Epoch 🎐 36

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Tania knew commander Waldron Grayscale was one of the few close retainers of Eganius Cline and that he was under Eganius Cline's direct command as he was the first to be taken out by the protagonist of 'The Crimson Hero of the West'.

However, at this moment, she felt tongue-tied and ashamed to act up in front of this man who she was recently in contact with. Not to mention the fact that they had met before and he might just recognize her voice if she spoke carelessly now. She did not want to sabotage all the work that she had put into her charade these past few days. As such, she indecisively kept mum.

Egan on the other hand, frowned when he did not hear from her, and in a sulky tone said, "Why? What happened? Why are you not talking again?"

Titania could already guess from his tone of voice. This ancestor was going to throw a tantrum again. Thus, she had to bite the bullet and continue.

"Ahahaha... It seems like there are some urgent matters for you to take care of. I do not want to impose onto your busy schedule. How about this, we will talk again at a more appropriate time."

Tania tried to slip away but Eganius Cline was having none of it this time. "No. I am not busy. You continue."

Titania, "......"

Both Commander Waldron and Titania felt their scalps going numb but there was nothing that they could do about neither Eganius Cline nor this situation.

"W-Well, to put my feelings into words, I could not even imagine that the cute little lover I had fallen for would be the venerable lord Eganius Cline. T-To be true, I was so shocked that I was left dumbfounded the first time I realized who you were. But then, you were someone so amazing that for a nameless witch like me, I could not even imagine having contact with you, much less dream about being your lover. You are the very epitome of power who every witch and wizard of this realm could only aspire to be. You don't know what it is like to find out that your boyfriend is the very idol who you have been admiring all your life."

Titania gritted her teeth as she exaggerated her words and praised Eganius Cline to the Heavens above.

Commander Waldron on the sidelines, was almost speechless by this turn of events. He instinctively felt that the person on call with his Lord was the very female that they had been looking high and low for. But he could not digest the fact that this particular female was spouting nonsense in front of his lord with open eyes. Did the Lord really fancy such a superficial liar?

Eganius Cline made a weird expression as he fell silent for a moment. "You.... do you admire me a lot?"

"Of course! How could I not!" The answer was almost instantaneous which eased up Egan's cold expression a lot.

Commander Waldron on the other hand, had his jaws on the ground. His Lord... does he... fancy listening to such inflated flattery? Over these past five hundred years he had been with the Lord, why did he not know about this?

The commander could not help but doubt life as a whole while Titania started her long spree of desperate flattery when she found out that Eganius Cline ate this set, "I can't express how incredible it feels to have a lover of whose legends I grew up listening to." It's just that those legends were all horror stories, but Titania was not about to spill that out.

This particular sentence suddenly accentuated the incredible age difference between the two of them, and Egan had a peculiar feeling bubbling inside of his heart. He wondered why he was feeling so old suddenly.

"To me, you are my teacher and role model! I always wanted to be a person just like Eganius Cline since I was a kid, powerful and majestic! You're like a beacon of enlightenment in my life. You've been my motivation to move towards greater goals in life. Your every word and action affects me.... I mean, your every word and action is a saga to marvel over. To me, you're are as unattainable as a snow lotus on the mountain tops, untainted and not allowed to..... "

Once started, Titania could no longer rein in her splurge of false praises and the words became more and more passionate and distorted, making commander Waldron almost choked.

Whereas listening to the little girl's avid boastings about himself, Egan could not help feeling amused and laughed.


Titania who was in the middle of her long description of the might of Eganius Cline, "....."

Did Eganius Cline just laugh? Her eyes immediately lit up when she realized that she had succeeded in pleasing this great Buddha.

Egan couldn't suppress the smile at the corners of his lips and it took a long time for him to recover his composed expression. He lowered his eyes slightly, and stretched out his hand to support his face as he leaned forward. His tone was gentle and with laziness laced in it, "You don't sound very genuine."

Commander Waldron, "........."

Titania had been aggressive with her love attacks for so long, so naturally she can hear his flattered and satisfied tone from the other end.

Whenever his voice is pressed and he emphasized a particular word, it meant he was angry and he wanted her to pay attention to that particular word.

Now his tone of voice was calm and cold, as if feigning to be aloof and arrogant, it means he was pretending. Not to mention that he responded in a lazy manner, which suggested that he was being very easy-going and was willing to listen to what more she had to say. He was probably very relaxed just like a satisfied cat which has been soothed after being groomed and coddled, waiting for her to continue to praise and pamper it to the Heavens.

So Tania really spared no effort in flattering Egan and with a slight sniff, muttered in an aggrieved tone, "How could you say that? How could I even bare to lie to you Egan~ you're the love of my life."

Her bold words only got worse with time, "You're so good to me, I wish I had wings so that I could fly to your side."

Eganius Cline smiled silently but did not say anything to interrupt her along the way.

"But Egan.... I-I don't think I am worthy of you."

And he faintly narrowed his eyes at these words.

~ ••• ~

Author's Note : For getting access to advanced chapters, do read in Webnovel.

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