Epoch 🎐 52

759 38 7

Tania woke up with a terrifying jolt.  

She was sweating like she had just run a marathon while her heart was pumping on an overdrive. Her adrenaline had kicked in and she had this sinking feeling which told her that she just had a terrible nightmare. But she could not remember the gory details of it all.

For a moment, Tania's eyes blurred and lose focus, she felt utterly unaware of herself and her surroundings. It's just that her heart suddenly felt empty and she was confused as to why. A great sadness overwhelmed her and so engulfed in her emotions was she that she did not notice her aching back until she moved around a bit.

She seemed to be cramped up in a small place, and due to her awkward sleeping posture, she felt very uncomfortable. Her vision and brain finally started to get aligned with each other and she found herself in a wide stone furniture? Wait, No. It was a throne made out of cold onyx, and she was curled up into it holding onto a solid arm.

Tania was so shocked that in her fright, she immediately threw the stranger's arm away while cursing,


She forgot to suppress her voice and cussed aloud. But then she felt something was wrong and snapped her mouth shut quickly.

The arm that she just threw away belonged to a certain lacklustre dragon who slowly spoke in a meandering tone, "Woke up?" His voice was heavy with sleep and a little annoyance.

Titania: 'No, I didn't wake up.'

She gulped and thought, 'Is it too late to close my eyes and pretend to be dead now?'

Titania subconsciously held her breath before an annoyed dragon "Tsked!" and pinched her chin to make her raise her head up and started wiping something off her mouth.

Egan noticed the nervousness in her wide doe-like eyes and after a careful look at her once more, he released her in sheer disgust; then started wiping off his now saliva-streaked hand onto her clothes with a stinky expression on his face.

While performing this.... embarrassing act, Egan's eyes were weirdly eccentric. The guy soon couldn't keep his poisoned tongue sealed and said earnestly, "Do you know that you drool in your sleep?"

Titania, "...."

She subconsciously touched her mouth and she really felt a little wet around her chin. And then, she just wanted to dig up a hole right there and then to bury herself into it.

Damn it! Wasn't this blatant revulsion towards her? How embarrassing was this!!!

Titania could hardly swallow this shame when Egan harshly decided to bark out more insults.

Looking at her with a faint gaze, Egan muttered in a sense of resentment, "Do you know that you like to grope and thrash around when you sleep? You almost broke my waist."

Titania widened her eyes as wide as that of a saucer and gasped in horror. What did this old foggy dragon just say!?

Poor Tania's face and neck were baked red in sheer embarrassment and she really wanted to just slip into a coma at this moment of time, anything to save her from this blatant embarrassment!

How was this guy in love with her? He was simply her nemesis from past life!

Because she was drooling in her sleep last night, the mysophobic dragon was forced to remove his arms  from her grasp with disgust. As a result, she decided to drill into his arms all the more and hugged his body with all four of her limbs into a vice-like grip all night long. It was not enough to just hold him into a body pillow, she even smeared and rubbed all her drool onto his chest so shamelessly twice!

Egan doesn't sleep well in the first place, and he often stayed up in a daze all night. With the constant bone corroding pain plaguing his body all year around, he didn't necessarily get a good sleep once in a blue moon, but last night was particularly hell for the old dragon.

He really wanted to violently strangle someone to death last night. Who the hell put the idea of hugging her into the couch and sleeping would be a good idea.

Listening to her teeth grinding and drooling the whole night.... Egan did not know how he actually resisted not throwing her off him last night. He himself felt that his temper last night was surprisingly good.

Egan stared at her with a cold gaze and seeing that Tania was so ashamed, he said in a voice as cold as a sharp knife grazing her ears, "Haven't you been drooling in your sleep for the past fifteen years? The next time you want to  drool again, you will shut your mouth while you do it."

Tania, "....."


Tania felt that she had to save at least a little face in front of this old dragon, so she deliberately explained in a sheepish tone, "Actually...I don't usually drool... it must be because of my awkward sleeping position, maybe because of this slight sitting posture, I had opened my mouth involuntarily, and then my saliva..."

It was unexpected of Tinia to explain and Egan had to  interrupt her timid explanation midway, the pale man smiled at the little girl sullenly and said, "Are you still not convinced?"

A frown was intact to his temples, as if very impatient; it was like the first time he encountered such a disobedient cub, he squeezed her cheeks with a warning gaze and it was a little painful for Tania.

And then the old dragon continued to teach his child bride

"Whatever I say to you from now on, you just listen obediently, and dare not refute. Tsk! From whom did you learn to make excuses from at such a young age?"

Titania was judged by Egan so harshly that she couldn't help but bow her head in shame.

Mommy! He is so fierce.

Tania wanted to cry without tears.

"Your Majesty, breakfast is to be served." Came in a chamberlain with a familiar tray that looked like it could hold food for six people straight.

And soon in front of Tania lay a myriad of cuisines, all of different colors and textures.

Egan slowly got up and brought in the breakfast which looked more like a luncheon with a three course meal.

"Here, say Ahh!" He brought the tender braised meat to her mouth and almost stuffed her face with food.

Tania on the other hand was miserable from the beginning to the end.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought that her mindless babbles about food from her homeland would arouse Eganius Cline to create a replica of the cuisines from back home and when they finally met, he would stuff her with food from the moment she opened her eyes to the moment she fell asleep again.

If this vicious cycle continued, she will soon look like her ped aldricorn Belly. Plump and stuffed.

"I... haha, I'm not very hungry at the moment. H-How about skipping breakfast today?" She glanced at Egan sheepishly and muttered in a low tone.

In response, Egan just scowled and decided to ignore her, and continued to stuff her face with food once again.

Titania was going crazy soon, she could see that this man was just obsessed with feeding her and nothing more. If he could, he would keep feeding her for the rest of the day.

"I'm full." She forcefully groused out and refused to open her mouth again no matter how Egan urged.

At this moment, Tania regretted ever complaining to Egan about going hungry. If she had known this guy would stuff food into her face like the world depended on it, she would have never opened her cursed mouth in the first place.

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