Epoch 🎐 49

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It was a wintry December when a little mortal girl of sixteen found an injured man by the river that she usually goes to get water from.

The man was so beautiful that he seemed like a fairy out of a story book. The tender girl of sixteen instantly fell in love at first sight with this unconscious stranger, and hence, took him home to tend to his wounds.

Soon the stranger woke up after a day and night of sleep, but the girl found out that the man had lost his memory when he woke up . Thus, she proposed the man to stay back with her until he remembered his identity. The man agreed and stayed behind with her, and soon, the both of them fell in love. It was a sweet and warm winter and the two soon decided to get married.

But only a month after their marriage, the family of the man came to their door to take him back home, and he was given a potion that finally brought his memories back. It turned out that he was the second son of the renowned  Magnus family of mages.

The man had to go back but he was still in love and he did not want to leave his newly wedded wife in the mortal world. Not to mention the fact that she had saved his life, and so, against the objections of his family, he took his mortal wife home.

The Magnus family's house was huge, with its eaves undulating like mountains, and the corridors were deep, the entire castle took space no less than a small city.

And in such an oppressive environment, the life of the mortal girl in the realm of the mages could be considered to be pitiful, she was a woman without power and not even the servants paid any heed to her, she was a transparent person in the noble house of the Magnus family, who lived like she did not exist at all. She lived like the dead and when it seemed as if this was how she was going to end her little life, she suddenly became pregnant.  The mortal lady who lived worse than slaves gave birth to the only burden of warmth in her life.

The eldest granddaughter of the Magnus family was born on a beautiful November morning, and her father who was busy with advancing as a mage only found out about her existence after a few months of her birth.

When he found out that he was a father now, he went to visit his wife and daughter only to find out that his wife had become so thin and weak, with bones protruding out of all the angles of her body. He was shocked, usually he would ask about his wife's welfare from his mother and sister and they always informed him that she was doing good. Now that he came back home to see her, he found out that she had became a bag of bones, the young mage felt very distressed in his heart.

So he insisted on keeping his wife and daughter by his side. As such, the mortal lady became the true daughter-in-law of the Magnus family.

Soon the baby girl turned one year of age and urged to be tested for her magic qualification under the eyes of the public. The mortal lady sat nervously behind watching her baby daughter taking the test, almost twisting the veil in her hands into a crumpling lump in the process. Finally, the test results came out and after hearing the words of the elder outside, the lady was in a trance for a moment, her back limp on the back of the chair, tears bursting out of her eyes instantly.

The little daughter of the second son of the Magus's talents was fair, although it was not the best, but she could move forward into the path of a mage in the future.

The mother-in-law, Lady Magnus glanced in the direction of her daughter-in-law, her expression very complicated, and finally she sighed and accepted this fate.

After the little daughter came out as a prospective future mage, the mortal lady could truly gain a foothold in the Magnus family. In the days that followed, the mortal lady focused on raising her daughter, and her eyes were full of only her child and it didn't even seem like a big deal even if her husband did not return to her for days on end. The mortal lady was immersed in happiness, completely ignoring the outside world.

However, even if you do not go out seeking for trouble, trouble will soon come seeking for you in itself.

One day when nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, the sky suddenly turned gloomy, the winds howled and the entire Magnus family mansion was shrouded in a sudden gloom.

The young mage who had gone out to subdue magic beasts beyond the border of the Mages, was severely injured by a seventh tier wild bear beast and almost lost his life in the process. Under the relentless trials and investment of many precious elixirs from the family, he finally kept his life but was no longer able to make any more progression in his magic. His road of becoming a fifth tier mage like his father was completely cut off and he was nothing but a waste now.

This was a major blow to the second son of the Magnus family who had lived in the admiring halo of others since he was a child as everyone hoped that he will come out of the blue and create many glories like his father and brother. As a result, he had just reached the second tier, and his path to glory came to an abrupt end.

Those ambitions, dreams, and prospects suddenly became jokes. The mage felt decadent for a long time, shutting himself up in his room every day, unconsciously not wanting to see people, only to see his daughter to be more energetic and become more and more proficient in magic day after day. He felt unspeakable bitterness as days went by, and finally gave up on himself after half a year, and walked out of the shadows.

He was now no different than a mortal, except that he has magical energy in his body to nourish and can live longer than a mortal, and the rest was no different from a mortal. The only value left for him was to give birth to talented offsprings for the Magnus family to inherit his father's mantle.

And of course the mother of that child would not be a pure mortal, like his current wife.

To be Continued.........

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