Epoch 🎐 9

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Blesephers were humans with mana chakras in their bodies. If a mage or a wizard had intercourse with a blesepher for seven nights, they can directly jump to the next tier of power. Blesephers were considerably rare because a person cannot be forced to be a blesepher, they have to want it on their own.

Once a mage or a wizard becomes a blesepher, they can never undo the spell. They will always be a blesepher, an entity that can only boost another's power but is without any mana of their own, ordinary and powerless.

Blesephers also came in categories, the higher is a mage's magic power before becoming a blesepher, the more they can help escalate other's powers after becoming one. In other words, blesephers were magic power boosting sex slaves.

Tania couldn't believe her ears. Now, this elder, who was said to be the most powerful in the entire Draíocht tower was telling her to give up all her powers and become a sex slave for the betterment of the magical realm!? What kind of tomfoolery was this!

Just because she was an unnamed small disciple, he thought he could convince her to jump into the fire pit on her own volition? Not to mention the fact that, whether she will be able to escape unscathed after she was sent off to that scary fiend of nature, she was still a serious disciple of the mage tower. It was the duty of the elders to safeguard the lives of all the disciples they took in, whereas these lot were thinking about happily shoving her off into danger just to save their own necks?

Seeing Titania's grim silence, they feared that she would be unwilling to do their bidding, so the head elder benevolently expressed his understanding and threw out a better bargaining chip, "We will do our very best to save your life if things go south. If you succeed in seducing the dark wizard king and become our exclusive spy, we will give you an entire Eldria mine in the future. We can also accept you as a senior disciple and let you choose a personal master of your own."

They thought this was an excellent bargaining chip. After all, for all those minor disciples, being able to become an exclusive major senior disciple was a rare opportunity indeed. A mage has to have an appropriate mentor and resources if he or she wants to advance to the next higher tier, so it was extremely difficult for the minor disciples without masters to guide them to make breakthroughs. As far as the major disciple mages were concerned, having a master of their choosing was something that they dare not dream of. So, maybe it was an excellent bargaining chip after all, but on the premise that she would still live to tell the tale.

Also, Titania was not others; if others thought that this was a golden opportunity with high risks and high gains, it didn't mean that she thought the same.

Tania just felt like... cursing all the colourful curses she had in-store in her personal vocabulary.

Even if she was promised the position of the head of the Draíocht tower, she would still not be willing to take risks of this calibre. Let alone she was sceptic of how likely it would be for her to survive, even if she could somehow miraculously survive, the price was to sacrifice her own body and magic.... Sorry, she couldn't do it.

"I don't want to." Titania refused directly.

It was unexpected for her to refuse so decisively. No one thought she would reject their olive branch so conclusively, and now several elders looked at each other, seeming extremely surprised.

"Titania!" Elder Hermod took the lead in putting pressure on her, "Even if you don't agree, when the Draíocht tower is under the danger of a probable extinction, do you think you can escape unscathed being a disciple of this tower? This is the only way to save our mage tower, so why not? Is it because the conditions are not enough to...."

"No." Tania suddenly raised her head to directly face Elder Hermod for the first time; she was no longer cautious about being reprimanded, she could only sneer and speak out her mind, "You are a bullsh*ting, you want to emotionally blackmail me into becoming a waste and a sex slave to a dark wizard? Not to mention that I could most probably die, I would like to ask you, where is your moral values as an elder of a mage tower? When you all had promised to safeguard the lives of all the disciples you took in, was that all empty talk? Instead of protecting me as a weak disciple, you all bigwigs are literally pushing me into the fire pit? Are you all not ashamed?"

"That we..." An elder was about to refute her words but was interrupted by Tania again.

"Sacrificing one life in exchange for the lives of many others, you all think it's a good deal, don't you? After all, I'm just a hopeless minor disciple, and my life doesn't weight a fart to you all."

Tania clapped her hands in ridicule and mocked, "So I see human lives are numbers here. You all can think of doing this kind of vicious exchange? If the elders let a disciple take the initiative to sacrifice themselves for the safety of their tower, the disciple might still consider it. After all, I am not an ungrateful person. However, if I'm forced to make such a sacrifice, I'm sorry I won't be able to comply to all your wishes."

Titania decided to tear her face off with the elders and broke it off in one fell swoop. She could give up her life but could not be insulted. Even if she usually tolerated others, don't for a second, think that one could force her to lower her bottom-line. If she was cornered and was left with no way out, she would be more stubborn and cruel than anyone else. If she agreed today, she would be a humiliation to herself forever, but if she didn't agree, it may be miserable now, but at least... she would not wrong Egan.

Holding the communication key tightly in her hand, Tania was a little bit disappointed and aggrieved. The only chance she had to see him was now all for naught. Egan must be waiting for her now, but he didn't know her current situation; maybe he thought she didn't come to see him on purpose.

"TITANIA!!!" The elders didn't expect her to speak so straightforwardly, their expressions instantly turned ugly, and one of them took the lead to fiercely approach her, and solemnly jeered, "You don't get to have a say in this matter."

And the next moment, Tania only felt a striking pain in the back of her neck, and her whole body became soft and weak. When she fell onto the cold hard ground, she subconsciously hid the communication key under her clothes, desperately hiding the key so that she would not lose it, and then, the last string of consciousness in her mind had completely snapped.

An endless darkness pulled her in and she fainted into an insensate trance.


~ • ~

Olive branch - Golden opportunity

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