Epoch 🎐 39

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Commander Waldron Grayscale, who had recently fallen in love with a little girl himself, did not realize that very soon he would be a bigger tiger fooling around with little girls, even worse than his boss.

But for now, all he could do was stand still and watch his boss play around with his little girl in suffocating silence.

Titania on the other hand, was completely unaware that Eganius Cline was only trifling around with her while she very seriously continued on with her farce.

"Egan~" She cooing again in a flirty manner, and with much caution in her heart asked, "Are you angry because I lied?"

"....No." Was a word of rigid denial. However, Titania had been dealing with Eganius Cline since the past two years, so how could she not understand the tone of his voice when he was annoyed.

If he was not angry and was only teasing her, he would say he was angry just so she could patiently coax him into a good mood. But if he said that he was not angry in a cold demeanor with only a few words to spare, that meant that he was angry with her.

Titania almost jumped out of her skin as she rushed to coax this big ancestor of hers.

"I understand what you mean; you said all that for my own good. I can relate, but Egan, I am your girlfriend and you said such daunting words to me, any girlfriend would get angry when they hear their boyfriend degrading them. And when a person gets angry, you know they tend to do unreasonable things. So, I hung up on you. I already admitted my mistake and apologized for that, did I not? So please, don't be angry my love. You know how much I like you~"

Her honey-dripping squishy voice could make anyone's ears limp with sweetness. And she was a veteran when it came to cajoling Eganius Cline. Hence Tania used her years of experience to mutter pleasing nothingness into the communication key, "Egan~ your health has not been good for many years, let me get a bit stronger first, then I can come to your side to protect you always, hmm?"

Egan, "Then come to me immediately. I will help you foster to God tier level and you can protect me always."

Titania's brain automatically decided to ignore those particular words and she continued, "You always seem to have body aches and you hardly eat nutritious food nowadays. Please take good care of yourself."

Egan, "Then come to me immediately to take care of me."

Titania, "Egan~ you don't seem to do any physical activities, and maybe that's why you have body aches. Even if you are a high level wizard, you're can't always be like that. So, it is always good to do moderate exercise now and then you know."

Egan, "You come and help me exercise."

Titania, "......"

She felt like pulling her hair off and throwing away the communication key to the ground and viciously stepping on it to vent her anger with this man. Every time she said something, he had to come back and repeat after her to come find him. She could not even say a word and get away with it!

Even if Titania remained silent, the gnashing of her teeth in irritation was quite loud through the communication key. It was clear that she was pissed but had nowhere to vent her anger, and Eganius Cline was grinning eye to eye as he listening to her gnashing her teeth, like a sadistic lover who loved bullying his partner.

Commander Waldron the wallflower, "..........."

Now he knew why only a woman like Titania could satisfy his lord. Who in this world would dare to gnash their teeth in front of his lord, who would dare to play so many tricks and lie with their eyes open in front of the king of the wizards known to have slaughtered cities in the ancient times. It was only this woman who dared to show her true emotions in front of Eganius Cline and dared to joke around and flirt with him. No wonder his lord never fancied any ladies in the wizarding realm. Commander Waldron seemed to have finally attained enlightenment.

The girl from the other side of the communication key talked a lot of nonsense, going around in circles and beating around the bush just to change topics while Eganius Cline listened to her soft crispy voice with gusto while always mentioning her coming to meet him.

A lose smile hung onto his sexy lips while he listened to her talk gibberish with sheer confidence. His Nia was born with a sweet coaxing voice. It was not only Tania who fell in love with his voice, but over time, Eganius Cline also found her voice very pleasing to the ear. It was especially enjoyable when she would tenderly call his name in a coquettish tone. When Eganius Cline was the most active in the mundane world a thousand years back, the people who called him by his pet name were almost extinct in this world. Everyone only called him 'My lord' or 'Your Highness' with respect, and no one under the sun dared to disrespect him or had the courage to challenge his authority.

So when Tania called him 'Egan~' in a long-drawn-out tone, it made his name sound very nice, and thus, he never cared about her presumptuous behavior and let her continue calling him that way.

Titania kept spewing out nonsense after nonsense and recited many stereotypical love quotes from romance novels that she had read in her past life; for example, "When in love, people need to carry on playing new tricks to keep their affections fresh and to keep their lover interested." Or "A long distance relationship is the key to test true love" or "Distance gives them a reason to love harder." All kinds of mushy love quotes came out of her mouth like cannonballs.

Commander Waldron whose ears were literally bleeding while listening to Tania talk could not help but curse in his heart, 'A woman's mouth is really as deceitful as the Devil.'

~ ••• ~

Author's Note : Dear Readers, I am so sorry for the late update. I was down with the flu and was sick the entire last week, hence no update 🤧

Apologies and enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️

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