Epoch 🎐 45

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Dear readers, I hope all of you are doing great in life.

I am so sorry that I went into an unannounced hiatus all of a sudden last November. It was because I was finding it so very hard to keep up with work and my extracurriculars.

As many of you might know, I am an intern at the moment, and it is so very hard to juggle into work fresh out of med school. And my board exams are coming right up after my graduation, so I was taking a little time off social media to get my schedule on board with internship and my board exams.

Sorry if I had kept you guys hanging by a cliff 😅
Hope you awesome people will understand and be supportive of me. Wish me luck, guys 🙏🥲

And now.... Enjoy! 🤭

~ ••• ~

Titania had never felt so humiliated before. She wished she could hit this guy just once to vent her anger, but she knew that even before she managed to deal a blow on Eganius Cline, she would be obliterated.

Egan, on the other hand, found her suffocated expression more and more fascinating.

There was a faint fragrance in the otherwise dull air. The fragrance came from Tania's hair, like sweet jasmines. Egan remembered that Tania once said that she loves the smell of jasmines, and she would often grind jasmine petals and add it to her shampoo.

He sniffed in a little bit more, reveling in the fragrance of the sweet jasmines. The scent of jasmines was so tantalizing that he wanted to scoot even closer to her. And instinctually so, his dark mana waves materialized as if seduced by her smell and entangled her body almost expeditiously.

Titania, on the other hand, was so scared that she forgot to even breathe. The trauma of her being strangled by these mana waves had not yet passed, and once more, she found herself entangled in those same killer vines like mana waves. One could only imagine her mental collapsation at this moment.

Eganius Cline did not mean to do anything to her. He just wanted to be a little closer to her. And his subconscious mind materialized in the form of mana waves and intertwined with the object of his obsession. However, Egan did not recognize Tania to be the girl he had met for the very first time in the magic realm, the one who he almost choked to death in an attempt to lure out his Nia. One of the reasons was his poor eyesight and his absent-mindedness when it came to things he did not really care about. Most of the time, he was careless and withdrawn, reluctant to overuse his brain due to the constant headaches, and did not care about the mundane matters of the world. Hence, his inability to identify Tania.

However, Titania did not know that. She thought he remembered her from the very first time, and he was just being vindictive now by intentionally scaring the wits out of her.

She was very resentful in her heart, but due to that one near-death experience with these mana waves, she was unable to even move. She felt suffocated and fear welled up inside of her so much so that she could feel herself hyperventilating in terror, always fearing that the mana waves would wrap around her neck once more.

Egan did not realize something was wrong with her until he pulled her into his embrace. Tania was already weak due to her mana being sucked out of her body previously, but now, after getting another mental shock, she almost broke down. Her originally rosy face suddenly turned as pale as a ghost, and she soon turned from pale to blue.

Egan, who was preoccupied savoring in her embrace, noticed too late that something was wrong with her.

He frowned hard, cupped her face in his blanched hands, and called, "...Nia?"

But there was no response from her, and Egan only frowned harder.

"Nia, what's wrong?"

He checked her breath to soon comprehend that she was no longer breathing.

Without a moment's delay, his lips were on hers as he breathed into her.

"Nia, breathe. Breathe for me." He whispered as he performed CPR on her.

Titania, who was almost short of breath, when she felt Eganius Cline breathe life into her. She almost went into another hyperventilation shock. Fortunately so, Egan withdrew his mana waves, and she slowly calmed down under his immediate care.

When she finally calmed down, her blurry eyes locked with those deep obsidian ones. She could not read the emotions in Egan's detached eyes, but she felt his scrutinizing gaze.

"You're afraid." He spoke in a telltale manner, as though he was stating facts.

Titania gulped and watched his almost deadpanned face. His facial expressions did not give away his inner thoughts at all, but his slightly sullen tone of voice did.

In a hurry to save her skin, Titania clarified, "No, no! I-I am not afraid of you. I just have a phobia of mana waves."

Egan frowned even more when he heard of her fear of mana waves.

"Why? Who tried to harm you with mana waves? I will dispatch an army to get rid of him." He arrogantly announced, and Tania choked on her spit.

She eyed the guy who haughtily proclaimed to take revenge for her without realizing that it was he himself who instilled this fear into her system. And abruptly came to a realization. Could it be that.... Eganius Cline did not remember her from the first time when he almost strangled her to death?

Titania, "......!!!!"

Almost involuntarily, she widened her eyes to that of a saucer and sat up in a jiffy, staring right back at the guy who cluelessly awaited for the name of the perpetrator who dared to hurt his girlfriend.

"...You.... don't remember me, do you?" She asked, almost tentatively, and Eganius Cline scowled in confusion.

Looking at his rarely puzzled expression, Tania widened her eyes all the more.

Good. Very good. See if she condones his trashy attitude from now on.

Titania, who just found out that her good lover did not even remember harassing her the first time they met blew her top almost instantaneously. She even forgot her deep seated fear of him in sheer rage. She just could not get past the fact that the incident which almost left her mentally scarred did not even matter enough for him to take into account.

She glared at him, and if glares could kill, Egan would be six feet underground.

Egan, on the other hand, soon became conscious of her rampant anger. The guy had no idea why Tania got angry so suddenly. But he became duly interested in the reason for his otherwise meek girlfriend's violent temper.

"What is it? Why are you throwing your anger at me out of the blue?" He asked in an amused demeanor.

Titania sharply glowered at him sensing his entertained tone of voice. She innately felt his sudden jolly mood and became even more enraged.

This bastard was clearly enjoying this!

~ ••• ~

AUTHOR's Note : What Egan did to Tania, as in the CPR to cure her hyperventilation was all a hoax to promote the plot of this book for your information. If a person is hyperventilating in real life, do not give CPR because it is only effective for cardiac arrest or instances where a person's heart stops and he is not breathing at all.    

Hyperventilation is caused by a low amount of Co2 in the blood, which can make one lightheaded. The correct first aid action for a person who is hyperventilating is breathing into a paper bag or cupped hands, else pinching one nostril and breathing through the nose.  

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