Epoch 🎐 47

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Nothing much registered into Egan’s chaotic head other than the word ‘Blasepher’. It was a term so vile that he wanted nothing more than to rip apart every letter of that certain word. That word brought back a long forgotten bitter taste into his mouth. 

Egan did not know why he found that word so repulsive, but for a very long time now, he had not allowed the wizards under his command to use blasephers for instant power upgrades, though many of the big wizarding families used blasephers to promote the growth of their own powers under wraps, Egan had initially made the use of blasephers illegal in the wizarding realm. However, this law had been imposed since over a thousand years ago, and because of Egan's loss of interest in governing the wizarding realm, the nobles over time started running amok and the laws initially set up by Egan became just conventions with formalities, and nothing more. Many of the initially set rules were even forgotten by the wizarding society today. Hence, the law against the use of Blasephers also became a law long forgotten.   

Also, when he had first met Titania in the conference between the wizards and the mages, his head was full of ‘Why didn't his Nia come to meet him?’ rather than focusing on the events at hand. As such, he did not pay attention to the surrounding happenings around him. Thus, he did not know the mages were offering him a blasepher rather than a bride with political marriage in mind between the wizards and the mages. 

He vaguely remembered a thin trembling girl dragging her soles towards him, albeit unwillingly during the conference between the mages and the wizards. Also remembered her trying to seduce him. So…. that little trembling thing was his Nia!? And the mages dared to sell her to him not as a potential bride but a mere vulgar blasepher? How dare they!!! Only he could bully his Nia. No one else was allowed to bully her.           

Egnaius Cline’s aura suddenly became violent. So violent that it started suffocating the people around him.

The usually indolent person who was not very interested in life itself and was more like a lazy house cat who loved to slack around suddenly morphed in a violent wild cat whose tail had been stepped on. Egan transformed into a berserker who wanted nothing but the destruction of the entire world. As if the whole person’s personality just changed into someone else. 

“.... I see.” Was all he said, but that was all Eganius Cline needed to say for one to know that he was going to commit a massacre soon.

A frightened commander Weldron hurriedly stepped forth, whilst sweat dripped down his temples in horror. He cried urgently as he went down on his knees, “My Lord!!! Please calm down." 

But Eganius Cline paid no heed to his humble plea. It was not so much a change in his facial expressions, but the way his heavy mana viciously thrashed around him was what gave it all away. 

Eganius Cline was beyond infuriated. And he wanted nothing more than the carnage of the entire Draíocht tower. 

Whereas Titania, who was hiding in the bedchamber of Eganius Cline was choking on her own breath.

'Aiyo this fiend! Who the hell dared to provoke him now!?' Titania couldn’t help but curse. 

Without a second word, Egan’s figure silently swirled towards the teleportation circle carved at the very center of his palace and with a fling of his hand, he opened up the teleportation circle to the Draiocht tower. 

That was when Titania realized what this man was intending to do. Eganius Cline was going to wipe out the very existence of the Draiocht tower from the map of Denovier. 

Even though the Draiocht tower had sheltered Tania when she had nowhere else to go, but her life there was no less grueling and difficult than the life of a prostitute in the red light district. Not to mention the fact that they even forced her to sign a death contract and were just waiting to reap the rewards after her death. It would be an understatement to say that Titania resented the Draíocht tower.  

She too wanted the destruction of the Draíocht tower, but her life was tied to the fate of the Draíocht tower. The blood curse that connected both her and the head elder of the Draíocht tower was not just for show. If the head elder died for any reason, the powerful blood curse would activate and take away the life of Titania as well. Hence, even if Tania wanted to see the Draiocht tower razed to the ground, she could not let Eganius Cline bring forth that destruction as of yet. 

“E-Egan!!!” She cried out in desperation and unexpectedly so, Eganius Cline stopped in his tracks and turned around. 

Titania was pleasantly surprised and relieved at the same time. Thank the Lords in heavens above that Eganius Cline was still willing to listen to reason, or else she did not know what she would’ve done. 

“Egan~ It hurts~” Titania decided to play the croquettish act, half kneeling on the floor and extending her arms in a wide-open pose, her beautiful eyes watery with tears welled up and her demeanour as if a weak doodar flower asking for support. Silently urging Eganius Cline to hug her up and coddle her into his arms.   

To be frank, Titania was still very afraid of Egan, but she was willing to be canoddled and squeezed into different shapes and sizes by Egan as long as she could keep her little life.

The raging mana around Eganius Cline suddenly piped down quite a bit as he slowly moved towards the delicate beauty beaconing him with her arms wide open. 

He bent down and soon hugged a weak Tania up into his arms. Without a second word, he walked back into his bedchamber and tucked himself along with Titania into the big bed, acting as if the murderous Devil just now was not him but someone else who had possessed his body.

“Tsk! Who told you to climb out of bed? Don’t you know that you are still weak from the depletion of your life force and should not try to wear yourself down just to listen to some useless gossip from the mouths of my subordinates?”

Titania on the other hand, could not help but widened her eyes in speechlessness. 

Was the fact that he had a fishes’ memory and had to enquire about their first meeting from the mouth of his subordinate a useless gossip?

Or was the fact that when he found out that he was the one who had tried to pinch her to death when they first met, he was quicker than the wind to push all the blame onto the Draiocht tower a useless gossip?

Good! Very good! 

Now that she could see the true colors of this old man, she wanted to see how he could renege from his sins so easily!



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