on the alter while he also retracted his insidious aura waves. Titania was still lost at this moment, but Eganius Cline looked back at her and slightly narrowed her eyes.

No one knew that the great fiend of nature, Eganius Cline was myopic. Since the great battle between the wizards and the mages a thousands years back, he had not been able to restore his normal eyesight. At that time, he was attacked and was injured by the powerful divine weapons of the grand mages and the spirit realm had also contributed greatly in the battle against him. Hence, he was severely wounded and to this day, his wounds had not healed properly. Specially his eyes. So, he was intensely staring back at Titania because he simply couldn’t see Tania’s face at all.

He only knew that there was a woman standing at that particular place. He did not know how beautiful or how ugly she was. Though it was a bit boring playing with beauties at this moment, but he still wanted to see the face of this woman who dared to stared back into his eyes so courageously.

Since Eganius couldn’t see properly, he squinted his eyes a little more, but he was still unable to see her face. So he, just said in a commanding manner, “Come closer.”

 Titania’s body stiffened by Eganius Cline’s words for a second, but slowly, she indeed moved towards him with few small steps.

Eganius Cline, who could finally see her properly, grunted in disgust, “Hmm. She indeed looks quite pretty.”

Titania in her heart: ‘This is the first time in my life I had met someone who is so disdainful of my face. And it had to be my little lover.’           

And then, the guy who she thought was the most dangerous being in this realm, asked, “Are you seducing me?”

Titania: “……..”

~ ••• ~

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