Epoch 🎐 19

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Egan, "....."

“So you should learn from the mistakes of this elder and try and curb your anger a little bit.” Titania preached in the most righteous way possible.

Egan, “..................”

And then, suddenly, Titania heard loud screaming and painful howls from the other side of the communication key. The corner of her mouth couldn’t help but twitch as she reckoned what was going on, on the other side of the communicational key.

“Hey hey, big guy! I had just finished exhorting about the disadvantages of anger and the very next second, you started getting angry enough to beat someone up? Did you not learn anything from the story I had just painstakingly narrated to you?”

The youth’s cold callous voice reverberated through the communication key, “....If you dare to say one more word, believe me, I will really kill you.”

But Titania being Titania, where was she afraid of the youth’s cruel threats, “(Sigh!) I see now that I went out of my way for nothing. I said so much just so you could learn a bit from the mistakes of others, but all is for naught. You’re still so very short-tempered and irritable(Sigh!).”

Egan, “.....SHUT UP!!!”

Now that Titania remembered this little episode with Eganius Cline, she felt that he was still very good tempered back then, for she would have really lost her little life if he became seriously angry.

But then, when she used to irritate him intentionally, she really just thought it was fun to tease him! And her head was filled up with the appearance of a beautiful young youth in white garb who would sulk with a pretty frown stuck to his temples, not the appearance of a scary fiend who was irritated enough to kill people indiscriminately!

Tania, ‘Mama! My mouth is really going to be the death of me one of these days.’

Titania, who was gradually waking up from her daze, was sore all over, and she was still thinking about all the offences that she had committed against Eganius Cline. She was lying on the cold hard ground, her eyes wide open in the dark, and she couldn't digest the situation she was in at this very moment.

The pain all over her body reminded her of all that had transpired today and who was the one responsible for all of her woes.

This... everything was done by her very own boyfriend.


Tania realized she couldn’t afford it. She couldn’t afford it at all! This boyfriend of hers was too risky to keep any longer. She had to break up! Break up as quickly as possible.

Online dating in the feudal era was really risky. Who told her to mess around like this!

Titania took in a deep breath and slowly sat up with difficulty, her thin back leaning against the hard stone wall, still feeling a burning pain around her neck.

She swallowed hard, remembering the feeling of being strangled alive, and shivered in after-fright.

She almost died!

If it were not for fortune favoring her, she would most definitely be a dead corpse today.

Titania swallowed hard once more and tried to speak, but her throat was corroded with a curse and she was still unable to make any sound.

She couldn’t help sighing in her heart, and took out the communication key hidden in her chest, while touching the hollow intricate carvings on the key with her fingers, she stared at it with complicated eyes.

And after hesitating for a moment, and she rubbed the communication key to turn it on and connected the call. The old communication key shone with a pale white light, making her fingers seem paler than usual and then a stern familiar voice came out of it--


Eganius Cline’s voice emulated through the communication key, cold gentleness sipping out of his voice as ever, “Where are you, Nia? Why have you been ignoring me all this while?”

 Titania, “......” ‘This guy can really pretend! No wonder I was fooled.’

His soul-stirring voice sounded very aggrieved and sad, as if he was wronged by the Heavens; Seeming much like a harmless abandoned puppy, as if the violent unreasonable murderer during the day was not him at all.

Titania felt like she was cat-fished for good. Such high level acting skills really needs an award. She felt that life was a joke. What kind of sweet young love she was hallucinating about? She should just register to become a nun.

Eganius on the other hand, did not get any response from her for a long time and so, anxiously complained in a soft voice, “Nia, I was waiting for you today for a long time, but you never showed up. What happened? Were you bullied by someone? Tell me, I promise I will definitely avenge you.”

Titania couldn’t help but think, ‘Good guy! You really can talk! If you are that very designated bully, can you be a judge for yourself?’

But she still didn’t respond to his queries; as a result, he got even more anxious. “Nia, you can’t ignore me like this. You have to tell me how have I provoked you. You have to give me a reason for your indifferent attitude.” The young man’s voice sounded very sad and lost, as if he would lose his soul if she abandoned him today.

Tania, ‘Ho! Pretend! Keep pretending. I wanna see how much you can pretend in front of me today.’

“Do you think that if you ignore me like this, I won’t be able to find you?” Seeing her taciturn attitude towards him, Egan’s mallow voice suddenly became very cold, and with gritted teeth he threatened, “Tania, you’d better come to me soon before I go out to personally find you.”

Titania, ‘Look look! The true nature of this fake boyfriend is finally being exposed.’

In rage, Titania let out a cold snort and then directly cut off the call, putting away the communication key resolutely. She finally decided that she would really break it off with Egan this time, and started to concentrate on her internal injuries to slowly heal herself in due time.


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