Epoch 🎐 33

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Malleta glared at the disastrously beautiful face of Titania and could not help hating her even more. This was the person who had robbed everything from her in a single night.

Due to Eganius Cline's absolute orders, she could not directly put Titania to death, but he did not say that she should be taken out of prison. And it did not matter if she were transferred to a more abhorrent prison. As such, Malleta who was itching to get her revenge on Titania did not waste a minute to exploit the loopholes in Eganius Cline's orders and send Titania to the worst of the worst prisons of the wizarding realm.

Poor Alania beside Tania kept weeping and bawling that they were being framed and they were innocent, but Tania did not try to advocate for herself and just silently stared at commander Grayscale, as if cuing a silent plea as she was very aware of this noble lady's position and power in the politics of the wizard domain.

Now that they were sentenced to the Howling Gallows of the wizard realm, only his interjection could help their case. But unfortunately so, commander Warden again chose to ignore her pitiful gaze and turned his head away from her.

Alania was a messed up snot-filled girl who would go to any lengths to escape this scary predicament. So she abruptly held on to the hand of the shocked commander and pleaded with teary eyes, "Please, please believe us! It was really not us, with such low magical powers, how could we even dream of defeating those scary wolves by ourselves. Please let us go, please!"

The commander, as if struck by lightning, stared at Alania in a daze, his dark vertical eyes suddenly morphed into that of a human's warm eyes as he kept gaping at the miserable Alania.

No one noticed this change in the commander's demeanor except for Titania and she widened her eyes as well, almost dumbfounded.

From what she knew about Warden Grayscale from the novel was that he was a half breed and that his father was a were-shingleback skink while his mother was of the crocodile clan. It was said that since he was half shingleback skink, he could have only one partner in his whole life and a were-shingleback skink's lover was chosen through skin to skin contact with their destined halves. When a compatible partner touches a shingleback skink for the first time, it is said that his vertical pupils would morph into that of a normal human's and he becomes utterly love-struck, as if love drunk or under an irreversible love spell. And Titania was currently watching the unfolding of this commander's epic love story right in front of her eyes.

'So... the lady for whom commander Weldon died is Alania!!!??' Tania almost choked when this assumption suddenly hit her.

Lady Malleta Berengaria of the Berengaria crane clan, who had already lost her final patience, raised her hand and snapped at all of them, "So noisy! Guards! Hold her down. If you open your mouth one more time, I will directly send you to His Majesty Eganius Cline to die as horribly as possible!"

Alania, "!!!"

She couldn't help opening her eyes wide in disbelief, and as if she had been convicted to death, Alania's face turned a grim shade of gray, like a mottled white wall.

Malleta Berengaria gave Titania one last poisonous glare and with a sneer pasted to her lips, ordered the guards, "Separate the two and take them away."

Soon Titania found herself locked up in a musky dark secret confinement with not even a speck of light sipping in through the cracks of the room. All of a sudden, she felt like she had become blind, deaf and dumb. Her six senses were being blighted the moment she was locked up in this place, and a very heavy murky miasma filled up the confinement, consequently making her breathless.

All her acupuncture points were being blocked and started to hurt soon. Titania seemed to have the illusion that her flesh was being slowly cut off from her body.

Tania tried to summon her aldricorn while panting for air, but soon discovered that her aldricorn was not with her, and all of a sudden, she panicked.

'What, what! Where did Belly go?' Tania called for her aldricorn desperately but soon discovered that she had not brought Belly back when they went out the last time, since she fell unconscious after concocting the miracle elixir for that swindler dragon. The next time she woke up, she found herself in her usual prison cell and she did not have enough time to check on her spirit beast.

Titania, "......"

'Shit! Where did Belly go? Did they capture her while I was being deported back into the prison by that dragon scum?' She almost lost all of her cool when this speculation hit her.

Titania bit down on her lower lip as she strategized about her next course of action, but very soon, when she realized that this confinement cell was even scarier than she had initially speculated, cold sweat soaked the back of her clothes as she dreaded she was being slowly suffocated in this nightmarish prison cell.

Merely five hours in this place and she already felt like her magical powers were being drained out of her body and she was slowly losing her life force. She also felt like she was becoming number to the external atmosphere.

Titania had no other way out of this place now, and at last, she patted her chest to look for the communication key hidden under her clothes.

With shaky hands, she took out the key and felt extremely fortunate that they did not check her body before throwing her into this cell and that she did not act impulsively and throw away the communication key when she decided to break up with Eganius Cline.

Her entire body felt like falling apart and the darkness was doing a number on her. In the biting cold cell, she groped around to find a surrounding wall to lean on, and without further hesitation, switched on the communication key.

A moment after, the cold communication key finally lit up indicating that the call was now connected.

Nervously so, Titania cleared her throat and spoke in a honey-toned soft voice.


~ ••• ~

AUTHOR's NOTE : Hello dear readers! The next advanced chapter of "The villain's online lover(TVOL)" will be updated on WEBNOVEL in the next 2 hrs (12 am Philippine time). If you want to support this little ol' author, do check it out. I will update TVOL tomorrow as well in WEBNOVEL. And MFL the day after tomorrow. 

Thank you so much for your support <3 <3 <3

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