Epoch 🎐 31

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The dragon slowly aroused the moment she woke up startled.

“....If you’d slept some more, the sun would’ve been over the moon.” Said the leisurely dragon, and for the first time Tania tasted shame.

The words that she was about to blurt out had all of a sudden stuck onto her throat. She felt compelled to retort him, but she did not have the face to.

“....Ahem! W-Well, should we get started now?” Titania swallowed her pride and muttered with gritted teeth.

The dragon abruptly got closer to her and almost whispered into her ears, “It will take forever if I were to leave the gold rearing elixir to you. So, I have decided to guide you thoroughly along the process. Hope you can keep up.”

‘... Wait! What did he mean by ‘Hope you keep up’!?’ Titania widened her eyes to that of a saucer, almost dreading her fate from here on out.

Honestly so, Titania tried hard to concentrate on refining the miracle elixir but when there was a dragon breathing down onto the back of your neck, one can imagine how much energy it took her to keep the cauldron burning, let alone separate the herbs with her mind’s eye.

“S-Sir Dragon, w-would it be possible for you to step back a little bit?” If it were possible, Tania really did not want to interact much with this scary beast for fear that he was who she thought to be, and if he really was, then there was no way in hell she could feign ignorance for long.

The dragon in turn, just looked at her condescendingly and chose to ignore her faint plea, “Mellow the heat a bit and divide the elion seeds and Zeela flower from the other simmering herbs. Simmering them a bit later than the other herbs will put less stress into your mana reserves, and will make it easier for you to refine the pill.”

The dragon continued to instruct while still breathing down her neck. Tania felt like she was sitting on pins and needles and would die of suffocation very soon, but where would she get the courage to defy the mighty old dragon a second time.

So, with tight sealed lips and clenched teeth, she continued to do as the dragon instructed.

Finally after about half a day, a quiet elixir fragrance overflowed from the charred pill cauldron. Tania wanted to dance with gratification and joy, but she was so tired that she couldn't even afford to lift her eyelids.

One flaring golden colored pill leaped out of the cauldron and rejuvenated the atmosphere with its enriching fragrance as it floated atop Tania’s palm. Carefully so, she put the only accomplishment into a porcelain bottle, and then fainted with sweat drizzling down her temples.

The obsidian dragon beside her, looked at her comatose form with a weird expression on, but then a moment later, it turned into that of a lean man and bent down to pick the girl up and embraced her into his wide arms as he sat by the spring.

The golden pill bottle that rolled out of Tania's hand was picked up and the moment Egan put the pill into his mouth, he felt inexhaustible vitality flowing into his core. He knew that even the most miraculous pill would not be able to help him get rid of the ailments he was suffering from. But this was the elixir personally concocted by his beloved. How could he bear to not take it?

No one knows how much time had passed, but a quiet Eganius Cline kept looking at the fairy-like beautiful face of Titania as she rested in his arms. From time to time he would caress her fair cheeks and she would snuggle into his arms some more and after a fair amount of time caressing her became a kind of fun game for Egan.

A certain Titania, who was sleeping unaware of the dangers she was about to face, was even struggling in her dream.

Tania knew she was having a nightmare but she was still unable to escape this nightmare. She dreamt of Eganius Cline grabbing her from the back, pinching her neck, and with a "click", breaking her thin legs off too easily. Then he murmured with a grin, "Do you still dare to run away?"

Tania, “….” She was wrong. She shouldn't have read so many novels of sadistic couple with abortions and digging hearts plotlines in her previous life.

Titania was so scared that she got up with a jolt, panting and sweaty in a prison cell. She was weak to her toes as she took in the fact that all she was having was just a nightmare.

She was a bit confused at first, and then suddenly remembered the obsidian dragon and her recent adventures outside her cell. She looked around to see if there was any unnaturalness amongst her imprisoned peers but nothing seem to be out of place and everyone acted as if they were not aware of anything unordinary.

Then she heaved a sigh of relief and tried to regulate her breath as she meditated as well as mulled over the recent events.

‘Did the dragon sent me back to the prison again? If so, how did he know I was a prisoner in the first place? Was it someone important in this wizard realm? Wait…. Where are my benefits that I was supposed to reap after I had concocted the miracle pill of the dragon? SCAM!!! I was scammed by that charcoal beast!!! To think there would even be a scammer dragon in this realm! Tsk! really, nothing good ever comes when meddling with the folks of the wizarding realm. All of them are catfishes and scammers!’

Tania almost felt like pulling a few chunks of her hair out of her skull as she grieved over her naivety over believing random beasts and strangers with a wave of their hands.

However, she did not have enough time to mourn over spilled milk as it was soon discovered that the garden outside of the underground prison cell had gone bald overnight.

Titania consequently gulped as she watched hoards and hoards of guards infiltrating the underground prison soon, and could only try to minimize her sense of presence and try not to get involved with those hidden spies sent by the outside forces to the wizard realm.

But, it seemed as if it was written in the stars that she was going to get unlucky no matter how much she wanted to hide.

~ ••• ~


Hey there my lovlies 🥰

Hope all of you are doing dandy. I am so sorry for disappearing all of a sudden but I have been so busy lately that I don't even have enough time to sleep.

Hoping for your forgiveness and understanding over rare updates of TVOL 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

I can't promise anything as I even have to work on Sundays nowadays, but I will try to get into writing as much as possible during my leisure 😇

Love love love all of my readers loads  and hope all of you have a great day ahead❤❤❤

Love, Victoric🥰

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