Epoch 🎐 53

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Commander Weldron had been going in and out of the underground dungeon too much recently.

All the so-called prisoners of the dungeon had been pretty mundane and bored out these few days after Titania's departure. So the only source of entertainment in their lives these days was to watch the commander of the wizarding realm come and make small talks with a little girl in the third cell of the underground dungeon.

Today was such a day when Commander Weldron came for an unsurprised visit.

"Miss Alania, how are you doing today?" The blushing commander asked in a soft tone.

"I'm okay Commander. You don't need to take care of me so much." Alania chirped back in a sheepish tone. She did not know if this wizard commander was plotting something but ever since Tania was taken away by Eganius Cline that day, this man had been overly enthusiastic towards her.

At the beginning she thought maybe Tania had already become the concubine of the king and was secretly urging this man to look after her safety in this place, so she also showed her enthusiasticness towards him. In turn, the commander made very bold promises to her about letting her get out of here and stuff.

She initially believed it too as she and Tania shared a sisterly bond and she had trust that if Tania was being favored by Eganius Cline she would definitely not let her suffer here alone. But now..... After so many days have passed, she had her doubts.

"Well.... How is sister Tania doing?" She asked in a hesitant manner.

"Oh! Don't worry my lady, lady Tania is very well and healthy." The commander said happily as in turn.

"(Sigh!) That's good to hear." Alania smiled in a kind but distant manner.

"My lady, you..." But the poor commander was cut off halfway by a shrill irritated voice.

"Respected commander! When do you think we can finally have a meeting with His Majesty? It's been so many days and we have not seen any of us being escorted to His Majesty as of yet." A girl who looked to have a high nose and vixen-like facial features grumbled in fuming anger.

She was one of the prisoners who was brought in not long ago and it has not been many days since she had come here. At first she thought if she waited long enough, her one-on-one tryst with Eganius Cline would soon happen, but she was not a patient kind of person and now... after so many dull days of relentless await, she could no longer take it.

The moment her voice fell, all the other ladies started making noise and complaining one after the other. Before long the prison cells became as rowdy as a marketplace.

Commander Weldron, on the other hand, knitted his brows as taut as a bow string. He couldn't help but wonder if these ladies were becoming too comfortable in the underground cell lately, otherwise why would they be so eager to be courting death. Didn't they know that the ones who were escorted to his king and never came back were most likely killed under his lord's hands?

What commander Weldron did not know was that the ladies locked up inside the dungeon all thought that once Eganius Cline made sure that they were not his beloved, he would let them go unharmed. After all, they had no grudges with Eganius Cline. They had no idea that they were just lambs taken to the slaughter once they were taken to Eganius Cline, otherwise who would be so willing to spend so many days without resistance in this dirty dingy place.

The guards of the underground dungeon could only shoo and scare the ladies away but could not stuff their mouths in fear of their king, afterall, these ladies were supposed to serve their king in his bed soon, and Eganius Cline's attitude towards these women were still uncertain. So, they could only endure.

As a result, a trivial spark suddenly caused the whole dungeon to light up with fiery uproars and they could not quell the shrill cries of the women inside the cell.

Commander Weldron had a very ugly face on but he could neither beat nor kill these unruly women. The only thing he could do to his lord's women was to go and seek his lord's help to resolve this matter.

Whereas, deep in the inner palace of Eganius Cline, he was currently having a cat fight with his girlfriend.

It all started with a game of Zenga.

These days Tania had somewhat gotten used to Eganius Cline's unusual temper, but she was too bored to just spend the entire day in a staring contest with this crazy man. All Eganius Cline ever did was feed her, let her sleep in his arms and stare at her face until oblivion.

It made Tania more and more aware of his weirdness the more she spent time with him. She was the only one talking nonstop most of the time, and whenever Eganius Cline opened his mouth, he would open it only to jab at her now and then, making Tania's hair rise all the more.

And she couldn't take it anymore.

It would be better to just kill her plain and simple rather than let her be in a staring contest with Eganius Cline all day long.

Hence, today she suggested they play a game.

Egan was not very interested at first, but then his girlfriend's non-stop chattering really was giving him a headache, so he reluctantly agreed and started making the pieces to be used in the game of zenga.

In the beginning, he was utterly clueless as to what Tania was having him make. He had heard of chess, had heard of the game of the serpents, but never of this strange game called zenga. Nevertheless, he decided to humor Tania anyway.

And so, soon began the game of zenga.

The first rounds were won by Tania obviously but very soon Egan got a gist of the game, and started counter-attacking her.

Time went by fast and the both of them got so into it that they did not realize the obvious hint of mirth in each other's eyes whenever they won a round.

Titania, who was an old veteran in the game, won most of the rounds that they played and she discovered that this aloof taciturn man was in fact, a very very sour loser.

So sour was he a loser that when he could not win against her for a long time, he unilaterally started resorting to mean tricks like magic with a straight face on.

Titania was so angry that her teeth were chattering in rage and her eyes were literally spitting fire. She desperately wanted to beat Egan up.

But who made this man the all powerful Eganius Cline! She could only shed bitter tears in her heart as she watched him sneakily use wind magic to topple off her tower whenever it was her turn, and say with a taciturn face, "Oh! I won."

A provoked Titania, ".........."

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