Epoch 🎐 54

546 34 9

She did not know why, but Titania felt she could almost see the gloat being shoved onto her face by Eganius Cline. As if this thousand-year-old dragon was very happy to win over a fifteen-year-old kid's little candy. It was nothing much, but he seemed to be deriving pleasure out of teasing her to no end, like snatching away the candy that she was about to put into her mouth.

Tania has had this subtle feeling every once in a while, ever since she had been acquainted with Eganius Cline. This guy was like a grown-up wayward kid, would cause tantrums from time to time, and loved to be petty and childish without any scruples every now and then.

Now he was parading in front of her like a proud peacock who had just won a million-dollar lottery, making her inexplicably want to pluck out all the feathers of this proud peacock and make him a bald peacock in turn.

Feeling Titania's hardcore glare poking him with all its might, Eganius Cline became even more unscrupulously arrogant. He raised his beautiful pale lips at Tania and muttered in an arrogant tone, "What? Can you not be such a sour loser that you have to hate me now to make yourself feel better?"

As a result, Titania's mouth twitched even more, "Who said I hate you? How dare I? I don't dare to hate you." She paused inexplicably and said the later words in an almost inaudible tone, "I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence."

However, even though the dragon was old, his hearing was as good as an energetic young man's.

"What did you say?" He frowned in a meaningful manner.

"Nothing. Hahaha!" Poor little Titania became an honest little cub in an instant.

When Egan furrowed his brows even deeper, Tania felt a sudden crisis for life and hurried to change the subject, "How about we play something even more fun?"

Egan was about to pursue the matter of Tania criticizing him to his face when he heard that she had something more interesting in her mind.

He haughtily took a step back and reluctantly asked her to continue her words.

The corner of Titania's mouth twitched even more but she did not want to entangle with this petty man's antics any longer, thinking that her time to beat up this spiteful villain would soon come.

While thinking like this, she secretly smirked and said with a flowery smile on her face, "Have you ever heard of the twister game?"

Knowing that Egan would obviously be oblivious to such a game in this lifetime, Titania patiently explained and let him prepare the materials to play the game ASAP.

Soon Tania found a deep unpleasant frown pasted to Egan's brows.

There was a burly muscular man standing beside Egan, he seemed like a soldier and looked very out of place with the picture around him. He was trembling slightly but did not dare to refute Egan's orders.

"So, you lose if you fall over?" Egan murmured in a displeased tone, as if Titania would be the one to definitely lose.

Tania deadpanned in her heart but showed nothing on her face. "Yeah. The gentleman over there would be the referee and will spin the wheel of the spinner and call out the body part and the color that the arrow points to. The last one standing will be the winner."

Egan hummed in a discontented tone and motioned the quivering musclehead to start.

The man bowed down and took several steps back and hurriedly spined the wheel.

"Yellow, left hand." The man announced and so, the game began.

"Red, left leg_"

"Mmhp!" Egan frowned, his brows tight and his face as black as the bottom of a kettle.

"Oops! Sorry. I didn't mean it." Titania bit her lips in guilt as she knowingly kicked the old dragon's waist. She was smiling from ear to ear in her heart. 'Very good. This narrow-minded villain deserves it. Next time I will hit his head hard so that he will remember what it means to not provoke someone he cannot afford to offend.'

"Green, right hand."

"Ahmmmh!" Egan groaned again, and now when Tania hit his forehead, if he did not comprehend exactly what she was trying to pull then he would have lived in vain for the past thousand years.

"Omi'God! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Tania asked in a pretentious manner.

The air pressure in the room suddenly reached a chilling point as Egan narrowed his eyes at her in a profound manner, his bottomless eyes as if aware of her unruly transgressions. Tania could not help but look away from him with a guilty conscience but feeling not very remorseful in her heart.

The pitiful muscular referee just wanted to tuck his tail between his legs and run away from this awful battleground, but he was too timid to even move without permission. Hence, he could only bite the bullet and continue to spin the wheel.

"Yellow, right hand."

"Ouch!!!" As Tania was about to resort to one of her underhanded tricks once again, she suddenly felt sharp pain in a place she never thought possible and instantly lost her balance and fell over.

Her eyes abruptly widened as wide as that of a saucer and her little face was like a baked shrimp the very next moment. Tania could not believe this unreasonable man could be so shameless.

She yelped in pain and exclaimed in an almost unbelievable voice, "D-Did you... just pinched my BUTT!?"

The man, who was supposed to be twisting around in a very unsightly way just a second ago, suddenly sat down crossed legged on the twister mat with a 'You owe me a thousand bucks' face. Utter disdain was painted all over his demeanor, his lips pursed tightly in contempt and his eyes ridiculing her for cheating so openly.

".... What do you think ...." He groused with a deadpan face.

'Haha... good guy! It's okay for you to use magic to cheat. But it's not okay for me to retaliate right?' Tania almost grounded her teeth into dust.

"Do you think I cannot see your little thoughts? If you continue to be this way while we are playing, then don't blame me for your red buttocks by the end of this day." Egan's face was still expressionless when he uttered these few repulsive words with his pretty mouth.

He was not embarrassed, but it did not mean Titania was the same!

It would have been even tolerable if the two of them were the only ones when he said these shameless words, but NO! There was a flustered musclehead referee and a red-faced general who was about to knock at his Lord's door to ask for instructions regarding the underground dungeon.

Titania was so angry and chagrined that she wanted to scratch off this expressionless face hovering in front of her.

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