Epoch 🎐 37

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However, Titania could not see Eganius Cline's face and thus, did not feel anything wrong with his mood. So she continued, "You're so powerful and mighty, but I can't even compare to your toenail in terms of accomplishments nor power. You have such a noble status but I am an orphan without a place to call home. You are revered by everyone in this world, but no one knows who Tania is. I... I feel ashamed in compared to you."

Egan, "......"

Titania's sudden cry of distress caused Eganius Cline who was perceived to have gone mute for a long time to be a little flustered. Eganius Cline's narrowed eyes unexpectedly turned misty.

'Is she crying?' As far as he could remember, Titania complained and cursed whenever she was in a difficult situation, but she never sobbed before him like this.

But today, she was crying in such an indignant tone, presumably, it was because of him right? Was it really true that she ran away from him because she was ashamed of her lowly identity and embarrassed that others would ridicule her if she dared to stand beside him? Also, she was only fifteen years old, so it was plausible for her to think this way. Where would such a little girl hide so many calculations in her heart and how can there be so many deceptive routines?

Hence, Eganius Cline, who was otherwise lazy and slothful, sat up straight with an erect spine and in a monotonous tone grumbled, "What is there to cry about?"

When Titania heard his leisurely tone suddenly becoming somber, she realized that this guy was now serious.

She silently gulped and rehearsed her lines inside of her head and then, softly repeated, "Originally, I wanted to at least foster myself to tier four or five before meeting you, so that I can at least not feel mortified in front of you, b-but... I... in the past few days I became aware of how desperately you have been looking for my whereabouts and also realized how much you really meant to me. Egan~ I truly wanted to come to you as I really missed you. Also, I became so anxious when I thought if I never contacted you, some other lady would fool you into believing that I am her and you would forever forget me(Sniff~)."

'Actually... I do hope that someone would be capable enough to fool you into believing she is me.'

"And so, even if I was afraid that you would despise me for being unworthy of you, I was more afraid that you would mistake others for me and shower all your love on someone else. So, today... I could no longer restrain myself and contacted you."

'Please, please shower all your love on someone else, I beg you! (cries~).'

"I just hope that you will not implicate someone innocent because of me."

Titania started playing another wave of emotional cards just so she could help Alania while she was at it.

Tania felt like she had the ability to be an award winning actor while she continued her barrage of drama with a confident heart, "Egan, actually... I called you today to say that I really am not running away from you. I...I truly want to meet you(Sniff~)."

Her aggrieved words sounded weak and sad, as if these were her last words before her soul departed this world.

However, unexpectedly so, there were no queries from the party on the other side of the call.

Titania squeezed the communication key tightly in her sweaty palm, she was very nervous at this moment, wandering if Eganius Cline found something wrong with her acting. This was a very crucial step for Titania, whether she could successfully cheat and incite this big villain in one fell swoop all depended on his next reaction process.

After what felt like eons for Titania, Egan's indifferent voice from the other side reverberated from the communication key, "Nia." His tone was a bit weird.

"Hmm?" Titania replied in an apprehensive manner.

"What you mean is that you are only willing to meet me if you have fostered yourself to tier five and when you finally feel a bit worthy of me... right?"

Titania felt a strange foreboding, as if he was about to say something ominous, "..... R-right." This was not Titania's original intention. This was just a pretext to what she was about to ask of him. But now it seems Eganius Cline was focusing on a topic that was not supposed to be focused on at all.

"You're saying this, but Nia... a tier five wizard is still as weak as a fly compared to me." Eganius Cline muttered slowly.

Titania, "........"

"Even if you foster yourself to tier six of seventh, it will not be possible for you to match my strength." Eganius Cline has been alive for a thousand years already. Not to mention her, even Titania's ancestors would not be worthy of competing with Eganius Cline.

Titania, "....."

"Even if you reform your body and foster yourself to the God tier stage, it will be difficult for you to catch up to me. After all, the higher level you reach, the harder it gets to foster yourself to the next level. And you are a lonely 'witch?' with no backing, I am afraid it will take you about forever to reach such a level."

Tania, '....!!! Damn it! Is he belittling me?'

"So," with a silent sigh, Eganius wounded little Titania's self esteem in a clear cut manner, "Why don't you look at your own ability before setting your goals."

'Why don't you look at your own ability before setting your goals.

Why don't you look at your own ability before setting your goals?

Why don't you look at your own ability before.......!!!!'

These few stabbing words kept echoing inside her head as Tania sat stupidly, rooted to her position.

Initially, her head went blank for a moment, then she felt as if her heart was hit real hard, and then, when his derisive words finally dawned on her, she was already about to explode.

'Damn it! Isn't this naked contempt!?'

~ ••• ~


Happy weekend my Lovelies,

To all my dear readers, your comments are like love letters to me and your support is the adrenaline that keeps me motivated. m(_ _)m

Just thought you should know (◐ω◑)

With love,
Victoric ( ˘ ³˘)♥

P.S. advanced chapter 39 on Webnovel.

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