Epoch 🎐 46

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Tania's anger was sadness in fight mode. And in her anger, she momentarily became blind to all other emotions.

And seeing Egan sneering at her from ear to ear, all of her frustrations and disappointments over the past few days just burst forth, as though a trigger had been suddenly flicked and she dysfunctioned.

She refused to look at the guy, for she feared she would end up punching him in the face if she kept seeing his smirking face.

"Hmm? Am I supposed to remember you?" Egan, becoming more and more interested in the topic, asked in an amused tone, ".... Could it be that we have met somewhere before that day by the rejuvenation lake?"

Titania was fuming speechlessly. Her anger was swallowed one too many times when it was just a fire-seed and so it grew in her belly as time passed her by and fury had unconsciously become the nourishment for its growth, until it finally came out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed.

"How could you have forgotten what you did the first time we met!? You tried to strangle me alive and now you stand here and have the galls to say that you don't even remember my face!?" Egan's obsidian eyes darkened all of a sudden, and he frowned slightly. "Don't give me that. Tell me Egan, who would not try to escape when you have pushed them to the edge of their life!? And now you're saying you don't even remember me?"

All of Titania's grievances had suddenly come apart at this very moment. She had tears welled up in her glossy eyes and all the wrongs that she suffered over the past were now unraveling in a very brisk turbo of emotions.

In her wounded distress, she forgot to notice that she was a person who would only accuse and show aggrievement in front of someone who actually cared about her. Otherwise, what was the use of showing susceptibility and accusing people who did not give a damn about her?

Now Titania was hurt and aggrieved. Her life had never been a walk in the park; she had grown up amidst hardships and abuse. She had built herself to be immune to all the wrongs done to her. But she had only ever complained to Egan and showed her vulnerabilities in front of him, for she knew that in this whole wide world, maybe... he was the only one who would fight for the injustice done to her.

Maybe she got used to complaining to him, or maybe her emotions took her by surprise, but when she realized that she said a little too much was when she could no longer take back her words.

Eganius Cline was looking at her with an indescribable look. His brows creased and his lips thinly pressed together. She had no idea what he was thinking about, but at the moment, she felt strangely timid. Not willing to even probe his inner thoughts.

Egan on the other hand, was trying to remember when exactly he committed the said crimes that she accused him of. Due to his constant headaches, Eganius Cline's memories over the years blurred out a lot. Now he was old and it was a hassle to remember things in daily life. He was too lazy to use his brain and if he couldn't remember something he did not stress it out. Anyways, he had forgotten about a lot of things over the past thousand years. Hence he usually didn't bother. But now that he was being accused of harming his Nia, he tried hard to remember this said incident.

The more he tried to remember, the more he frowned and the more his brows creased over, making him look all the more intimidating in the process.

Looking at Eganius Cline's grave expression all Tania wanted to do was run for the hills. She and her deadly mouth should both die without a place to be buried!

No matter how Egan tried to remember he could not recall their first meeting at all. In his frustration his aura and mana waves emerged once more and thrashed around him, indicating his sheer irritation.

Now Titania was so scared that she could even pee her pants. She wanted to redeem herself and say that all she spoke earlier was gibberish nonsense under someone's evil influence but in front of Eganius Cline, she did not dare play tricks any longer.

When Titania was clueless as to what she could do to calm the scary overlord, Egan abruptly turned on his heels and left the bed chamber.

For a second, Tania was too stunned to make heads or tails of all of Egan's puzzling antics. But then, she heard him calling for commander Waldron all of a sudden, and she got curious.

In a tentative manner, she tiptoed out of Eganius Cline's bed chambers and what came into view was an extremely lavish golden palace. It was too blinding to her eyes, too luxurious, too imposing but too gloomy. The air around the palace was chilly and the mana surrounding the grand abode was intense.

Her bewildered senses were brought back when Eganius Cline spoke to the chamberlain in a stern tone, "Call for commander Waldron this instant."

She shrunk back into Egan's bed chambers when she heard his annoyed tone of voice. However, he ears were as straight as that of a cat's when it hears fish, listening to even the drop of a pin from the outside.

Soon, commander Waldron came rushing at the call of his lord. But before he could bow and ask why he was summoned in such a rush, Eganius Cline mouthed in a sharp tone, "Tell me everything about my Nia. When did I first meet her?" His aura at this moment was as imposing as that of a God and commander Waldron was nothing but a measly ant shaking in front of Eganius Cline.

"M-My lord. According to my reports, you met lady Nia on the eve of truce between the mages and the wizards. She was one of the female disciples of the Draiocht magic tower. They... they gifted the lady to the lord as a blasepher and a topic of peace." Commander Waldron almost bit his tongue while speaking the second half of his words.

As if on premonition, Eganius Cline's expression sank the moment he heard those words.

~ ••• ~

Afterthought Drama

Tania - "Egan~ I'm so uncomfortable! You hurt my heart!"

Egan - "Tsk! Where does it hurt? Let this king blow it for you."

Tania - "....... Rogue!"

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