Epoch 🎐 41

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Commander Waldron, who had urgent matters to discuss with his lord soon followed in toe. He was curious about this woman of Eganius Cline who gave him a very familiar feeling. Hence, he chased after his lord to the underground dungeon.

The moment he saw Eganius Cline stop in front of the prison cell where the love of his life was previously imprisoned, he had a déjà vu. As if he knew who the girl with the communication key was.

Eganius Cline's sharp gaze made everyone in the vicinity tremble with fear, unable to even breathe aloud.

"She is not here." He muttered to himself as he left the underground prison just like he came, like a whirlwind equipped to destroy anything that dared to impede its way.

Egan looked into his sea of consciousness and a pulp fat aldricorn was seen galloping the insides of his magic pouch, he let a fat Belly out and looked at the otherwise gluttonous aldricorn who spent most of its time grazing upon all kinds of elixirs in his magic pouch. Now, this spirit beast would be the only link which could lead him to his Nia.

Egan gave the gluttonous aldricorn a sidewise glance and said in a deep voice, "Since you have been raised into a plump pony, it's time for you to do some hard work to pay me back."

Eganius Cline's intimidating demeanor was like a daunting pressure onto the poor aldricorn, under Egan's coercion the aldricorn quickly made its way towards its owner.

Soon they found themselves in front of a cavern like base, tightly guarded by the personal soldiers of the Berengaria house.

Egan's expression condensed the moment he saw the personal guards of the Berengarias. He seemed to have realized who it was that was courageous enough to move his Nia under his nose.

The aldricorn wanted to happily gallop to its master but Egan held it off. "You, don't make trouble." He let the aldricorn chew its favorite spiritual fruit and while it was distracted, he put it back into his magic pouch.

"M-My lord." A flustered commander Waldron's face shrank like a wilted plant as he finally came back to his senses. He seemed to have a conjecture as to who it was that his lord was obsessed with lately. Wouldn't it be that girl who he let Lady Malleta Berengaria take away? No wonder the lady of the Berengarias was so disgusted with that girl. After all, who could tolerate their fiancé having an extramarital relationship with some wild girl from the mage towers?

Eganius Cline did not know what wild ideas his commander was having, neither did he care. In a leisurely posture, he barged into the secret base of the Berengaria household, and the personal guards who were guarding the place all stiffened where they stood at the very sight of Eganius Cline.

"Your Majesty!" They all saluted the pale looking youth who appeared to be as carefree as a bird, like he did not have a care in this world.

"Hm." Was his brusque response as he made his way into the base facility.

The personal guards of the Berengaria house were in an utter dilemma at this moment. According to their lady, no one was allowed to visit this facility except for the house of Berengaria. But now, how are they supposed to deter their very monarch who wanted to waltz into the facility without a moment's notice?

They did not dare to prevent Eganius Cline from going inside, but one of the guards was quickly dispatched towards the house of the Berengarias to inform them of this sudden unauthorized visit of the monarch. They were but mere foot soldiers that did not have a say in the politics of the upper noble houses. All they could do was assist their lords to achieve their goals.

Egan walked through the labyrinth like cavern in a lazy stance. There were many chambers with ancient enchantment wounding around them. Like primeval runes that had gone extinct in this world. He finally came to a very particular cell that oozed with the stench of his very soul. He did not know how the Berengaria house came in the possession of this place, but he did know that this place could literally engulf the life force of a mere mage who did not have much mana in her arsenal to begin with.

His otherwise calm eyes were brewing a mad storm at this moment as he opened the door to this gloomy dark prison and naturally walked in.

The little girl in the cell lay slumped on the ground, looking very lifeless indeed.

He squatted down, his dark apparel had spread out onto the ground like a blooming raven lotus, and the light from the outside was like a halo onto him, making him shine all the more in this shady cell. Like an angel from paradise.

"Nia?" His voice was as warm as a clear hot spring, which made the girl's nervousness and fear of the unknown dissipate a lot.

"Yes." She answered subconsciously as she looked at the beautiful man who had the bearing of a guardian angel at this moment. But she knew better. This harmless looking man was no angel. He was the Devil incarnate instead.

Eganius Cline slowly approached her, with a beautiful smile on his thin lips, soon he was so close to her that his dangling fringes swept over Titania's pale face.

Tania did not have much energy left, and she could only mumble out a word when Egan got too close, "Tickles."

The man in black looked at the ashen-faced girl's watery eyes and took the liberty to pull her into his arms with one move.

"Nia. Finally you are mine." Eganius Cline's eyes suddenly curved and his brows softened; the tail of his voice rose up and the anticipation in his tone was almost overflowing to be precise.

Titania, "........."

Tania suddenly felt a cold chill run down her spine. She now knew she was done for. The thousands of lies that she weaved to blind him before have come back to bite her in the ass now.

She bit her lips in sheer panic, but she was too weak to resist. All she could do was unilaterally rely on this villain to take her out of this ghostly place. But she was still not sure if she would be able to survive after leaving here.

Titania decided to not think about complicated stuff at this critical moment and just ride onto Eganius Cline's coattails to leave this Godforsaken place as soon as possible.

~ •••

Author's Note : Happy weekend and happy Halloween guys ❤❤❤

Fun facts : After reading many Asian and western novels, I always wanted to create my own version of a mixture of the both cultures. So, the creation of "TVOL" was the final result of my efforts.

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