Epoch 🎐 10

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The speed of the dark wizards’ invasion under the banner of Eganius Cline was much faster than everyone had predicted.

In the past, even if the wizards had troubled the mages of the magical realm from time to time, Eganius Cline remained dormant in the wizarding domain and had never bothered to show up. So, no matter how much trouble the average wizards caused, it would still be small compared to now.

For a while, even the magical realm had began to wonder, was this Dark wizard king, Eganius Cline a legend? Was there really such a person? If there was, was he still alive? Why didn’t he show himself if he was indeed real?

And now, Eganius Cline had finally shown himself, which in turn aroused the regret of all the mages around the magical realm. They wondered, what possessed them to wish to see if this grand calamity was real or a myth.

Thousands of years ago, great powers came out in large numbers to defeat this disaster of nature. And now, a thousand years later, the strength of the mages had declined considerably, and their powerful magical techniques have been lost. Even if there were still rising stars amongst the mages, with the withering magical resources in the magic realm since the great war a thousand years ago, no one was worthy enough to contend with the god tier, thousand years old Eganius Cline.

The mages who had gone off to fight in the battlefield of Velrone were embarrassingly defeated, and thus, had decided to negotiate with this thousand-year-old Eganius Cline. They chose the place of negotiation to be the Belvoir mountain.

It seemed as if the negotiation was going all great and dandy at first, even the messenger sent by the wizards said that Eganius Cline’s attitude was fairly calm and good. That is, until an hour later, there was suddenly news that Eganius Cline had suddenly flew into a fit of rage.

Well, to be more precise, it was not anger, it was pure madness.

He had directly flattened the surrounding mountains around the Belvoir Mountain.

Several leading elders, “!!?? What what! What happened? Who dared provoke this demon!”

Everyone was in a state of complete confusion, and no one knew where the error occurred. All those present started panicking and desperately started sending envoys to continue the negotiation. But alas! The negotiation, the parley... the parley fell apart.

Eganius Cline was not interested in talking any more, he was only interested in venting his rage on someone.

He personally made his way to the Draíocht tower and immediately there was chaos all over, everyone was at a loss and no one dared imagine what this dark wizard king would do next.

The surviving powers of the magic realm who could support the Draíocht tower, rushed there as soon as possible, and those who could not rush, could only wait and watch from afar with bated breath. The disciples of the Draíocht tower were all dumbfounded and stunned to even think about their next course of action.

No one knew how they were going to end up. The boss of the other party came in arrogantly and single-handedly, while rest of  the wizards followed Eganius Cline close behind. It was utter pandemonium everywhere.

But the most outrageous thing was.... why were all the elders and leaders of the mages trembling like wet cats in the rain and.... were they bowing and welcoming Eganius Cline and his entourage?

What exactly was going on here?

All the disciples who did not go to the battlefield were confused and baffled at the turn of events, not knowing how they should react to such a situation.

Only Titania knew what was going on.

After Titania woke up, she suffered from a reality which made her feel worst than death. For the first time in her life, she was taught what real power was and how she was oppressed against her will due to the lack of such power.

It was not possible to turn her into a blesepher against her will, but it was still possible to make her pretend to be one. They fed her potions to numb her vocal cords and bound her with a deadly blood curse which allowed them to control her will and her soul. If ever she disobeyed them, she would die on spot.

No matter how unwilling Titania was, she still didn't want to die.

They put on a revealing pretty dress on her and let her wait for her fate to be decided.

She was aggrieved and she was vengeful. Don't look at her usually not taking actions against those who trespassed her, she was just lazy to care about them, but if she ever held a grudge against someone, she would not rest still until she get back at that person.

At this very moment, Titania had decided what the fate of the Draíocht tower was going to be. If she survived today, then it will be either the Draíocht tower or she who will live under the same sky. She would make sure of it.

'Maybe that's why I'm a cannon fodder.' Titania smiled bitterly at herself.

She was stubborn, so stubborn that once she had decided on something, even nine bulls would not be able to pull her back to change her mind. Maybe because she was so stubborn was why she was eventually killed by the male lead of this novel world. But Titania refused to swallow this grudge as if nothing. Even if she had to give up her life in the process, she will see to it that the Draíocht tower was destroyed before her eyes.

Tania was sure that she still had the communication key in her hands, but she couldn't talk anymore, so she couldn't tell Egan what had happened to her and why she couldn't come to see him today. Her heart turned cold at the thought of it all, and she vowed once more to take her revenge on those who had wronged her and prevented her from going off to see her little lover today.


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