Epoch 🎐 38

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Who said she won't ever be able to foster to God tier level in this life! Can this man's dog mouth talk properly? He is so arrogant and disparaging her so much now? How dare he hit her sincere heart like this!?

Eganius Cline was a dragon without a heart. A thousand years ago, he does not know how, someone seems to have grouched out his heart from his chest. And since then, after he woke up from his coma 500 years later, he did not seem to remember what actually transpired back then. But due to the lose of his heart, his body was slowly deteriorating and decaying. To stop his body from rotting away and disintegrating, he put himself under a forbidden spell which was more like curse than a spell. Due to the spell, even if his body stopped from further decay, it would cause ulcers and sores all over his internal and external frame and they would heal and they ulcerate again and again, as if a vicious cycle which caused him much pain and irritation.

Over time, even his bones started to rot inside and was miraculously healed by the spell, but ended up decaying again. But the hindsight of this entire conjecture was that, Eganius Cline was unable to feel any emotions. As if a living dead.

Hence, the so-called feelings for Titania were just a mirage created by his subconscious mind centering on the concept of love and emotions he had known of before he lost his heart. He was like a fake imitation of his former self, his body subconsciously trying to do what the original him would have done if he had a conscience. Very much like muscle memory of sorts.

Eganius Cline had slight preference and favoritism for Titania because she made him feel more alive. Other than that, she was just an entertaining pastime for him.

As such, now that Titania was fuming in anger and indignation due to his low jabs, how could Egan understand her emotional prospective. According to him, he was just spiting out the truth. It did not matter to him how the person in front of him would react to his cold harsh words. So, he chuckled and continued his speech, his tone mundane and routinely, as if he was talking about the weather outside, "But don't worry. It's just fifth tier level, not to mention fifth tier, I will even help you foster to the Omnipotent tier level when you come to my side. You will be ready to ascend to the fifth tier in about a few hundred years if you come to my side."

His tone was coaxing and at the same time laid-back, but what he spat out of his mouth was not ordinary at all.

'What the heck!? Did he just say a few hundred years? So does he mean that I am so useless now that it will take a few 'Hundred years' for me to reach the fifth tier? A tier level which a normal mage can achieve in about one hundred years! Is he saying that it will take me more than one hundred years to foster myself to a fifth tier mage? This man! He is clearly belittling me!' The more Titania thought about it, the more irritated she became.

She suddenly seemed to have seen through her image in Eganius Cline's mind. 'Hmph! What are you? You're not so rare for me to waste more than a hundred years with you!'

Titania aggressively cursed the poison-tongued man in her heart and decisively hung up on him.

"Dog! Just a bloody dog!" She cursed at the top of her lungs when she suddenly remembered her original purpose for calling Eganius Cline.


Titania quickly reconnected the call and to save her skin, she lied through her teeth before Egan could even question her actions, "I'm so sorry Egan. I think my hand accidentally touched the hang up button and the call got cut off in the middle. Please forgive me and let's continue where we left of earlier, hmm?"

Conversely so, Eganius Cline slightly frowned when he heard her words.

The communication key that Eganius Cline had designed with his own hand was not something that could be turned off with an accidental click. One has to really rub it at least about three times for it to be turned off and on simultaneously. The design of the instrument was cleverly made and if Titania had not been rigorously rubbing the key when she was first cleaning things up in the Draiocht tower, she would not have been able to connect the call with him at all.

His eyes narrowed once more and he muttering into the communication key in a cold tone, "Nia, you're lying."

Titania, "?!!!"

Titania almost could not breathe.

With much difficulty, she sucked in a deep breath to calm herself and the wheels of her mind moved like they were under steroids.

She forced herself to calm down and then thought it out. Let's admit it. She will just lose face in from of Eganius Cline. Big deal. She was shameless to begin with. As long as Eganius Cline favored her, she was considered safe.

So with a forceful smile, Titania hurriedly admitted her mistake in a coquettish tone, "I.. Egan I was wrong just now. Please forgive me. When you said I was basically a waste who would need more than a hundred years to foster myself to the fifth tier, I got angry. After all, my self esteem was hurt. So.... in blind rage I.. I hung up the call. I... I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, hmm?"

Eganius Cline, the sole ruler of the wizarding realm who controls the life and death of millions of witches and wizards, slowly let out a chilling smile on the other side of the call, and made a "Hmph!" sound, his lazy legs crossed one over the other in a very casual posture while he listened to the fake voice of the little girl with an amused look on his face.

Commander Waldron who stood on the sideline as a wilting wallflower could not help but deduce his master's expression quietly.

The pale cold face hidden in the gloomy shadows of the chamber was like a beautiful ghost crawling out of the coffin, he looked lifeless, a few strands of his long hair handing by his cheeks and the handsome but indifferent face was half hidden by his ebony hair, there was no anger, happiness or sadness on his face at the moment while he just attentively listening to the voice of the girl coming out through the communication key. There were many flaws to the story of the girl and he did not believe that his master did not pay attention to those loopholes.

Why did it feel more like an old geezer playing a game of cat and mouse with a little kid on purpose?

Indeed it is true that a fifteen years old newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE : Dear readers, advanced Ch - 39, 40 & 41 is uploaded on Webnovel already. To read on ahead, do visit Webnovel and add TVOL to your library. 

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