Epoch 🎐 26

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Titania could feel the atmosphere becoming more and more dangerous. Just 'cause she did not reply to him, this guy was becoming unilaterally bloodthirsty?

It's like when you suddenly discover that your online love interest in reality is inconsistent with your imagination, and so you abruptly delete your dating account but the other party gets riled up because of this, and come around your door to find your real self. Tania could feel a cold sweat wetting the back of her dress. What kind of bloodied drama is this!?

She was so frightened that she quickly cut the line to the communication key once again.

She felt guilty all night but more than that, she felt sure, she could no longer keep in touch with Eganius Cline. She was afraid of his world, she was just a little transmigrated mage who wanted to spend the rest of her life in peace, and Eganius Cline was the polar opposite of peace and tranquility. She would not know how and when she would die if she stayed by his side. After toiling in life for so much, she finally was able to live up to fifteen years of age, she hadn't even had time to experience life to the fullest of yet, she died at eighteen in her past live and she could not afford to die as a teen in this life as well. There were so many fragrant trees in this forest of a world, who the hell wastes her time hanging on to a thorny tree which would ultimately lead to her demise!?

What's more terrifying was that, there are wolves in front and tigers behind, and once she fell into the hands of those wicked elders from her mage tower, she was certain they will urge the blood curse in her body to force her to act as a..... she did not dare to think more about it at all.

And hence, after mulling over the matter over and over again, she finally decided to leave that night.

When she was still in a relationship with Eganius Cline, he taught her many useful spells. One of them was the invisibility spell.

Titania quickly got ready and when everyone was in deep slumber, she got out in the dead of the night after casting the invisibility spell onto herself.

She had her pet aldricorn whom she had hidden inside her magic pouch and had her break the lock of the cell and sneaked out as stealthily as possible.

Outside the underground dungeon, there were guards stationed at every corner of the place, but she stealthily bypassed them and finally got out to the surface of the earth.

The night sky of the wizard realm was not at all like that of the mundane mage realm. It was a place enriched with magic, even the breath she took; she could smell untainted stirring magic. The twilight sky above was filled with stars.... Not the kind that dimly twinkled from afar, they were in thousands and they were in different colors, blue, red and golden, you name it, they sparkled in a sea of clusters, making the abode seem more like heaven than a mere wizarding realm.

So beautiful were they that Tania was left dumbfounded for a moment, staring dazedly at the night firmament.

But the nearing sounds of growls had her shaken from her reverie, and soon a terrifying view came into her sight.

Demon Wolves.

The kinds which were only ever reared in the wizard realm had surrounded her. She suddenly remembered the rumor of this certain mage who was brought to the underground dungeon not too long ago. It was said that that certain mage tried to take advantage of a certain invisibility spell like her and tried to escape this place, but the next morning, her body was found in tatters under the eaves. It was said that Eganius Cline, the wizard monarch had personally come to conduct an autopsy on the body, and after concluding that the girl was not a certain 'Nia', her body was soon destroyed. And since then, not many had the courage to trick the wizards here and venture alone outside the underground dungeon. Now Tania knew exactly what had turned that little mage's body into tatters.

As the demon wolves approached her, she casted another stealth spell that Eganius Cline had taught her onto herself and easily escaped from their cease. Then she let out her aldricorn Bell to go have some good exercise with the demon wolves.

"Bell, don't bully them too much, but keep them busy." Tania commanded as she sat herself on top of a small hill and watched the show of her pet aldricorn stabbing and poking its horn into the demon wolves' buttocks as the now fearful demon wolves, which had previously coveted Tania's flesh, were now running around in circles with their tails between their legs. Yes, when it came to the natural nemesis of demon wolves, only aldricorns were their match.

"Oh oh! Poke that one, that one from the behind. Yes yes, fighting! You can do it Bell! Poke the heck out of them."


"Howl! Howl!"

Bell soon, simply became the local tyrant of this place as the cowering demon wolves fled in all directions to save their bloody buttocks. Hence, the scene became very chaotic to say the least, but Tania was still seated satisfactorily with her legs spread wide and was watching an entertaining bully-match.

However while doing so, her eyes suddenly fell onto the little plants near the clearing she was at and her eyes widened in surprise. Were those perhaps... augury sow thistle!?

Augury sow thistle was a core ingredient used to make raw gold for high tier alchemist. And it was a very rare ingredient. As such, to this day, alchemist struggled to produce real gold out of thin air. And now, in front of her, there were a meadow of swaying pure augury saw thistles with no one to tend to? What is this dumb luck?

Tania swallowed hard as she literally drooled at the augury saw thistles with greed dripping from her eyes.

~ ••• ~


Hello Peps🥰

Hope all of you are doing well. Just wanted to let you guys know that from now on, the future chapters of TVOL will be monetized and locked in webnovel. And so, the updates here will be slower than the updates in WEBNOVEL. However you will be able to read the advanced frequent chapters of TVOL in webnovel.

But my schedule will be the same. Every Saturday update.

Thank you
Love, Victoric❤️❤️❤️

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