Epoch 🎐 42

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For Titania, even if she had met Egan once before, he was not aware that she was actual Nia. So... this was actually their first meeting after all that blind dating over the years.

When Tania decided to finally meet Egan, she did not visualize this kind of first meeting. She still remembered that he called her a female toad once. Even though most of the time Titania's unearthly beauty brought her nothing but trouble, she still felt grateful for her beautiful face because she too was a normal girl who was vain for beauty and wanted to flaunt her prettiness in front of her lover, she wanted to rub it in Egan's face leaving him in awe when he would first see her. But now, when they were officially meeting for the first time, she was in such an embarrassed state that it definitely could not be considered the beauty of a heavenly fairy.

She looked at the glorious man, who was staring back at her with such intense eyes and did not know what to say or what to expect. She just quietly lay in his arms as he silently kept ogling back at her.

The little dark room was stuffy and dim, and Egan being myopic, it was harder for him to adapt with this dreary environment. So he got closer and closer towards her, his face consequently enlarging into her face. Cold fingers traced her face with sheer interest and lifted her chin, deeply gazing at Tania's face at a close range.

Her face was like a blooming flower bud, cherry red lips that were capable of speaking all kinds of unspeakable lies and a heart shaped face, a bit of a baby fat still retained in her fluffy cheeks, her doe-like eyes that stared back at him were capable of capturing one's soul inside of them. He felt he could keep looking at her like this for an eternity and never be bored.

While Eganius Cline was busy imprinting her very countenance into his memory, Titania could not stay still. Egan was too close for comfort and while he was leaning into her more and more, his hair slipped right pass him and fell into her face, tickling her nose from time to time.

Titania was really scared at this moment. So scared was she that she even forgot to breathe for a period of time. But to be alive she gotta breathe. When breathe she did, Egan's ticklish hair in turn, did a number on her. Such a number it did that Tania felt she'd rather never breathe in this lifetime again.


The moment she sneezed into the Lord of the wizarding realm's face, she knew she was done for. In utter fright, she refused to open her eyes again for the day.

A spit and snot-faced Eganius Cline who was a clean-freak, "............"

All the romantic illusions he had initially weaved over the little beauty were shattered in a moment of sneeze. Even his paralyzed face went stiff when Titania sneezed into his face.

He wanted to open his poison mouth and say something jabbing to her conscience but when he saw her sweating profusely and pretending to be unconscious in absolute fear, he suddenly decided against it.

'Sigh!' Why bother. It will look like he was an old geezer with peter pan syndrome if he decided to argue with a kid more than half his age. Besides, he could always settle his accounts with her once they were at his palace.

Hence was a silent groan, he stood up and carried Tania out of the prison in a princess hug.

When Eganius Cline and Titania finally stepped out of the cavern like prison cell, the abrupt shining rays of the sun blinded Titania's still-closed eyes. When she was in that gloomy prison, she was unaware of the time of the day, ignorant of day and night, she felt time stood still for her in that gloomy place. Now that she was out of that place, her body suddenly felt rejuvenated and she could feel mana circulating through her system once more.

This alone told her how terrifying that prison which confined her before was. She did not even want to imagine what would become of her if Eganius Cline had not come for her.

However, before she could let out a sigh of relief the one responsible for putting her into this place in the first place soon made an appearance.

"Your Majesty." Titania heard the voice of the arrogant woman who she had offended before call out for Eganius Cline. But that conceited voice from before was no longer that vain anymore, rather it sounded very humble at this moment.  Titania was tempted to open her eyes and take a peek at the haughty noble lady from before, but she ultimately decided against it.

Eganius Cline did not even bother to look at lady Malleta Berengaria and swiftly walked past her as if she were invisible. 

"Your Majesty!!!" Lady Melleta Berengaria, who was treated no less than a princess by everone before felt a crushing humiliation for the very first time. As such, she could not stop herself from raising her voice at this moment. But she immediately realized her mistake when she felt an unimaginable milling power crushing her very soul to the ground.

Even though the Berengaria house was a powerful noble family in the wizarding realm, to a being like Eganius Cline who did not need any support from anyone to stand at the top and was in and itself an unfathomably powerful being, he was a presence with no strings attached to anything in this world, with no limitations and stipulations,  he had no obligations to cater to anyone's needs. Hence the noble families of the wizarding realm tried to keep him tied up to this realm through marriage or mere responsibilities. 

Melleta Berengaria was such a piece which was originally cultivated to constrain Eganius Cline to this realm, albeit it was a pathetic attempt, but it was still considered a reasonable enough attempt as such powerful beings like Eganius Cline could only be restrained with petty things like emotions.

What the nobles of the wizarding realm did not know that Eganius Cline could not even feel emotions, thus all their schemes were for naught in the end. When Melleta Berengaria was first brought into the picture, Eganius Cline was going through one of his painful phases due to the Forbidden curse, and so he did not bother to even reject the intentions of the nobles at the time.

In this realm, no one could defy Eganius Cline nor could anyone coerce him to do something against his will. So, this little episode of Melleta Berengaria being declared his fiancée did not even register to the man's mind and he was not even interested in the twisted politics of the wizarding realm.

The Berengaria family knew this, hence in front of Eganius Cline they did not dare to ever demand anything in the name of being his in-laws, neither did they try to impose their so called rights on Eganius Cline. But behind his back, they took full advantage of being the in-laws of the Lord of the Wizarding realm and took control of the court in one fell swoop.

Eganius Cline who had been dormant for the past thousand years was simply not interested in anything including governing the wizarding realm, and so he did not bother even when the Berengaria family took control of the entire Wizarding realm in the name of his so-called in-laws. In fact, for the past thousand years, Eganius Cline was just a figurehead of the Berengaria family who in turn acted as the regent to rule over the wizards.

It was a symbiotic relationship to be precise. As long as the Berengarias did not disturb the interests of Eganius Cline, he did not bother with what the Berengarias did under the banner of his name.

However,  this delicate balance was tipped once Titania made an entry into the scene.

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